MovieChat Forums > NCIS: Los Angeles (2009) Discussion > A question about the structure of the te...

A question about the structure of the team - need clarification please

Ok, in NCIS you have Vance as Director, Gibbs as team leader, and then there is the rest of the team. (With Tony as Senior Field Agent - leading the team in the absence of Gibbs)

In NCIS L.A. - Hetti is Director? or is she just the team leader? - (Vance appears on her screen sometimes as her Senior)

She instructs what seems to be two teams (LL and O'Donnel, and Surfer boy with the hot badazz chick) - Is McCallan the senior field agent? and Hetti is like Gibbs?

Hetti is either Director/Team Leader - (filling the job of both Vance AND Gibbs in D.C. in NCIS type comparison - or she is just a team leader and gets all her missions for her team from Vance.

Just a bit confused, iv'e watched it for quite a while and just haven't thought about it until now.

Thx. (Sorry in advance if this is a lame question)

BTW, I noticed their equipment is way better than D.C. NCIS, but i don't recall seeing a morgue there, i guess they didn't want to throw that aspect in and make it seem like a total copy of NCIS, anyways - any input would be appreciated.


I'm no expert, but the hierarchy is different because the offices operate differently. In LA, Hetty is Operations Manager (agents go on undercover assignments); DC office is basically straight criminal investigations.


Vance is Dirctor of the entire agency...Granger is Assistant Director of the entire agency...


I'm thinking there may be other assistant directors. It's hard to believe that there's only one assistant, and if there is, that he would be stationed outside DC.


There's the Deputy Director Craige who's first after Vance


After Hetty then G Callen us next cause he's Senior Agent/Field Agent


Vance is still on top as the Director of NCIS, then next in line is Granger who is the Assistant director of NCIS, then Hetty who is the Operations Manager of the LA office, then Callen who is the senior field agent...and then at the bottom are Sam, Kensi and finally Deeks is the last one at the very bottom of the food chain because he is just the liaison officer, he is not an official NCIS agent.

This is if you exclude both Eric and Nell from the equation, they both are responsible for technical support and are not field agents (though they have done some field work before)...but if we were to include them both, then I'm not sure where they fit in the food chain...probably also at the bottom along with Sam, Kensi and Deeks?


Actually Jerome Craige is above Granger as he is the Deputy Director of NCIS


oh I completely forgot about Craig...thanks for reminding me.


Yeah I actually liked him


I don't think the LA office has a morgue because they don't actually do autopsies in their office; those would be handled by military, city, or county coroners.


The original NCIS is the "Corporate Headquarters" as such, located in Washington DC and is located in the Navy Yard. Almost all the Federal alphabet soup agencies are headquartered in DC. NCIS:LA was introduced as an Operations Center only, not a field office, but with with the high-tech gizmos and brainiacs but no morgue or medical (which is why I always thought they had to have the LAPD liaison so they had official access to local coroner related cases). They still rely on DC for scientific and medical related issues but dut have only their "Operations Center" with the the computers and such, but no MTAC. NCIS:NOLA is a field office with small staff, but self contained for the Navy Base in LA. I hope Los Angeles survives after seeing tonight's 2 Tuesday's shows, was very disappointed. With a contract for 2 more seasons for NCIS, if thr ratings start to drag, they'll pump all the life support into it and let the other 2 drown. Since Ziva left and they turned Tony into a bumbling idiot, I've come to prefer LA...and I'm a hardcore NCIS fan since the JAG days.


Since Ziva left and they turned Tony into a bumbling idiot,

the problem with that argument is that Tony has always been like that since the very beginning even before Ziva joined the show...not only that but Tony has always been a bully towards junior agents especially towards McGee and is a sexist towards women, he's even worse than Deeks when it came to the sexist "jokes" about women, luckily Kate was there to put him in his place. Personally I prefer the good old days when Kate was still on NCIS, she would always put him in his place and point out his sexism. But Tony has always been a sexist buffoon since day 1.

anyway going back to the topic of NCIS:LA, the LA office is a special operations office that typically handles bigger crimes/cases such as terrorism and illegal trafficking or smuggling cases and a lot of undercover work, so they need better and more up to date high-tech equipment and gizmos.


I didn't really watch NCIS after Ziva left; no offense to "Ellie," but her character couldn't compete. I think that's one reason I don't like Deeks on NCIS:LA--Kensi is now just his "girlfriend/partner/live-in sex partner." Being in a romantic relationship isn't a problem; being someone so "needy" and "subordinate"--the way Kensi now acts--is a huge problem and totally unbelievable with Hetty as your boss. Nell is more independent than Kensi. If Kensi should have learned anything from Hetty, it's that you don't take crap: comments about your body, sexy undercover aliases, someone getting in your stuff (like reading your journal). Kensi has the self-esteem of a starfish--an animal that has no brain--because she lets Deeks walk all over her emotionally and verbally. It's pathetic.


Kinsey and Deeks are Dominant as well as giving in to each other 's needs. I don't feel when a woman or even a man gives into there partners wants/needs it means there considered submissive...

they are submissive



They do have a morgue but it is not shown that often. I don't know if it is an NCIS morgue or a county morgue but they showed it more in the earlier seasons. Rose was the coroner.
