Why can't dreams in movies be like dreams?
Dream depictions in movies are dull and boring compared to actual dreams.
Why don't they ever at least TRY to depict what dreams are REALLY like? We all know what dreams are like, but for some reason, we are expected to believe a dull depiction of 'slightly altered physical reality' is good enough, and looks and behaves exactly like a dream would.
I have the same qualm about flashbacks, memories, etc.. They're always 100% realistic, laws of physics are the same as in 'our world', and so on. In reality, dreams, flashbacks, memories, etc. can be hazy and 'dreamy' and do usually not include DETAILED DIALOGUE THAT GOES ON FOR A LONG TIME.
Oh well, I guess moviemakers don't want to depict anything like that realistically - but then why even depict them? If you're gonna just show me 'physical reality' (no matter how you 'alter' it, it's still duller than a 'hazy dreamworld on another planet / dimension with flowing colors and cloudy spacescapes), just make movies about physical reality.
Also, to 'wake up from a dream' is possible to do just by sheer willpower, it doesn't need weird gimmicks, tricks, alarms or falling or whatnot. Let alone 'dying in a dream'.