MovieChat Forums > Cloud Atlas (2012) Discussion > Did this movie make money?

Did this movie make money?

Did this movie make money? and if not why? I see the budget was 100 million.


102 mill budget, GLOBAL Boxoffice 130 mil.

I'd say that is a no. Because it was a really cool looking, yet completely pointless pile of crap. Had they delivered the exact same "message" in direct dialog, just like they did in this bloated movie, it would have been about 3 minutes of talking that no one cared to hear.

"from womb to tomb... yadda yadda yadda..." SHOW us, don't TELL us. Well, they show'd us a bunch of "ooh neat" stuff, that didn't TELL us anything. So they SAID it all in typical vapid voiceovers, because the wachowskis only know how to show off cool things, and not really make it mean anything.

tl;dr the movie wasnt very good. WELL MADE, mind you, just overall, kinda dull.

thats why


I found it really enjoyable on basically every level.

If nothing else, the Jim Broadbent stuff was hilarious.


Agreed, it’s a fantastic film. A rollercoaster with real depth.


Good way to describe it. Really good. One of my favourite conversations on movie message boards was dissecting the implications of the reincarnation cycles of this film.


What kind of ideas did people come up with?


One of the big ideas batted around was the idea of ascending and descending souls. That the film basically (more or less) followed the migration of Tom Hanks' soul from bad to good person. We also see Halle Berry ascend to an angelic being of sorts while Hugo Weaving becomes a kind of devil. We discussed whether or not Weaving's presence in the far-future story was literal or a hallucination. It was a long discussion.


Found it archived over here:


I take it you don't like this movie? Hah-hah.


It wasn't a huge success but it was a piece of art.
