I tried to give this another watch for the first time since 2012 and it sucks on so many levels.
1. Bale's Batman voice - still as laughable as ever. Seems he learned nothing from the criticism of his throat cancer voice in The Dark Knight.
2. The Batsuit - Bale just looks like some weirdo dressed in a poorly designed Batman costume. The helmet looks awkward like its crushing his head, and the body of the suit just looks clumsily put together.
3. Batman's magical leg brace - why introduce the plot point of Batman having no cartilage in his knees only to resolve it with the laziest solution possible. A 10 second sequence featuring a magical leg brace that not only fixes his knees but allows him to kick through concrete walls. Lazy writing.
4. Gotham City - Gotham has always been almost a character itself in the comics, it provides the setting and atmosphere of the franchise. In TDKR Nolan wasn't bothered to give Gotham any personality at all. It's basically just Chicago.
5. The score - loud and bombastic for the sake of being loud and bombastic. I like some of Zimmer's past scores but this is some of his most uninspiring work.
6. Bane and the loyalty of his minions - I don't buy that his minions would willingly die for him. Especially the opening scene where Bane just casually asks one of his men to burn to death in a plane because he needs a dead body in the wreckage. He also seems to kill his men willy nilly for small mistakes. Not a great way to encourage loyalty.
7. Catwoman fight choreography - the scene where Hathaway is selling Bruce Wayne's fingerprint has some of the least convincing fight choreography i've ever seen. At one point, a bad guy is pointing a gun at Selina while she has her back turned and then waits for her to turn around so she can disarm him. Lazy directing.
8. Lazy ass script-writing - so Joseph Gordon-Levitt could tell Bruce Wayne was Batman just by recognizing a look in his eyes? Really? Is this the level of script-writing we're dealing with? Even if this was in the comics, it doesn't translate well to film. It seems Nolan chose the worst aspects of the comics to stay loyal to, and left out the more important aspects of the Batman universe.
9. Nolan seems to be ashamed of the source material - despite Hathaway's character clearly being Catwoman, she is never even referred to as Catwoman once in the movie. This is the problem with trying to create a realistic version of an unrealistic concept. You almost have to be ashamed of the source material and shy away from established character traits and even the goddamn names of the characters. I feel like Nolan would have avoided calling Batman, Batman if he could get away with it.
10. Commissioner Gordon sending every cop in the city into the sewers - just a ridiculously stupid plot point that is commonly brought up with good reason. Who was answering 911 calls at this time? If there's an army of bad guys in the sewers that requires thousands of cops, they would call the National Guard. So many aspects of this movie felt like it was written by a child or some fanfiction fucktard.
11. Skinny twig Hathaway knocking out grown men with one punch - this is something I could overlook if the movie had a comic book movie tone, but this is the problem with trying to make Batman realistic, everything goofy and unrealistic sticks out like a sore thumb. Hathaway has the muscle mass of an emaciated poodle, she ain't knocking anybody out.
12. Talia death scene - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQS0y95yAL0 genuinely some of the worst acting i've ever seen in a death sequence for a movie of this magnitude. The video speaks for itself.
I couldn't even finish the movie this time around, what a load of hogwash.
1. The point of the batvoice is to be intimidating and to disguise himself so no one recognizes him when he talks, that's why he talks that way. Also it's the same as it was in the previous two films so therefore your issue is also with BB and TDK.
2. The purpose of the new Batsuit was to give him more flexibility and so he can turn his head easier, that was clearly explained in the previous film but I guess you were asleep. I bet you'd like it better if Nolan put nipples on it.
3. It's a fictional device, get over it, all 3 films are filled with fictional devices, Fox gave him something in the last film that allowed him to bend the barrel of guns.
4. How does a city have personality??? It's not a living thing. Also it looked pretty much the same as it did in the last 2 movies.
5. The score was amazing, especially the theme where Bruce rises from the pit, also the score was pretty similar to the past two films so again your issue is also with BB and TDK.
6. It's called they are fanatics, they are willing to die for their cause just like Al Quada (sp???). There are fanatics today more than willing to go on suicide missions so it's not at all out of the realm of reality.
7. Minor nitpick, having said that it was clearly established that Batman had Batarangs that if he threw it at you you would pass out, in order for your premise to be taken seriously you have to be able to rule out that he threw one at the thug. The rest of your point is just your subjective opinion
8. They came from similar backgrounds, Blake knew what it was like to hide the anger by putting on a smile and he recognized that same look on Bruce, then he starting thinking and he put two and two together. I guess that also went over your head.
9. What does it matter? This is his adaptation of the source material and he can do what he wants. She was referred to as "Selina Kyle" so it seems he does respect the source material. The rest of your point is empty speculation which I am not going to give any attention to as it doesn't deserve it.
1. In Batman Begins, he sounds intimidating - screaming at Flass for instance - but when they gave him more conversational dialogue in the other two, it started sounding weird to me. But, you're right, that's not specific to TDKR.
2. He didn't say it didn't have a purpose, he just said it looked awkward.
3. It's a fictional device with no payoff. He wasn't complaining that the gadget existed, just that it was shown to kick walls in and then was never used to, say, break every bone in Bane's chest. Chekov's gun didn't fire.
4. Compare the Narrows of Batman Begins to the bright, bland, anycity USA look of TDK and TDKR. Or, if you really want to see environment with personality, check out Burton's films.
8. But Bruce admits it so easily. That whole thing felt rushed, underwritten, and distracted from the main story.
1., 2. The OP said these were reasons he didn't like the film, so...yeah, it is his subjective opinion. Telling him the purpose of those choices (intimidation/disguise; head-movement) doesn't change the OP thinking that, subjectively, they sounded/looked dumb.
3. The brace explained why he could walk without the cane shown at the beginning of the film. The fact that the brace had an ultra-kick function that shattered brick walls was not paid off when Bruce didn't use it later on to ultra-kick something.
4. You asked "How can a city have personality" and I gave the examples of Batman Begins' Narrows, and Burton/Furst's Gotham from the '89 and Returns films. Within the Dark Knight trilogy, one of those films has Gotham with "personality", so making a "real world" trilogy doesn't preclude the city having a palpable atmosphere unique to itself. Heck, if you go to New York, Chicago, Boston, Toronto, Tokyo, and London, those cities all have different "vibes". Gotham feels bland in the last two films of this trilogy (yes, subjectively).
8. He could have denied it. There could have been scenes where Wayne already had his eye on Gordon-Levitt's character o show that Wayne was cool with this guy knowing. The cop might have done some research and have a photo of Bruce's jawline matching up to Batman's, or maybe have documented Batman sightings versus Wayne's "explained" absences. Heck, they could have referenced The Dark Knight where Wayne is on the yacht and then Batman's in China "somehow", plus a Wayne employee was the guy who was going to out him. Have Bruce then probe a little in dialogue, realise what a crack detective this guy is, test him, make sure he's a good guy, that he won't betray the secret...maybe make sure he's not wearing a wire? Maybe have one scene where Bruce meets him so we can see a relationship here? It was underwritten, it felt rushed, and it felt crammed-in so they could get to their eye-rollingly bad reveal that the dude's name was "Robin".
1,2 - Fair enough, my subjective opinion is that those are not issues, in fact I like both of them.
3. They were just showing that the brace was effective. Chances are Bruce was able to kick the wall and break it when he was in top shape as he was a trained ninja.
4. OK that's fine, I get what you're saying and that would not have fit into Nolan's universe as he was trying to portray Batman in the real world
8. Those might have worked out, but the point of the scene was to show that Blake and Bruce had similar upbringings and therefore related to each other. I never had a problem with it and when Blake called him out immediately I assumed it took him by surprise and caught him off guard.
1. I do disagree with the OP on point two: the Batsuit didn't bother me. The voice did bug me in the second and third films, though. Weirdly, I noticed it more in the second one. Particularly when he's just arguing with the Joker about philosophy: "All you've prOOOOVed... (breathy weirdness) is that the PEEEEOPLE of this towwwn... (breathy weirdness) will choose the GOOOOOoooooood...!"
3. I can sorta buy that. This was just a minor quibble for me, personally (can't speak for the OP), but I did feel like it was left dangling. Other things about the script bothered me more.
8. I didn't have a problem with that scene as one scene, but Bruce goes from ultra-secrecy to "Oh, you caught me! C'mere, you!" really fast. The Blake character and plotline in-general I felt was underwritten.
I think he just realized that Blake was someone like him and understood the pain he was in and therefore he knew he could trust him with his secret. Plus trusting him really paid off later. Also think of it this way: John Blake IS NOT Robin, his first name is Robin but he's not literally the comic book character Robin who dresses up in a red, bullseye outfit and fights along side Batman. At the end of the film he's just in charge of looking after the Batcave and will step up if Gotham ever needs Batman again. If anything he would just become the new Batman if he ever did put a suit on, but of course the film leaves this open ended so all we can do is speculate.
I know he "realized" it the same way Blake "just knew": like, I get that that was the scene's point and what the writers were going for, I just didn't buy it, and I thought that other scenes might have helped set it up better. The script has a bunch of moments like that for me where I just don't buy some of the stuff they have happen (the stock market scheme, for instance).
That's what I hated about it: the limp version of fan-service they concocted. When he said it wasn't his real name, I was honestly a little pumped because I thought he was going to say it was Dick Grayson. But they went with Robin, and then it felt weird to me.
Naw if he said Dick Grayson then he definitely would have been the comic book character Robin and the same character from the Schumacher films. This way he remains a completely original character who is just a reference to Robin (much like how some say Coleman Reese is a reference to the Riddler or Barsad is a reference to Deadshot (or Barsad from A Tale of Two Cities). I didn't see it as fan service at all. Speaking of A Tale of Two Cities that is one of my all time favorite novels and I loved the way it was referenced. In the end Batman was Sydney Carton and Bruce Wayne was Charles Darnay, Batman (Sydney Carton) sacrificed himself so Bruce Wayne (Charles Darnay) could have a peaceful life.
As for your first paragraph it's just my subjective opinion vs. yours. I thought it was handled very well.
Yeah, that's what I didn't like about it. They went for the comic book reference, but only went half-way. They wanted to do the fan-service, but not do it. I also feel like maybe they thought, "A lot of people might not actually know who Dick Grayson is - they'll be confused. Let's just call him Robin." It bugged me.
Is Coleman a Riddler reference? Howso? I missed that one.
I think references, allusions, and thematic parallels are great; I love that Tale of Two Cities stuff you've got going on there. I haven't read it (yet) so I didn't pick up on it. But that stuff is cool. It's one of the reasons I love Lord of the Rings or The Matrix. It's all the philosophy running around inside.
But this felt different. The Robin thing? It would've been like having Neo say, "My real name was never John Anderson at all. It was actually Jesus Cranston." And you'd be watching it, going, "Why would you be so on the nose and yet pull back and not stick the landing?"
I think Nolan wanted the John Blake character to be his own original character but threw in the one line just for fan service, or maybe in a way John Blake was his own vision of Robin just grounded in the real world. I was fine with it, he didn't put on a Red outfit if he did then I would have complained but he didn't. Yes some people have said that when you say Mr. Reese really fast it sounds like Mysteries and therefore Coleman Reese is the Riddler, I don't buy it one bit and I thought that theory was really stupid. You should read A Tale of Two Cities it's a great novel and it definitely parallels a lot of what happens in TDKR, in fact Talia al Ghul is most definitely based on one of the characters.
I was into the idea of Blake being new Robin, just in the Nolan retelling of Batman, he just becomes the Batman after Bruce retires. I just thought if they were going to go for it, they should go for it all the way, not half-way. It was disappointing to me. Like putting a ball on a tee, lining up the shot, and then just...walking away. Why?
I knew people had a fan theory that he was going to become the Riddler, but I didn't buy it either. This is the first I've heard of the "Mysteries" thing.
There's a lot of Dickens I've got to read.
Was Talia based off of a Dickens character in the comics, or just in TDKR?
1. We know why he's doing the batvoice genius, it's the execution that sucks. When people are laughing in the theater whenever you open your mouth, there's something wrong. The fact that he does the same stupid voice in the previous movies is irrelevant, the voice still sucks.
3. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want to portray a realistic tone then don't introduce a magical leg brace that somehow circumvents the need for cartilage in your knee. It was a lazy plot device.
4. It's not meant literally numb-nuts. We know cities don't have actual personalities. Autism much?
5. The score sucked and had no memorable themes or pieces. Did Batman even have a theme? Could you hum it right now to save your life? The Danny Elfman theme is one of the most iconic themes of all time. That is an example of a memorable and thematic score. Zimmer just completely phoned it in.
8. They came from a similar background...that's your explanation for how Blake knew Wayne was Batman? Bravo! You should write the script for the sequel with that incredible dissection.
This movie objectively has a horrible script that's full of lazy writing and at times nonsensical plot points. It's by far the worst of the trilogy.
1. I don't think you did know why he was doing the bat voice, I don't think you have the first clue what's going on in this film you idiot. No one laughed in my theater, you're just making shit up because you're a butthurt hater. As for the voice sucking that is your subjective opinion and I am dismissing it. Also he had the same voice in the first two films which clearly went over your head (a lot goes over your head shit for brains)
2. More of your deluded subjective opinion, it's dismissed
3. LOL you are a retard, it was never established that the knee brace was "magic", it solved the problem with him not being able to walk but clearly that went right over your head. Also no one ever said the film was going to be 100% realistic, it just takes place in the real world, hahahahahahaha no wonder you don't like this movie you don't even understand it.
4. Don't try to weasel your way out of this retard, you said a city has a personality, a city doesn't have a personality, it's not living you dumbass. Also it looks like an actual city because the trilogy was supposed to take in the real world you idiot. It looked like an actual city in the first two films also.
5. Yes Batman did have a theme shit for brains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1B3Mgklfd0 Were you asleep while you were watching this or are you really this stupid? Elfman's theme is far from iconic, the Star Wars theme is iconic, the Indiana Jones theme is iconic, the Godfather theme is iconic, the Tim Burton Batman films are NOT.
8. Clearly that went right over your head and clearly you aren't smart enough to handle a film like this. They clearly explained it dumbass.
You are a full fledged moron, you don't even get this movie which is why you invent things to bitch about. You just can't stand it that it's over your head and that it was a great film that didn't have the Joker. My last bit of friendly advice to you is to stick with Transformers, The Schumacher Films and Star Wars The Last Jedi, they are far closer to your intelligence level.
Lmao this guy has just had a full on autistic tantrum. Of course he resorts to childish name-calling because I just dismantled his favorite movie and he has no defense.
1. The fact that you think the batvoice gives this movie depth speaks volumes about your intelligence. We all know why he does the batvoice, the Nolan movies didn't invent that. It's even present in the goddamn cartoons. It's the EXECUTION that we're talking about. It is LAUGHABLE and its been made fun of by millions of people for a reason. His batvoice SUCKS. Get over it.
3. There's no debating it buddy, the knee brace was simply lazy writing. Deal with it.
4. This is your autism at play again. Every city has its own personality and charm. Unless you have autism and take everything literally, you'll understand exactly what that means.
5. Yes, TDKR has a theme and its completely forgettable. Loud and bombastic generic trash. The fact that you're pretending like Elfman's Batman theme is not iconic is just laughable. Everyone here knows you're bullshitting. Batman 89 theme is the epitome of iconic.
8. Lmao again pretending like something simplistic is intelligent. Blake knowing Wayne was Batman is the exact opposite of intelligent, it's lazy writing. It's something a child could come up with because it requires no thought or nuance.
"you don't even get this movie which is why you invent things to bitch about."
Again, stop pretending like this poorly written movie was intelligent when it's the exact opposite. I can tell i've completely ruined your perception of this movie by pointing out things that your tiny brain couldn't even fathom. This movie SUCKS.
I've noticed every time you get backed into a corner you pull out the "autism" card, just further proof of how utterly pathetic you are. (BTW I'm a lot more mature than you are so it's not getting under my skin or anything, it's just hilarious how you play that everytime you get owned)
1. I don't believe you dipshit, I don't think you understood why he did the batvoice until I spoonfed it to you. The rest is just your deluded subjective opinion which is utterly worthless
2. Nothing more that subjectivity and random insults, your premise is dismissed shit for brains
3. Prove to me it was lazy writing, the knee brace served a purpose which you are obviously too much of a deluded retard to pick up on
- EDIT: I guess you've stopped arguing that the knee brace was "magic", I accept your concession.
4. Personal insults are dismissed. Also you don't understand the difference between something living and not living because your parents kicked you in the helmet a few too many times. Quit trying to pussy out, admit you didn't know the difference, you've been caught.
5. More subjectivity --> Dismissed.
8. Apparently it's too deep for you to understand so yes I am justified in my assertion. Seriously kid, this isn't hard to understand, Blake was quite clear in how he knew Bruce was Batman, just about everyone understood it the first time numb nuts. It established that Bruce and Blake came from similar backgrounds and both had to hide the anger behind a smile, it was just like putting on a mask. Clearly you aren't smart enough for this film.
Quit acting like this film is somehow flawed just because you're too retarded to understand it. If you don't like it fine, but your complaints stem from an inability to understand it which says a lot about you. Now go watch The Last Jedi you petulant child.
It's not my fault you keep displaying signs of autism mixed with high levels of douchebaggery.
1. You're just embarrassing yourself now. Like I said, the batvoice is present even in the children's cartoon, it's not a new concept. You're just trying to veer attention away from the voice itself because you know Bale sounded laughable.
2. Most of this is subjective numb-nuts, that's the point of this message board is to voice your opinion. If you wanna jerk off to Nolan go join a fansite.
3. It's been proven time and time again, not my fault you want to close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears. Such a deluded fangirl.
4. Yawn. This is getting lame now. Again, you're trying to veer away from the point that Gotham had no character in this movie. It looked like a generic city.
5. It's not subjective, Elfman's theme is iconic. This is a fact. 31 years later and it's still being used in Batman media to this day. The fact that you're denying this shows what a biased deluded little fangirl you are.
8. Yawn yawn yawn. It's not deep. That's the whole point of the criticism. The fact that Blake knew who Batman was from a stupid look and without any real evidence was lazy script writing. You clearly don't understand what depth means.
I actually feel sorry for you 'cos i've ruined your favorite movie for you now. Every time you watch it with your lube at hand you'll notice all the flaws i've pointed out. Hahahahaha enjoy loser.
Yeah it's just a deflection and your last resort when you have nothing intelligent left to say.
1. You're a complete and total joke, you seem to think that your subjective opinion is an objective fact by default. When you were in 2nd grade did Miss Smith ever teach you the difference between "Fact and Opinion"??? Here's a video on the subject to help you out, I picked the kids version because it seemed to be right on your level of intelligence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIyt5pEcE_g It seems you need to go back to elementary school dumbass. Also he used the same batvoice in the previous two films yet you waited 7 years to start bitching. Your subjective opinion is dismissed. I thought the voice was intimidating and no one in my theater had a problem with it, you're on your own on this one.
2. And thus the reason why it doesn't prove anything you f-cking idiot, hahahahahaha. Again Miss Smith didn't teach your retarded ass facts vs. opinions. It seems you have stopped arguing the point so I am going to go ahead and close this and accept your concession. I bet you like the Batman and Robin Batsuit, completely with comically enlarged batnipples and cod pieces, hahahahahahaha. And ewwwwww you jerk off to Nolan, keep your disturbing fetishes to yourself you deluded retard.
3. It's been proven?? Please show me the objective proof that proves this, I can't wait to see this.........
4. "Yawn this is getting lame now". Translation: I , LiquidOcelot have nothing further to add to this because I have been intellectually raped online. I'm such a pathetic loser. LOL and you still don't understand that Gotham is a city not a living thing shit for brains. It's supposed to look like a regular city because it takes place in the real world dipshit.
5. Prove to me it's iconic you moron. So let me get this straight, all someone has to do is use it in media and that constitutes it being iconic? Show me the objective definition of iconic that mentions that.
8. It was more than a look you dumbass, if you paid attention you'd know this.
Actually if anything you've made me realize how stupid and deluded the haters are and you've made me realize this film is better than I thought before. All you've done is embarrass yourself and I feel really sorry for you. And as for your last sentence I don't care about your fetishes, keep them to yourself you freak.
It's an observation of your high levels of autism. You're like Rain Man minus any talent.
1. Again, the fact that Bale used the voice in the previous movies is not a defense. He still sounds like he's been throating a donkey dick before every scene. By the way, how pathetic are you to look up that children's video lmao.
2. It seems everyone but MovieChatDouchenozzle497 can differentiate an opinion from a fact without it being explicitly stated. It's frightening how slow you are.
3. It's a magical leg brace. That rebuilds cartilage. Introduced in a 10 second segment with no other details. This is the definition of lazy writing. I literally have to spell things out for you you're such a fucktarded donkey. It's like explaining calculus to a child with down syndrome.
4. The autism is truly strong in this one. It's hilarious how you're getting so hung up on the phraseology of a city having a personality. I feel like i've broken your delicate brain with that one.
5. Sorry pal but you lost all credibility with this one. I've never heard anybody deny that the Batman 89 theme is iconic, not even the most die hard Nolan fans. It's not even worth discussing, i'll just leave it for everyone to judge.
8. Lmao at more than a look. Having a similar background to someone doesn't make you psychic. It was based on nothing substantial and it was lazy script-writing.
You're not even trying anymore, you're like a beaten dog on its last legs. I'm just enjoying the image of you firing up this movie and realizing what a piece of shit it is lmao.
It's obvious you don't have a leg to stand on so you resort to ineffective personal insults, not to mention all you do is repeat yourself. You're completely and utterly pathetic kid
1. So then your complaint is with the other two movies also dickhead. I reject your second sentence, he sounds intimidating which was the point. Naw I was just trying to help you out, the children's video seemed on your level, it's called meet the student where he's at
2. So then you admit it's nothing more than your subjective opinions? Great, I don't take it seriously because you've proven you don't have a firm grasp on reality, I accept your concession dickhead.
3. Magic implies the supernatural, there was nothing that implied the supernatural dipshit. It's beyond obvious that Fox explained to him how it works off screen. It's not lazy writing, you're just not capable of understanding the film, it's not an issue with the film it's an issue with you.
4. You're the one who said the city had a personality shit for brains, those were your words not mine. This proves you thought that a city was a living, biological organism. You're so deluded and stupid I don't even know where to begin with you. Maybe this will help although for you this seems rather advanced: https://lohitsascience.weebly.com/from-molecules-to-organisms3/2-living-vs-nonliving
5. You lost credibility with me a long time ago, you asserted the theme was iconic and you can't defend it. I accept your concession
8. It was more than a look, he clearly explained it, he realized that Bruce did the same thing he did which was hiding the anger with a smile just like putting on a mask. That was a very crucial scene because Bruce realized the city needed him once again and he knew that he had an ally in Blake, something that really helped him out later. Just because you're too retarded to understand the film doesn't mean the film is bad, it just mean's you're retarded.
I don't have to try, I've been fighting with one hand tied behind my back to make this an even match and I'm still kicking your retarded ass.
I also noticed you didn't say I was wrong when I said you got off to the Batnipples and enlarged Codpieces on Clooney's Batsuit, you are all kinds of messed up in the head, I hate your parents for raising such a pathetic child such as yourself. It also seems you do jerk off to Nolan you freak.
You're just repeating yourself like an autistic parrot now. You should feel blessed to even get a response to this redundant nonsense.
1. And? It's still an issue in this movie regardless if his voice sucked in The Dark Knight and Batman Begins. Completely irrelevant point that you keep making again and again.
2. People don't preface everything they say with 'in my opinion', it's implied in the point they're making. Only a retard like yourself would have to confirm with someone what an opinion is. Go take your meds Rain Man.
3. Lmao at Fox explained how it works off screen. That's why it's LAZY you dumb fuck. If the explanation is OFF SCREEN then it's NOT IN THE FILM. Goddamn you're fucking brain dead aren't you?
4. See point number 2 again you brain dead donkey. You are easily confused by the English language, no doubt because of your severe autism.
5. Again, let everyone note - this retard actually has the balls to argue that the Batman 89 theme is not iconic lol. Laughable.
8. "It was more than a look, he clearly explained it, he realized that Bruce did the same thing he did which was hiding the anger with a smile just like putting on a mask." - lmao so it's not just a look, but then you proceed to describe a look. Fuck me you are a special kind of retard.
This is getting boring now. Try and respond with something different or interesting next time 'cos this is way too easy.
And by the way, you keep mentioning very specific things about Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. I've never even mentioned them. Someone is clearly a closet fan of those movies. I mean, you did admit to having a Mr. Freeze action figure.
Apply that same standard to yourself dickhead because you've just been running around in the same circle all day
1. I don't think the voice sucked, so it's your opinion vs. mine. No one in my theater laughed and you've not provided any evidence that anyone laughed so your premise is dismissed shit for brains. Also if it's an issue in the third film it's an issue in the first and second, have the balls to actually stand by your assertion you crybaby pussy.
2. I don't think you understood what an opinion was until I educated you because you're a gutless retard.
3. OK so your pathetic excuse of a case in point #2 was that I should have put two and two together and assumed that it was an opinion because it's "common sense" and you don't have to state every time it's an opinion yet you couldn't put two and two together and realize that Fox explained the knee brace to him like he explained all the other gadgets. So which is it dumbass? You can't have this both ways.
Also am I correct that you are conceding that I was right and you were wrong about the knee brace being "magic". If not you need to demonstrate that it has supernatural abilities. I'll wait.
4. See point #3 you fucking moron. Also I'm glad that you agree that I was right and you were wrong about Gotham City. I accept your concession.
5. Again, let everyone note - this retard actually has not provided one shred of evidence that's it's iconic. He's the equivalent of a crybaby toddler who says it's true because "I say so". Laughable
8. Clearly you're too retarded to understand what I was talking about and what the movie was talking about. It was more than a look, it was how he used the smile on his face to hide the pain and anger. You don't understand the deep themes this film has because you're retarded.
LOL, I'm glad you enjoy taking abuse, I'll be happy to continue if you'd like.
As for the Schumacher films it's just a friendly suggestion: I think you'd like those films better because they are very easy to understand and they even have bat nipples on the suit which we have established you like and would probably jerk off to, that and the comically enlarged codpieces. If that's your thing go for it but keep your sexual fetishes to yourself.
The Elfman theme was used in Batman the animated series which fyi is on the 25 tv shows of all time of imdb's top 250 for tv. So um yeah it is iconic.
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Thank you! You have to be a special kind of deluded to deny the Elfman theme is iconic. It just shows the lengths he'll go to, to avoid admitting he's wrong.
Here is the funny thing, I actually prefer Nolan's Batman to Burton's. However I am not going to blatantly discredit Burton's simply because I prefer Nolan's. Even though I prefer Nolan's I can definitely admit to some flaws or weaknesses the films have. There are things I love about Burton's films as well though. Both have pros and cons in my book.
And I can respect that, giving credit where it's due. There's several areas where Burton's Batman completely dominates Nolan's Batman and the theme is one of them. The portrayal of Gotham is another.
Here is my take. I personally feel Burton had more immersion and style than Nolan did. Burton's Gotham felt so immersive and removed from reality and pleasing to the eye. However remember Burton is going for a more fantastical gothic approach which worked well. I can agree the theme of Elfman was outstanding. However I did like some of Zimmer's music.
I feel where Nolan wins is getting more into the psyche of Batman. See with Burton's I felt it was a bit more style than substance. I also always felt like the villains overshadowed Bruce Wayne/Batman in the Burton films. Was Batman bad no but I personally always Remembered Nicholson's Joker, Pfeiffer's Catwoman and Devito's Penguin more than I did Keaton's Batman. I feel like especially in Batman Begins that Batman was the star that did not get overshadowed by the villains.
"Here is my take. I personally feel Burton had more immersion and style than Nolan did. Burton's Gotham felt so immersive and removed from reality and pleasing to the eye."
Agreed, Burton's Gotham was far more imaginative and atmospheric. It had a very specific feel to it. Nolan's Gotham required almost zero imagination. There's nothing to immerse yourself into at all.
"I also always felt like the villains overshadowed Bruce Wayne/Batman in the Burton films."
I think you can turn this criticism around 10 fold on Nolan's Batman. Begins aside which was an origin story, The Dark Knight is probably the most prominent case of a villain overshadowing the title character of ALL TIME. Nobody was talking about Bale's Batman except to ridicule his voice. It was all about Ledger's Joker.
Ditto with The Dark Knight Rises. Everyone was imitating and talking about Bane. So I don't believe that's a valid criticism of Burton's Batman. The villains have always been a large focal point in the Batman franchise.
It is why I am excited for Matt Reeves Batman. I feel like it might be the best of both worlds. Good substance along with good flash. What I personally always dream about is a live action Batman the animated series.
I know animation is different from live action, but I feel like Paul Dini's Batman is the best Batman interpretation of all time. He captures everything perfectly. If you could somehow get this in live action you would be golden. I feel like Reeves is going for this. I love his casting so far. Hopefully he achieves it.
Batman was clearly the focal character in all three Nolan films, so I have no clue what you’re talking about. He had more screen time than the Joker and Bane. Meanwhile, Selina Kyle actually had more screen time than Bruce Wayne in Batman Returns.
Dude, you have a history of repeating the same thing again and again. This is in fact a common symptom of autism. But let's not go down that road.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2yv8aT0UFc - 22 million views on a video making fun of Bale's incomprehensible voice. Videos like this would not be a success if there were no truth to them.
His voice has been WIDELY criticized and ridiculed by MILLIONS of people. What was that? Yeah, that's right. You just got OWNED. Only a brain dead fangirl like yourself would try and deny that Bale's voice wasn't a problem for MANY people.
2. LOL clearly you're the one who needs confirmation of what an opinion is. Even Ace_Spade mentioned to you that it's obviously an opinion.
3. I see no rebuttal here. Just you admitting that the leg brace was a lazy as fuck plot device.
4. Again, nothing to see here folks. Gotham was completely unimaginative in this movie. It's not even in line with the rest of the movies, Gotham looked completely different in Batman Begins.
5. Everyone note one more time - this idiot is pretending that Elfman's theme is not iconic just for the sake of not losing the argument. That tells you everything you need to know.
8. "It was more than a look, it was how he used the smile on his face to hide the pain and anger." - lmao you sound like you're about to burst into tears describing this shitty look on Batman's face. No matter how many times you try and spin it, it's lazy ass script-writing. There's a million different ways that Blake could've discovered Batman's identity, but they chose the lamest possible route. A fucking look.
Consider yourself owned once again you piece of shit weasel. And this is the third time you've brought up bat nipples, it's clear as day you have a fetish for them. Weirdo.
1. Bad example on your part, you can spoof something and still have respect for it. Mel Brooks spoofs all kinds of genres and that doesn't mean he hates them. Jim Abrams spoofed the Godfather in Hot Shots and that's one of the greatest films ever made. As for Kevin Conroy it sounds like he's just poking fun, doesn't mean he hates it. Of course I can't expect a deluded retard like you to know the difference. Also further evidence of you being retarded: Two of your videos is a spoof of The Dark Knight, do you have the balls to hold that film to the same standard you held TDKR you gutless pussy? You have provided zero evidence that his voice is objectively bad, people are just having a little fun with it that's all. Keaton, Kilmer and Clooney on the other hand didn't even disguise their voices which is moronic because that means someone could easily figure out who he is. Also FYI this is from your own video in the comments: "Wasn't Bale just trying to disguise his voice to protect his identity? The secret identity has become a joke in all these movies, so I respected that they actually took it seriously in the Nolan movies". Your own video contradicts your premise, Just give up kid you're getting your ass handed to you.
2. No I'm the one who taught you what an opinion was, apparently my 2nd grade video I showed you was effective. You should be thanking me. Next we need to ship you off to retard camp to address the true problems you have
3. Got it, you can't address me pointing out your obvious hypocrisy, or you're too retarded to realize you contradicted yourself
4. It took place in the real world dipshit, that's why it looks like a real city. Gotham looked exactly the same in Batman Begins, more evidence that you're a retarded idiot.
5. Everyone note again - this idiot is asserting that Elfman's theme is iconic yet has provided no evidence or an objective measurement to determine it is iconic. He's just talking out of his anus and basically acting like a toddler saying it's true "because I said so"
8. Naw, I'm laughing at how you can't even understand the simplest concept. Also understand the difference between sight and sound, you can't hear me through the computer numb nuts. Apparently I need to teach you the 5 senses which I learned in Kindergarten. It wasn't lazy script writing, you just didn't get it
You have been owned again like a bitch which I am sure you get off on in your sick sexual fantasies. You didn't tell me I was wrong about you liking the Batnipples so it seems I was right shit for brains.
1. My God you really are a sore loser. You will come up with an excuse for anything just to avoid being wrong, it's pathetic. The video is not a Mel Brooks spoof, it's a video specifically making fun of Bale's stupid ass voice. Bringing up a Godfather spoof is completely irrelevant as that's done in the style of an homage, not to insult the movie.
And lmao at Kevin Conroy is just poking fun. You are absolutely deluded. He literally says Bale's voice is RIDICULOUS and gives a very serious explanation as to why Bale's performance sucked due to nobody telling him he sounded ridiculous. This is the final nail in the coffin for you buddy. You can't debate for shit or admit when you're wrong. Bale's voice has been widely criticized, by fans and professionals alike. This is simply a fact. And yes, it sucked in The Dark Knight as well. What's your point? Again, making irrelevant points to veer off subject.
2. Again, another user (Ace_Spade) had to also point out to you what an opinion was. The whole world isn't wrong, you're wrong.
3. Thanks for finally admitting that the leg brace was a lazy plot device. It took you a while but you got there in the end.
4. It didn't take place in the real world, it took place in Gotham hence the name. And no, Gotham did not look the same in Batman Begins. Go look up some videos you blind fucktard.
5. You've been owned on this point several times now. We've even got other users (Nolan fans no less!) putting you in your place telling you that Elfman's theme is iconic. I don't even need to provide evidence here because it's common knowledge. It's like asking me to prove the Godfather is a respected movie. Both are known facts and a waste of my time to explain it to a delusional fucktarded neanderthal.
8. Glad you've finally stopped arguing this point. Lmao at Blake realizing Batman's identity because of a look. A fucking look. Stupid.
Owned once again. Keep yapping on about bat nipples though as a coping mechanism LOL.
1. LOL another part of your deluded fantasy I see, well whatever you have to say to yourself to be able to live with yourself (It can't be easy). The video was a parody, a parody doesn't mean the person making it hates what they are parodying dipshit. That would mean Mel Brooks hates Star Wars, and Jim Abrams hates The Godfather and Casablanca. I didn't see anything in there that even remotely suggested they hated his voice and even if it did, wow 3 videos, you have very low standards of proof you deluded retard. Also I thought I taught you the difference between a fact and an opinion, I'll be sure they teach you that at retard camp because apparently I didn't get through to you.
2. I always knew what an opinion was numb nuts, you were the one who showed an inability to understand the definition. It seems I have to give you kindergarten drawings next time.
3. Strawman, I didn't say that, seems like you're the one taking "autistic leaps in logic" which you accused me of.
4. It took place in a universe similar to ours, the real world, of course I didn't literally mean our world dumbass, only someone with down syndrome would make that conclusion. The fact that you think that I was asserting Gotham was a real place just shows what a retarded dickhead you are.
5. LOL again your first sentence is just more evidence of your deluded fantasy. I asked for evidence it was iconic and all you did was just invent your own criteria so you ended up with the answer you wanted. Also the Dark Knight Trilogy was more successful than the Burton films so therefore that would mean the Dark Knight Theme is iconic as well. You are trying to quantify something subjective and you failed miserably shit for brains.
8. Hahahahahahaha,I didn't stop arguing the point, but I'm glad you conceded that you don't understand the difference between sight and hearing. OK now one of them you do with your eyes and the other you do with your ears, try to guess which one retard. I've explained to you repeatedly how Blake put the pieces together and it went right over your head because you don't understand the movie.
You've been intellectually raped like 50 times so far and you're too much of a dumbass to realize it. You keep repeating the same nonsense over and over again hoping to convince yourself it's true so you can justify your own bullshit to yourself. You are a pathetic individual and your mother should be slapped in the face for giving birth to you. If this were a boxing match I knocked you out 10 seconds in and I've just been pounding your face in ever since and the ref didn't call it because he gets a kick out of watching me beat your face into a bloody pulp.
Also your concession that you get off on the batnipples is disturbing to say the least.
1. Lmao you're such a sore loser. Bale's batvoice has been widely criticized, this is simply a fact. He is the laughing stock of millions of people. Bringing up Mel Brooks just reeks of desperation. There's a difference between a Mel Brooks spoof, and a video *specifically* making fun of ONE aspect of a performance - Bale's cringeworthy batvoice.
And we even have Kevin Conroy himself ridiculing Bale. The best Batman voice of all time HIMSELF is telling Bale that he sounds ridiculous. I love how you stopped talking about Conroy by the way lol, we want to avoid that one don't we. Bale has been ridiculed even by his fellow professionals. This. Is. A. Fact. You're just in denial at this point.
2. Again, even other users have had to point out to you that it's common sense what an opinion is. Only a fucktarded oyster like yourself needs it specifically pointed out.
3. Well done on conceding that the leg brace was a lazy plot device, that is a first for you.
4. That's the criticism dumbass, Nolan's Gotham required zero imagination and is visually uninspiring. Saying it's set in the real world is the worst cop out argument of all time to excuse the movie for putting zero effort into making an immersive Gotham.
And lmao at a real world where men dress up in bat suits and fight crime.
5. Oh buddy, you need to quit on this one 'cos you've been thoroughly owned on this point. I mean, you've been owned on every point but this one in particular you've just been reamed. Even your fellow Nolan fans are pointing out what a fucktarded mongrel you are. Hilarious how you didn't even reply to that guy out of sheer embarrassment lol. Elfman's theme is undeniably iconic.
8. Blake realized who Batman was because of a look. Lol. I don't even need to explain why it's stupid anymore, I can literally just type out the plot point and it says it all. Lazy ass writing. I'm sure you jack off to that scene though when you're having a Dark Knight marathon.
Oh and that's the fifth time you've mentioned bat nipples lol. Fucking creep.
1. You have provided zero evidence dipshit that his batvoice has had a widely negative reception ZERO. People parody things all the time it doesn't mean they hate it dumbass. My point clearly went over your head, Mel Brooks is the master of parody and he flat out said that he respects everything he has poked fun at, by your logic he hates Westerns, Vertigo, Star Wars and Dracula, lolololol, stupid fucktard.
2. Yet you didn't know what an opinion was numb nuts, I have to be the one to educate you.
3. Strawman, I never conceded it, I explained to you what the point was and apparently you still don't get it because you're retarded. But thanks for conceding that it's not "magic" or supernatural, I'm happy to beat up on you some more if you'd like
4. OMFG you are so reaching dickhead. HIS TRILOGY IS SUPPOSED TO TAKE PLACE IN A WORLD SIMILAR TO OURS!!! That's why there aren't giant gargoyle statues, you braindead fucktard. Anyone who doesn't have down syndrome understands this. You are a very special kind of stupid, you'd have to gain 100 IQ points just to reach the level of stupid.
5. More evidence of your deluded fantasy. You haven't owned anyone, you've been my bitch ever since this started and apparently you get off on it. Prove to me it's iconic with objective data, if you can't then all you have is your own braindead opinion that no one gives two shits about
8. I explained it thoroughly to you and it was more than just a look, it was a connection to their very similar backgrounds that he knew that Bruce was hiding the anger it was just like putting on a mask. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TOO IGNORANT AND STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THIS!!! He even clearly spelled it out to you.
You revealed that you were into the batnipples, I was just calling out your sick fantasies, go jerk off to Clooney's enlarged codpiece you sick , pathetic failed abortion.
FYI: Stop repeating yourself or else I am going to dismiss your claim next time.
Lmao you're practically in tears at this point from the constant ownage. Pathetic little Nolan fantard you are.
1. Lol absolutely pathetic rebuttal. Not even worth responding to with any effort. And again, completely avoiding the comments made by Kevin Conroy LOL. Bale's batvoice SUCKS and was widely criticized. Deal with it you crybaby fangirl.
2. Even other users have commented on your autistic need to label opinions when it clearly goes without saying. I'm paraphrasing but this is basically you - 'That's an opinion right? You have to clearly state it's an opinion or my brain hurts'. Low IQ neanderthal.
3. You admitted that the explanation was off-screen which means there was no explanation in the actual movie. Thus you concede it was lazy script-writing. Jackass.
4. So you admit Gotham looked like any old city and thus was unimaginative and visually uninspiring. Nice one. You're getting there slowly you mentally inept mongrel.
5. Hahahaha you got owned you Nolan asslicking fangirl. Even your fellow Nolan fanboys are laughing at how pathetic and deluded you are. When even your own people are siding against you that's when you know you've hit a new low. That's called a slam dunk you pathetic gimp.
And like the other guy said, you said the Star Wars theme is iconic, and the Indiana Jones and Godfather themes. Prove it objectively. You want evidence for Elfman's theme but can't provide it for your own statements. Dickhead.
8. Lmaoo this oxygen thief is still going on about this stupid ass look that wasn't even in the movie. That's how lazy it is, it's not even shown in a flashback, just some lazy ass explanation. You probably try to recreate that look in your mind while you jerk off. Creepy loser.
You've been reamed more than a pornstars gaping asshole. I'm beginning to think verbal abuse is your fetish, along with batnipples and codpieces. Now get the fuck outta here.
True, but he needed to be put in his place. He will probably cry the next time he watches TDKR once he notices all the flaws pointed out in this thread.
LOL nice try but I just watched it and I realized that it was even better than I thought, all you're doing is making me realize how utterly pathetic the haters are. But again whatever you have to say to yourself to be able to sleep at night
Also the fact that I have to explain a movie "for retards" to you says a lot about your intelligence.
LOL, the only thing is sad is how much of a pathetic retard you are
1. For the fortieth fucking time dumbass the opinion of one person doesn't mean shit and there were plenty of comments on that youtube video that said EXACTLY what I was saying. Also you still haven't proven that because something is parodied that means they hate it. You're still a deluded retard racist.
2. There you go playing the autism card which you always do when you run out of things to say. I don't see a rebuttal here so I am dismissing point #2
3. Anyone who has an IQ higher than my golf score can easily figure out what happened off screen, it's like in Face/Off we didn't need to see the doctor turning Cage into Travolta because we already knew how the procedure worked. More evidence that you don't understand the film
4. Strawman, also I don't see any rebuttal here so I am dismissing point #4
5. Ewww you want to asslick Nolan, again I don't care about your retarded sexual fantasies. OK numb nuts lets discuss how a burden of proof works, YOU are making the assertion that it's iconic so therefore you have to prove it's iconic, me proving it's NOT iconic is irrelevant, you stated the claim. By your retarded logic the Flying Spaghetti Monster is real because it hasn't been disproven.. Prove it's iconic or else I'm justified in not accepting that it is shithead, this is your LAST CHANCE
8. I don't see a rebuttal here and you're just repeating yourself. Watch the movie again and actually pay attention, chug the container of adderall if you have to, but I don't see a rebuttal here and you're just again repeating yourself so I am dismissing point #8.
You've been ass raped like a bitch, I've proven again and again that you aren't smart enough for this movie and I have suggested over and over again other films that you'd like better. The least you could do is thank me for it. If you'd like another beating little bitch boy I'm happy to oblige.
Lol I can just imagine you crying in your basement writing these pathetic rebuttals. Even other people are joining in now to comment at how deluded and moronic you are lol.
1. Aahahaha you are owned buddy. Kevin Conroy is not just a random opinion, he's an authority on the subject and he says Bale sounds RIDICULOUS. And beyond Conroy there are videos with 10's of million of views ridiculing his cringeworthy voice. You are owned. Again.
2. Lol not even a rebuttal this time. Pathetic.
3. Glad you admit the leg brace was lazy script-writing.
4. Nothing to see here folks, he's run out of brain cells.
5. Since you're blind i'll copy and paste what I and other users have asked you to do -
"And like the other guy said, you said the Star Wars theme is iconic, and the Indiana Jones and Godfather themes. Prove it objectively. You want evidence for Elfman's theme but can't provide it for your own statements. Dickhead."
8. Looks like you ran out of brain cells again to make a point. Or you were busy jacking off to Bruce Wayne's look he gave to Blake.
I've basically destroyed your life buddy, clearly this movie is the one good thing going for you and i've destroyed even that. Picture me laughing my ass off the next time you fire up this piece of shit movie.
1. LOL now you're really reaching dickhead and he was just poking a little fun at it, also you can watch a video and not agree with it, I've watched plenty of videos and not agreed with them, all you're doing is connecting the dots in whatever direction you have to to reach the conclusion that you want because you're either A) Dishonest or B) Too fucking stupid to realize how logic and reason work.. It's your subjective opinion he sounds ridiculous and I don't agree with you. This is your last chance to post something of any kind of meaning on this point or I am dismissing it
2. This point has been dismissed
3. Strawman again this point is dismissed
4. This point has been dismissed
5. I never said that whether something is iconic or not is objective, that was just my personal opinion and the fact that you didn't realize that it was my opinion says a lot about your lack of intelligence. You however think it's an objective characteristic that it's iconic and you haven't yet proven it. This is your last chance to prove that it's iconic or I am dismissing your retarded nitpick. Also since you seem to like to deflect to popular opinions the Dark Knight films made more money and have higher ratings on IMDB than the Burton films but I guess you think facts are stupid things
8. This point has been dismissed shit for brains, I gave you multiple chances to argue your case and you continued with immature insults, deflections and points that have already been debunked.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's cute to think I care that much about you, you're nothing, you're just some pathetic little retarded kid whose mommy needs to restrict his internet privileges, I can't believe you thought the knee brace was supernatural and that you can hear me through a fucking internet post. The only reason I'm even keeping this up is I get a kick out of destroying you and making you my bitch.
1. Lol at Conroy poking a little fun at it. You're such a delusional fantard it's unbelievable. He calls Bale's voice ridiculous and then gives a very serious explanation as to why it occured and how Bale can avoid it in future. Notice how people calling you DELUSIONAL is becoming a theme now, because that's exactly what you are. A delusional fantard. And Bale's voice is widely criticised, this is a fact. All you have to do is a generic google search and you will find ENDLESS derogatory comments about Bale's cancer patient voice. Even Bale himself has conceded that 'the voice wasn't for everybody'. He wouldn't even acknowledge it if the voice wasn't being widely ridiculed.
Owned. Again.
2. No rebuttal from you here. Good to see you admit when you're wrong.
3. No rebuttal again.
4. Nothing to see here folks.
5. Lmao now it's just an opinion because you know you've backed yourself into a corner. You specifically said Elfman's Batman theme is not iconic, and the Indiana Jones theme is. You need to back your opinion up but you're clearly not capable of doing so.
Evidence for Elfman's theme being iconic has already been provided by other users but you're too blind to see it because you've got Nolan's buttcheeks in your face. Even if I type in 'Elfman's Batman theme' into google the very first result literally calls the theme iconic -
"Elfman's "The Batman Theme" went on to become an iconic piece. It served as the basis for the theme music of Batman: The Animated Series, which premiered in 1992, although this was later changed. Some parts of the Elfman score are also heard in Lego Batman: The Videogame, Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, the 2017 Justice League film, and the Arrowverse crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths. Parts are also played in the queue, and on the station platform of Batman the Ride at various Six Flags theme park"
This is without even looking for it. Literally NOBODY agrees with you on this point. The fact that you're even trying to debate this point is embarrassing and loses you all credibility.
8. Again, nothing to see here.
Lol this is like punching a retarded kid in the face, there's just no challenge.
1. LOL since you want to appeal to the opinions of other posters it seems you're getting your ass kicked on other boards as well. My advice is don't bring that up in the future. Secondly all you've established is the subjective opinion of one person at best, having said that The Dark Knight Trilogy including TDKR was one of the most profitable franchises of all time so clearly more people loved it than hated it dumbass. I wasn't going to appeal to popularity but since you did I figured I'd put you in your place shithead. The Dark Knight films were universally loved, that is a fact dumbass, you're in the minority, more people love it than hate it. You've been owned like a bitch
2-4 have already been dismissed, I gave you an opportunity to present your case and you just kept posting your same retarded nonsense, better luck next time
5. I never claimed it was objective numb nuts, you lose a point for your strawman, you claimed it was so therefore you have a burden of proof which I have clearly explained to your retarded ass. What is the cutoff for when something's iconic and when it's not? How many video games does it have to be included in? How do I we know that your criteria is objective and not something you just made up? You can't answer this you fucking imbecile because you're just talking out of your anus. Also the fact that you couldn't figure out that I was only stating my opinion is just further proof that your parents kicked you in the helmet way too many times. Since I've given you at least 5 opportunities to prove it's iconic and you've only engaged in immature name calling I am dismissing this point and it seems you can't prove it's objectively iconic, not to mention that the Dark Knight theme is iconic by your own standards, I bet it sucks when your own argument bites you in the ass (oh wait you'd probably blow your load over that).
LITERALLY no one agrees with me??? HAHAHAHAHAHA in order for that statement to have any validity you have to interview every single person on Earth and confirm that LITERALLY no one agrees with me. LITERALLY you're too much of a brainless dickhead to know the definition of LITERALLY.
1. Lol ok this is just humiliating for you now. You have now resorted to harping on about the box office which has nothing to do with what we're talking about. Lmao, that's like arguing that every aspect of Titanic was 10/10 because it made more money than the entire Dark Knight franchise put together. Ahahaha you dumb fuck. You can't debate for shit.
2-4. Nothing but gibberish here.
5. LMAO talk about avoiding every single point being made. You cannot debate to save your life.
"LITERALLY no one agrees with me???"
You are the only person I have ever seen to claim the Batman theme is not iconic. Ever. That makes you a special kind of retard. You're dismissed.
Edit: this dickhead has now resorted to editing his posts after the fact. He can't debate to save his life so he has to resort to dishonesty. Lol absolutely pathetic.
1. It seems you have nothing intelligent to add (not that you ever did). This point is dismissed and your concessions on points 2-5 remain noted
I asked you to define objectively how you determine if a film is iconic or not and all you did was throw out middle school level personal insults (equivalent of a you mama joke) and deflect like a pussy.
It seems you have been defeated on all points now salvage whatever dignity you can you gutless pussy and I only edited the post for spelling errors but nice deflection.
EDIT: Unless you have interviewed every single person on Earth you are in no position to assert that no one agrees with me, seriously kid this is embarrassing even for you, even a retarded monkey addicted to crack would understand this.
1. You're desperately clutching at straws, that's why you went off topic and started talking about box office. It's the ultimate evidence that you lost the debate. You can't debate the topic at hand so you bring up something completely unrelated. Like I said, even Bale himself acknowledged the criticism his voice received.
Lmao at bringing up the box office. Moron.
You have been thoroughly owned. You have made nothing but lame excuses for the flaws in this movie and even your own fellow Nolan fans are calling you DELUSIONAL lmao. You lost the debate and you lost your friends LOL.
1. Not clutching at straws at all, since you appealed to popularity I figured I'd put you in your place and show you that appealing to popularity is a losing case for you shit for brains. This point is now closed seeing how you seem to have lost the ability to do anything other than repeat yourself.
I have totally raped you intellectually, you are nothing more than a pathetic bitch boy. You are a joke, you are a piece of racist human garbage and you have my pity.
1. This point is not dismissed and I accept your concession
HAHAHAHAHAHA you can't even get your own insults to make sense. If someone rapes their mother that has nothing to do with their own genetic make up, you'd probably know a lot about genetic make up since you have like 10 extra sets of chromosomes you gutless retard.
You're 0-8, that's a failure in every sense of the word.
1. Repeating yourself like an autistic droid (that's not meant literally before your brain explodes).
Lol your dissection of jokes is even worse than your debating skills. I didn't say your genetic make up was a result of you raping your mother, I was implying that inbred fucking was rampant in your family. Lol dumb fuck can't even read a joke without his brain hurting.
You said that I had "inbred characteristics" because of raping my mother (which BTW is a middle school level attempt at an insult BTW) and even if one rapes their mother that would have zero impact on their degree of "inbred characteristics", maybe your parents need to have the talk with you
LOL, you tried to insult me but all it did was prove you are a complete imbecile. Seriously kid bring something to the table or go back to your room to play with your action figures and leave moviechat to the mature adults.
He doesn't say 'Later dickwad' either. It's 'Chillout dickwad'. Looks like you weren't paying attention. At least 'dipshit' is from the actual movie, none of 'Sayonara shithead' is from the movie. Lmao you fail again. How does it feel to be a constant loser?
We never established that was the rule. My first reference was 'Hasta la vista dickhead' which is also not said. The only consistency is to have *any* reference to the movie. "Sayonara shithead" is not found anywhere. You lose.
I watched that entire video and nowhere did anyone say "adios dipshit". Looks like your retarded logic blew up in your stupid face. Next time think things through a little better.
Again, my very first reference was 'Hasta la vista, dickhead' which is also not found in the movie. So your logic makes no sense. You're just making up your own rules in your low IQ head.
You're creating your own rules in your mentally challenged brain. The only consistency was that you had to have some kind of reference to the movie. You were the first to break that with 'Sayonara shithead'. So you lose. For the tenth time.
You were the first to provide an insult that is not present in any of the films, in whole or in part. Lmao at 'sayonara shithead'. Where the fuck is that even from.
It's called I used my own creativity and didn't have to rip off my own phrases apparently you aren't smart enough.Also "you are terminated" is from T3 asshole, "Hasta La Vista dickhead" is nowhere to be found.
Naw if all you have left is subjectivity and your own personal bias then you’ve lost. Come back when you have something even semi intelligent to discuss and I’ll humor it . Also I know you’re too retarded to notice this but R2 D2 doesn’t fucking talk
Autism strikes again. Jokes are not meant to be taken literally shit for brains. Calling you R2-D2 is a way of saying your thought patterns are robotic, not that you literally sound like a beeping robot. Lmao this is like i'm teaching a child how to communicate.
5. Yes Batman did have a theme shit for brains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1B3Mgklfd0 Were you asleep while you were watching this or are you really this stupid? Elfman's theme is far from iconic, the Star Wars theme is iconic, the Indiana Jones theme is iconic, the Godfather theme is iconic, the Tim Burton Batman films are NOT.
Caught red handed. Shame shame. Here is the funny thing about this guy folks he is delusional. He will ask you to prove how the Elfman theme is iconic but will not do the same for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, or Godather's themes.
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This is the stupidest movie I've ever seen in last 10 years, the list is very short, only has four movies: TDKR, Ready Player One, Ad Astra, Interstellar.
I used to love Nolan, but after TDKR and Interstellar, I pray God send him to hell, unless he pay me back the ticket price.
Wasn't stupid at all, it was a great film, I ranked it 5th of all time. The problem is the haters are just really really stupid and don't understand it.
Totally agree, and I wouldn't put too much stock in what the OP says, check out some of his other threads he seems like he's off his meds or something.
I don't like Transformers, I HATE TLJ, the prequels aren't great but they also aren't horrible, the Disney Films are horrible. The Dark Knight films are masterpieces.
I am really really stupid and I don't understand it. Not 5 minutes can go by at any point in this movie without me feeling super stupid and stymied by my lack of understanding of the genius on display. If only I could understand.
Coming from the deluded dumbass who thinks Schindler's List is a "snoozefest", you have further demonstrated you an incapable of appreciating anything that wasn't made for a 13 year old.
Absolutely, and it was by far my greatest theater experience ever. The haters don’t really get under my skin or anything I just like putting them in their place
You’re doing a good job. I sometimes let it bother me but I just have to realize it’s only small minority who hate it and that they are loud as fuck
Excuse A: You didn't understand the film, if you did you would like it.
Excuse B: That's a nit pick every film has flaws.
Excuse C: Pay attention when watching Batman Begins next time.
Excuse D: Strawman arguments.
Excuse E: Stick with Disney star wars or batman forever it's more your speed.
Tell me those aren't a variation of what he says when debating.
What's funny is he will then turn around and say last crusade is an objectively bad film. When you ask for the objective standards all he gives is his opinion. You can like something and not be blind to it's faults. He only gives excuse B once you really get him cornered but it takes a lot lol.
hes told me to "prove" that 7 cops dying to 15 AK47s fire (30 rounds a magazine is 400 rounds) is an "objectively low number"
I told him that means only 1.5% of the bullets hit a target, had no piercing damage and did very little.
he just keeps going back to "but you dont know what happened off screen!!"
for the most part we do know what happened overall because 1. it constantly cuts back to long shots showing the entire police group from above. and 2. that's the point. we infer what happened offscreen by what happened onscreen. and even without point 1. what we saw onscreen shows ineffectual gun fire to the point that Banes thugs would have been better off with bats for when the cops got close range.
because at least then all 15 likely would have gotten one hit in.
Dude there is a choreography goof in the film where a thug falls down without being touched. I said man the choreography in this film needed to be better. He said the guy fell because he was scared of Batman. That was literally his defense. I'm not kidding lol.
Dead serious! He will fold like a pretzel and do all kinds of mental gymnastics to defend this film. Look there is a lot I like and enjoy about it but I also have my critiques. I then said okay did this happen in tdk or batman begins? He said well unlike you I care about story not just fight scenes. I then said I can critique fight scenes and still care about story. He's truly an idiot dude.
Nope, it's just that now the hype has died down people are realizing what a flawed movie this is. IMDb ratings are just a popularity contest, that's why you have the likes of Avengers: Endgame as the 70th best movie of all time. Means nothing.
1. Yup. Never liked it from The Dark Knight onwards. When he's screaming at Flass in the first one, it's good.
2. I didn't mind it myself.
3. Absolutely.
4. This was a big problem in The Dark Knight, too. He went from the Narrows and the spooky asylum (and the mob bar) to...Chicago. Made me hurt for Anton Furst.
5. Didn't mind the score, but this is another reason why I prefer Burton's films. Elfman made a Batman theme to end all Batman themes.
6. They were League of Shadows, man. They were following the League.
7. Didn't notice this; it didn't bug me.
8. Holy crap, yes. That's just one example, too. This script in general is just meandering, plodding, and unfocused. Bruce Wayne is bankrupted during a raid on the stock exchange and his ARMY of lawyers don't try to protect the plummeting of Wayne Enterprise's stocks by freezing everything and locking it up in courts for a decade? Come on.
9. I agree that the "realism" of the trilogy hurt it a little bit, but I don't think Nolan disrespects the comics. I think he digs them. I think he digs them so much that he wanted to make a "serious" Batman saga. I love the first two films, too, I just think he fumbled the third one.
I've never tried to re-watch this one. It's not a good movie.
How about the gargantuan, burning Bat symbol on the building, while we're at it?
I also totally forgot about Commissioner Gordon sending every cop in the city down into the sewers. The script is just an endless conveyor belt of lazy writing and nonsensical plot points.
Yes TDKR sucks. Terrible film. for each of your points I either wanted to add to it:
1. Yes his voice seems to have gotten worse.
2 Yes the suit kept looking worse with each film.
3. Don't forget about how the magical leg brace and destroyed cartilage plot is completely forgotten the rest of the film, the cure for a broken back and destroyed cartilage is lots of push ups, that is what I learned in this film.
4. It wasn't Chicago, they switched the filming to Pittsburgh I think and that is one reason why something seems to be lost from the 'life' of the City, they had to shoot the film different to hide the fact it was a different city they were in, Pittsburg does not resemble Chicago very much.
5. Agreed, this one was like Zimmer had no inspiration so redid the same scores as teh first 2 but louder.
6. Oh yes, and the fact he wasn't even the boss kind of screws with that; why do they worship him if he is a 2nd in command to Tilia?
7. No real opinion; there was so much stupid going on in this film the bad choreography was minor in comparison.
8. Yes, I have written extensive long review of just how stupid the script writing in this film is on imdb; one of the few reviews I actually wrote out.
9. I don't mind trying to deviate from the source material and trying to present a 'real' batman. But if you are going to do that you can't just through in magical plot devices and such.
11. I didn't understand the thousands of man hours spent to quietly undermine VAST amounts of soil and rock underneath the football field for some distant future symbolic gesture. I couldn't grasp the genius.
12. Commissioner Gordon sending every cop in the city into the sewers - just a ridiculously stupid plot point that is commonly brought up with good reason. Who was answering 911 calls at this time? If there's an army of bad guys in the sewers that requires thousands of cops, they would call the National Guard. So many aspects of this movie felt like it was written by a child or some fanfiction fucktard.
13. Skinny twig Hathaway knocking out grown men with one punch - this is something I could overlook if the movie had a comic book movie tone, but this is the problem with trying to make Batman realistic, everything goofy and unrealistic sticks out like a sore thumb. Hathaway has the muscle mass of an emaciated poodle, she ain't knocking anybody out.
14. I really must not have been paying attention so I was completely confused by Batman lighting that fire on the thin ice his friends were on so that it could light up the symbol to give everyone hope. Why did he endanger his friends like that? I wish I could understand these obviously brilliant scenes. I am too dumb to be on this level.
That ice scene is so stupid, I almost bursting out loud laugh in theater, since TDKR the only scene surpass that level stupidity is Interstellar "love transcends dimensions of time and space."
After TDKR, Interstellar, Dunkirk, I pray God send Nolan to hell, unless he pays me back the ticket price.
The ice scene was one of the most iconic scenes in the whole trilogy, and the love transcending dimensions of time and space was clever foreshadowing of the ending, it was Murph and Coopers connection that allowed them to transmit the quantum data which saved everyone on Earth. Very good writing and execution by Nolan.