Trailer. Another soulless and joyless Netflix movie
Another boring action Netflix movie. Why do they keep doing it is beyond me. They all look literally the same.
- Huge budget
- Recognizable actors
- Some Spy Something Spy McGuffin
- Everything is DARK. It like they put dark filter over camera. Which makes movie look depressing. Why do the do that is beyond me. ANY movie from 90-th look so colorful and fun. And then for some reason Hollywood idiots decided that everyting must be dark.
- There is no humor and fun in movie
- Every actor looks like they dont want to be there
- You can’t remember any plot 5 minutes after movie ends.
- All those movies with 100-200 millions budgets would flop spectacular in movie theaters if released. Because no one would pay money to see that boring crap.
I wonder when Netflix will stop and go bankrupt. Because I dont see people watching this soulless boring crap even for free. They have no feed back from that. Huge money spent for nothing.