MovieChat Forums > Inception (2010) Discussion > For a movie set within dreams, the dream...

For a movie set within dreams, the dream worlds were pretty dull and unimaginative.

I know that most of the time, the objective was to make it hard for the subject to tell it was a dream, but seriously, even in the subconscious limbo the dreamworld was so lame and uninspired. Also, all that gunplay seemed a bit much. I like movie gunfights, but these did not fit the mood of the story and their inclusion seemed forced.



Trying to make the dream world seem real was a mistake imo. Or at least holding the illusion of reality for that length of time was a mistake. We the viewers should know that it's a dream world almost immediately even if the dreamer doesn't. And how did they show it was a dream? Disappointingly.


First off , yes the shooting the place up all the time was ridiculous - as excellently illustrated by the South Park parody episode.

I think your two points there are linked. Think about this: 3D engines in computer games have given us the ability to create more and more beautiful lavish worlds to explore, from Quake and Half-Life in the early days to Far Cry and Fallout today, and what do we do with 99% of these lovingly created environments? Shoot The Place Up!


Yeah, but the dream worlds looked great!

Well, except for the boring hotel. But the snow fortress and the crumbling skyscrapers were gorgeous, beautifully filmed.


I prefer it this way, tbh. Maybe Nolan has a tendence to grounding everything on realism. As shown in the TDK trilogy.


Yes. This is why the movie is a major fail. You'd think that with the huge resource of material out there about dream states, the subconscious, etc., that the dream world would've been a lot more imaginative. Why not a few Salvador Dali or Renee Magritte-inspired sequences or something? But nope--nothing. All it was was your run of the mill, generic, action-based heist film with the conceit of being a "high concept" sci-fi movie.


100% agreed.
