really? seeing that made me think TIME doesn't know what they're talking about. I thought this movie was pretty good...and even though imdb ratings aren't everything, there's no way a film with a 7.5 rating and a 66% on RT is the worst of the year.
TIME is american pseudo-intellectual rag aimed to make J Doe feel less stupid than he was "Carefully Taught, before he was 6 or 7 or 8" [South Pacific 1958] to be.
as such it MUST kybosh anything outside of that american village mentality.
"anything goes as far as sexual orientation and transgender? All this is benefited by tolerance of anyone different than the norm."
So you're saying that tolerance is a bad thing, and that it's brainwashing to say otherwise? I feel like I've finally found the worst person on imdb. Congratulations.
"Movies are for entertainment not for thought modification."
Perhaps. But the movies we remember the longest in our lives have this in common: they're thought provoking.
You're evidently hung up on the idea of thoughts being changed at will, as if we're some kind of fabricants ourselves. Yes, thoughts can be changed - but only if we do it ourselves. If you see movies as entertainment of the shallowest level - no thoughts required or permitted - then good for you. If others see opportunities to exercise their "thinking muscles" and improve themselves in the process, then good for them.
Please click on 'reply' at the post you're responding to. Thanks.
You're evidently hung up on the idea of thoughts being changed at will, as if we're some kind of fabricants ourselves. Yes, thoughts can be changed - but only if we do it ourselves.
You're kidding right? The power of suggestion changes minds. People can be Manipulated and influenced. If you were right, there would be no followers, only leaders.
When I said movies are for entertainment, not thought modification, you needed to carefully consider each word. I do believe that the entertainment industry is run by liberals that have an agenda and know they influence our thoughts without us even realizing it. Just by showing certain scenarios in a favorable light, repetitiously. For example; cigarette smoking, homosexuality, female empowerment, illicit drug use, mixed race couples, anti-Christianity and promiscuity. Now don't judge me based on these examples, because you don't know me or what I stand for! These are just examples of things I see that are on the industries "agenda."
Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸 reply share
Sooo... You believe homosexuality, women empowerment, mixed couples, intimacy and people who don't believe in God are terrible things ? Why ? And how would you like to have your movies if the industry was run by conservative (which I think it really is, btw) ?
"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."
Now don't judge me based on these examples, because you don't know me or what I stand for! These are just examples of things I see that are on the industries "agenda."
The above quote is mine and below is your reply.
Sooo... You believe homosexuality, women empowerment, mixed couples, intimacy and people who don't believe in God are terrible things ? Why ? And how would you like to have your movies if the industry was run by conservative (which I think it really is, btw) ?
After reading your reply, my wish is that I could buy you "comprehension skills."
All I said was, those are things that the entertainment industry is influencing people toward. Now if you want to go piece by piece and not twist my words, I'll indulge you with my opinions of each component of their agenda.
Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸 reply share
"All I said was, those are things that the entertainment industry is influencing people toward." But if you don't believe these are bad things, why would you talk about it ? Do we also talk about other stuff in the movies the entertainment industry is influencing people toward, like eating steaks, driving cool cars, being macho, etc etc ?
"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."
Do we also talk about other stuff in the movies the entertainment industry is influencing people toward, like eating steaks, driving cool cars, being macho, etc etc ?
I don't know how you get that, I've never felt that they were pushing "steak" over just eating food as all humans find necessary. I also don't see an upswing in machismo. In fact, it's just the opposite, women are the new badasses in the entertainment universe.
Stardama69, just put your PC credentials away and move on. You guys are like assimilated humans from Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, looking for normal humans to screech and point fingers at.
Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸 reply share
I was trying to understand your opinion about the agenda, which seemed weird, no offence. I'm not screeching at people, I just don't like homophobics (or sexists racists etc) and if you're not one, then we shalle have no quarrels. Have a good day.
"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."
I don't think there's any real agenda 90% of the time. There is just subliminal writing that comes from a writer with that particular mind-set that is likely more left-leaning.
Most of these people are clever, but don't care enough to push some political agenda for somebody else, they push what sells, and whether or not that pitch is intentionally crafted to support their ideas, or just happens to be what their instinct says will sell is up for debate, I have a strong feeling you believe the former.
You probably believe a lot of crazy things judging by the content between your post.
Most of these people are clever, but don't care enough to push some political agenda for somebody else, they push what sells, and whether or not that pitch is intentionally crafted to support their ideas
Whether the writer is writing passionately or is writing what will sell, that doesn't disprove my point. Obviously I'm anti-PC, so if I was a writer, I'd likely write with an anti-PC slant, right? Unless the opposite was selling and I decided to compromise my integrity. Either way, the end result is the same, PC vehicles sell.
Are you saying there isn't a concerted effort(agenda) to portray women as strong? That gays are sympathetic people? That races should mix and eventually we'll all be one color, so peace and love will prevail? It doesn't make me wrong if you don't see it. Maybe it's just new to you and you haven't paid attention. I used to be a PC drone, so I know how easily your perspective can change and how unaware one can be.
By the way, I do agree with you that PC sells, so if a writer wants to be successful, that's the way to go.
Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸 reply share
Yes writers want to be successful. I don't think a lot of these guys get to hand pick projects they agree with 100% on, they just happen to write from source material or based on an existing dynamic in place. I don't think that it necessarily compromises their integrity, they are pitching a story to a demographic and if that sells they did a good job. It proves their range and value to write one day for a Shakespearean drama then family guy next week, not literally, just suggesting a spectrum.
And yes, I'm saying their is no conscious concerted effort to portray a strong liberal bias, --pretty much the things you list as PC-- in film. It's just what's selling mostly, and the guys financing these projects a lot of them probably feel the same way you do about things. Right now bigotry isn't a hot seller in mainstream film.
I'm not saying your sympathetic gay people, unirace, and peace and love messages don't exist, they do. I just don't see any sort of organized group effort to paint them in a positive light. Or as I said some of the time not even an individual's effort to portray them positively exists consciously. I think you might need your PC checked bro.
I ran diagnostics on my PC sensitivity and it checked out fine, though extremely acute 😀
So you're telling me there's no concerted effort to further the agenda of tolerance, for example? If that's true, why are TV commercials featuring an inordinate number of minorities, that don't truly represent the U.S. demographics?
I'm not saying the agenda originates with the advertising agency or script writers necessarily. For example, Maybe Nissan says, we want a multiracial commercial for our Altima model, we want a subtle feminist vibe also (LOL). And yes, Nissan thinks that'll make their car more attractive to consumers, but it doesn't necessarily mean they don't agree with the things their commercials are representing.
I get your point that not all are necessarily on the PC bandwagon, but in the elitist world of the media, I figure a commanding majority are. And please don't assume to know what my position is, though I'm definitely anti-PC. To expound upon and offer an example, I have no issue with black people that conduct themselves respectably. Which is no different than the standard I hold anyone too. I will like or dislike based on this, just as everyone has there own standards.
The reason I'm anti-PC is because it's gone too far and now people are favoring minorities/gays, simply because of their race/orientation, which is a reverse racism/bigotry.
I'm white, so I know the internal struggle whites feel and the urge to favor minorities, because it makes us feel good about ourselves. We feel progressive, advanced and generally like we're really kind/worthy people.
Film and visual entertainment are a pervasively important part of our culture, an extremely significant influence on the way our culture operates. People in the film industry don't want to accept the responsibility that they had a hand in the way the world is loused up. But, for better or worse, the influence of the church, which used to be all-powerful, has been usurped by film. Film and television tells us the way we conduct our lives, what is right and wrong
[18:03 of video] This quote is from producer David Putnam(Chariots Of Fire, The Mission):
Movies are powerful. Good or bad, the tinker around inside your brain. They steal up on you in the darkness of the cinema to form or conform social attitudes... in short, cinema is propaganda.
[21:43 of video] Writer and TV producer Norman Lear's Environmental Media Association even sought to sensitize the viewing audience to environmental issues by persuading Hollywood producers to include environmental themes in their shows.
Films, television programs and music have a unique ability to infuse the popular culture with a particular message.
[22:21 of video] George Washington University researchers said:
Hollywood writers, directors and producers view themselves as Crusaders for social reform in America. They see it as their duty to restructure our culture into their image.
This just scratches the surface. It could be said that the sympathetic portrayal of gays, overt hedonism and rampant drug use in movies is there to influence, and as it does, these things become the selling points.
I should say, I'm 38 years old and have seen a huge change in American culture over the last 10 to 20 years.
Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸 reply share
Well, they are good points. I guess a lot of people are more susceptible to what they see in film, like I said whether subliminal or direct. I'm acutely aware of movies being movies and don't really place any of my real world opinions or values on them, that I know of.
That's not to say I've never seen a film that has influenced me in some way. I think all media or art influences people in one way or another. If all people do is watch movies for inspiration or social opinion I feel bad for them. I like to read a lot about various subjects and feel that non-fictional work is a much better source to form an opinion from.
All commercials have multi-race ad's I think they are trying to appeal to all the demographics and say "hey look at us, everybody wants some of what we got". I don't think it has anything to do with a political agenda, it's just an easy out to make sure nobody gets offended. Is it stupid? Probably, the same way every time some black kid gets shot they always seem to make so sure to have a bunch of black guys standing behind the white chief as if to say "hey we back him up". Most recently I'm referring to that Chicago case I think, the 17 year old, where the chief got fired and tried to bury the dashcam video that got released under the FOIA.
I'm not saying you're wrong, just arguing the amount of influence a movie really has, maybe you are right and people are that foolish. I see it in sport shooting when they wanted to type ban weapons based on appearance. I concede Cinema, and certainly media had a large part in that nonsense. Who knows it might even influence the psychopaths to actually use those types of weapons because the media says they are the worst thing possible and need to be banned immediately. I guess I lean left without affiliation. I don't care what the gays want to do, the Bruce Jenner thing was preposterous, I don't care what she is, but it really wasn't that brave to do it today, when it's so widely acceptable, 20 years ago would have been brave. I also don't see why religious people constantly interfere with the gay rights and women making their own choice, that seems more like a personal or family thing at the most, forcing your beliefs upon others is terrorism, ironically. Saying you are going to blow up an abortion clinic, then rambling about stopping those terrorists in the middle east is almost laughable if it werent so insane, of course thats an extreme example but you get the point.
The Tobacco Industry wouldn't pay Hollywood to incorporate smoking in movies if people weren't susceptible to following the "cool" movie characters.
In that video I linked before, they said when Bambi(1942) first came out, money spent on hunting went down by over 50% the next year. And there were many more examples like this in that video.
There is alot more to the power of suggestion than you're recognizing. Alot of us are sheep that follow fashionable trends religiously.
Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸
You are really brave to go into that discussion. I realize I don't have it in me anymore to go on in a discussion with someone who decides it knows what's right and just uses others to show how right it is. Where's the fun?
In short, this is a very long discussion to say something very simple: humans believe thoughts. Sometimes. And sometimes not. Not specific to movies.
Thanks grammar guy, we all appreciate you bringing a little bit of that old school English class flavor back to the internet where we can all look back nostalgic like upon grade school where the English teacher slams her wooden ruler on the desks of idle children and writes on that treacherous black board with white chalk....
Chalk or fingernails, it all sounds the same to me on that duplicitous, abominable, obnoxious blackboard. That's probably why all the kids got started on ADHD, SSRI, NSAID :), Classes of Ipecac replicating medications during my school years in the late 90s in the first place! Now they want to blame the medications for tragedies. I say blame the blackboards, go straight for the source, the source created a need. Later on they finally moved to whiteboards and markers thankfully but you kids now days have may not have any idea of the hideous nature of the blackboard. The things we take for granted as we are born into luxury. Hey, I'd have preferred wooden carvings to that monstrous blackboard. Too long?
You probably don't understand this kind of movies kid.Because this movie wanst meant for everybody, or at least not for people with an iq lower than 100.This movie was one of the best movies i seen.
he/she had seen enough that they thought it was crap - they are perfectly entitled to that opinion
I cannot see how anyone would rate this above a 7/10 tbh - for people who have not read the book it must have been unnecessarily confusing and quite tedious for almost 2 hours
sorry but it really isnt that great a movie - the source is one of the best novels ever so it takes extremely bad filmmaking to f--k it up thankfully it wasnt terrible but it wasnt great either
There is absolutely nothing confusing about this film. It completely baffles me that people seem to have a hard time understanding this movie. It's quite straight forward, besides the unique editing style.
sleek geek, so what kind of films do you prefer watching? "Need for Speed", "Scary Movie" and similar? Just curious. And another question, do you enjoy reading books?
This is a different type of movie , not sure why but the Wachowski's wanted the first 80% to be fluff/questionable/forgetable stock , then they wanted everything to become clear and worthwhile during the last 20% of the movie , in this case Cloud Atlas was a rather brilliant/breathtaking last 20% .
The Sleek Geek..You probably should have kept those thoughts to yourself. Your post makes you sound like a Transformers fan because you can't watch a movie that makes you think a little bit in order to enjoy the story. I mean, you turned it off after a half hour ("one of the worst half hours I've ever seen") you even say. This is just ridiculous, even if you didn't like the story (or it was too confusing for your attention span) the visuals alone were enough to enjoy it.
I didn't love the movie, but I gave it an 8/10, because I enjoy movies that get your brain thinking, and I thought the visuals were fantastic on my 65" 3D TV. But hey, I also have a college degree and can pay attention to the details, and enjoy a story that makes me think.
You may want to stick to Michael Bay, and possibly shows like CSI where each episode is a stand alone episode, because I AM SURE your brain can't comprehend season long story arcs.
Sorry to rant, but your post just annoyed me. :) And I don't mean to sound rude. Just being honest!
The only scenes I enjoyed were of the publisher. God, was he funny. Btw, was that Tom Hanks playing the writer (brilliant acting)?
And a few sequences were enjoyable, but about 80% of the movie was boring and cliched. Am I the only one who wanted to throw up when she says "and don't call me a f$#@ing wetback!".....Seriously? oh my god.
"Cheer cheer clap clap you tell him, girl!"
All the stories Ive seen a million times. Nothing fresh. Old recycled typical Hollywood plots that are somewhat connected in the end. Do we really need another movie that has 4-5 stories that are connected in the end?
Have you read the book? I'm wondering if the cliched storylines you are seeing are simply reproduced from the text. In any event, sorry you didn't enjoy the film as much as I did. :-)
I gave it a 6/10 so I did enjoy it. Not enough to recommend to anyone though.
I've heard people on here talk about how great the movie was visually, too. It wasn't that great. Better than the average film but nothing spectacular.
"And don't call me a f$$$ing wetback".....hahahahahahahthat summerizes the movie so well. It's a "hack movie"
The wetback line did make me cringe somewhat as it reminded me of bad Willis and Arnie films of the eighties when one-liners would be their saving grace.
Visually? Well, the CGI of the futuristic story, particularly of the somewhat ridiculous car chases, was rather poor and just eye-candy for the sake of it. Which was a shame as it storyline of the dystopian future seemed to have been thrown away by the directors for a ridiculous chase sequence instead.
I was impressed by the acting of all those involved. Particularly Hugh Grant who was, for once, allowed to act. Even Berry, whom I have always considered to be rather pointless, came across well.
What I didn't like in this film was that the consideration of the Cloud Atlas sextet wasn't given enough prominence in the film and neither was the comet birthmark. I felt that these were just ideas that failed to be fleshed out in the final analysis.
There were six stories and the sextet of the musical piece. Did we actually need six stories? I felt that we didn't and what we got was a bit too much noise. Not only that but the different characters that the actors inhabited became a little ridiculous; Grant's rich brother of Broadbent, for example.
It wasn't the worst film of 2012 by a long way. Then again, the day that I agree with Time magazine with anything it's the day Old Nick skates to work. But it wasn't the best by a long way: ideas weren't fleshed out as they should have been and there was too much of stuff which should have been tightened up.
What was excellent visually were the sets, the excellent make up and the costumes. A shame about the direction though; the actors were let down as far as I am concerned.
Not everyone really 'gets' this movie; add Time to the list. I feel it was brilliant...difficult to make but ground breaking. It was my personal year's best and have been an avid cinephile for decades. I gave it a 9. The acting was brilliant and so are the Wachowskis for bringing it to the screen!
Same here. The failrue of this movie in theaters speaks a lot to what people are capable of digesting more than anything. Friggin' Gravity was up for a *beep* of Oscars. No way the same population is going to give this film a high rating.
Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!
It'sa not about "intelligence." It's about being able watch something and understand abstraction and meaning. I watched a newscaster criticizing some actor for coming out with another braindead sequel or action movie and the movie critics response was "well, when he came out with ***some artsy movie*** no on watched it."
People bitch about movies, but when it comes down to it lame rom-coms get churned out because that's what people PAY to see.
Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!
lame rom-coms get churned out because that's what people PAY to see.
agreed again BUT with the qualification of "american people"
the box office tells whole story ie $75 million LOSS if america only considered, but $30 million PROFIT by considering the whole [non Blip Culture] world
agreed again BUT with the qualification of "american people"
No, it is not the "American people" alone who pay to see lame rom-coms.
the box office tells whole story ie $75 million LOSS if america only considered, but $30 million PROFIT by considering the whole [non Blip Culture] world
Would you like to know why the US is always separated in box office? Because the US is the largest consumer of mass media. Know where Hollywood is? Los Angeles, CA, US. US drives profits. US market, in most cases, determines the financial success of a movie.
Stop accusing the United States and its citizens of being the sole participants in the "blip culture," or whatever derogotary term you old men give to technologocial revolutions that you don't want to be a part of. Last I checked, Buzzfeed has a whole section devoted to the UK - but, like the old angry monster you are yelling from his comfortable place in a closet or the muffled screams from a head in the sand, you likely do not even know what Buzzfeed is.
Truly sad. Terrible presence on this board and throughout IMDb: you are despised on so many boards.
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Why would he be jealous of something he doesn't like? Only an American could think that because they can't imagine anything is better than America. It's drilled into them from birth. The rest of the world doesn't look to America with jealously? quite the opposite, they take pity on the country, because it's so sad that people are so patriotic to such a horrible country. The rest of the world grew up on American movies and TV, that stuff is great, it's what we know and enjoy, we love Hollywood etc. But the health care, the litigation over anything, the level of homelessness, the ridiculous culture of guns, the gangs, the shootings, the crime rates...We take pity but nobody can tell an American anything about their country because of the indoctrination from birth.
--- Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
It'sa not about "intelligence." It's about being able watch something and understand abstraction and meaning.
I agree that this is the case with Cloud Atlas (I think that there are certain types of movies that are better understood with higher degrees of overall intellect or education from the audience). I had a very difficult time with it the first instance I watched it, but it kept my interest because I could tell that the message of the "story" (not the movie, specifically) was something much greater. That is a testament to the potency of the book (source material). Also, because, I think, most people will have very difficult and frustrating first-views of this movie, I don't believe it will ever be considered any kind of masterpiece.
After I read the book, tt worked for me though the second time, and subsequent times, I saw it.
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I find it hard to take Time seriously if they can rate Cloud Atlas worst movie of a year that also released Twilight: Breaking Dawn and Wrath of the Titans...
I love Russian, American, Japanese, Chinese & British movies, old classic and new ones. I don't like stupid movies. But man I wanted this piece of crap to end. Pretentious and horrible editing. It lasts forever or reencarnations tied together. It's one of the worst pieces of garbage I've ever seen.
Uh, yea, I agree with you. It is literally the worst movie I have seen in years possibly. And knowing it was made in 2012 pretty much solidifies that it was in fact the worst movie in 2012. Terrible, overlong, pointless, pretentious, and basically the "the story that never ends".
I even watched it in THREE segments and the last hour was STILL interminable. I haven't wanted a movie to end that bad in YEARS. I also just saw the "Canyons" with James Deen's bad acting in the lead role and Lindsey Lohan and I have to say as mediocre as it was it had more merit then this sinking piece of cinematic garbage.
I love Russian, American, Japanese, Chinese & British movies, old classic and new ones. New German Cinema, French New Wave, Italian Neorealism, British New Wave kind of films... And i still love Cloud Atlas. So stop stop exaggerating and see things truthfully. Art is subjective, of course - but no way in hell CA is the worst movie of 2012 or any year or anyone's.
Yep, this is what people who liked dumb Transformers movies would say..or The Avengers...or any other silly stupid movie that low movie IQ fan boys love. This is the type of movie this is...nonsensical CGI with a convoluted story that goes on forever, in the most pretentious waste of time I have endured in a movie in YEARS.
And if its so great, and some kind of "masterpiece" why did it not win a bunch of Oscars, it wasnt even NOMINATED. The Avengers, as dumb as it was, even was nominated for 1 Oscar...for special effects...and this turd pile didnt even get nominated for 1 measly Oscar...and was in fact voted the worst movie of 2012...because ITS TRUE.
It's basically looking at a crayon drawing hung on a canvass in an art gallery and saying it is a "masterpiece" because it is so "deep". Um, no. Sorry. Anyone that knows anything about movies knows its just bad, and will always be bad.
Worst movie of 2012 + 2013 + 2014. Saying it is the worst movie of 2012 is being generous.
I would keep the Avengers out of such comments. The first film (I haven't seen the second) whilst flawed was clearly made by a talented film maker with a lot of love for what he was making.
The oscars are a self congratulating award ceremony, why on earth would they nominate an independently financed film. Seriously count how many non hollywood films get nominated for best picture, or how many directors get nominated for a film that isn't in English.
Seriously count how many non hollywood films get nominated for best picture, or how many directors get nominated for a film that isn't in English.
Well it's an awards show in Hollywood for an industry based in Hollywood where English is spoken. No surprises there are hardly any independent or non-English language films.
Seriously, When was the last time America won a medal at a Commonwealth Games? <- That is a similarly ridiculous statement to the one you made.
--- Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
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Actually, it isn't. It is American yes, it however is making claims for best picture and not just the best Hollywood picture. The Commonwealth games are not making such worldwide claims. The Olympics would be a more apt comparison and American can indeed win medals at the Olympics. Furthermore you are basing something that is art and thus its quality cannot be measured with something whereby it can be.
Put simply you made a stunning false equivalency based on other false equivalencies. Bravo.