As a Polish person...
...I have never been so offended by a movie in my entire life. And please don't give me "it's just a film" cr*p.
On the other hand, I haven't laughed so hard in ages. "Polish" dialogues are priceless.
...I have never been so offended by a movie in my entire life. And please don't give me "it's just a film" cr*p.
On the other hand, I haven't laughed so hard in ages. "Polish" dialogues are priceless.
Seriously? Take that stick out of you ass and stop being so... Polish. I'am Polish too and I find these movie very enjoyable. Polish dialogues sound a bit silly true but over all mood of film is very good it shows that you can do good horror in poland so now it's time to teach polish directors and writers that it is possible to make a good movie with small money. And I think it's nice that in the end Polish guys are the good ones in kinda radical way but still.
shareTrevor Matthews sucks!!! Lol
shareI was trying to figure out what language that was spoken. It sounded similar to either a Germanic and Slavic language, a mixture of both. I think it made the movie a bit more scary. What was it that was offensive to you? I thought it was a good movie, very well made.
If it means anything, being Irish, Scottish, English, German and a bit French, I fit all kinds of notions, ie leprechauns, bag-pipes, etc. I find it rather amusing myself. I don't think the makers were trying to be offensive and there is nothing wrong with being Polish or anything else, though there are individuals that are ignorant.
I can understand if the Polish lines weren't spoken properly. Shouldn't be offensive to anyone but the most uptight, though.
Other than that, no one of Polish descent should be offended after watching this movie.
I'm Polish too. Movie was ok, it didn't offend me. Some of the "Polish" dialogue was hilarious though.
shareIt's what happens when you take an english script and takes the parts that are supposed to be in polish and feed it through the google translator.
"God's not supposed to be a hack horror writer." - In The Mouth Of Madness
Yeah I felt a bit offended whenever that blond hair dude "tried" to speak Polish. When I first heard him yelling, I thought that he was making it up and I was like OMG this is bad. But he did his best. And to the post above, I wish this was filmed in Poland, but it wasn't. I read the credits, and it didn't mention anywhere where they filmed, so I assumed that they just used some country land in the US and called it Poland because the budget was way to small. It wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. But I do agree. More films, doesn't matter what genre, should be filmed in Poland. It is such a beautiful country. I know because I'm also Polish and am going back this summer for a festival.
Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled around their shores... burning with the fires of Orc.
No really?! I didn't know that!!
Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled around their shores... burning with the fires of Orc.
Can't say I'm surprised it was filmed in Canada. Had that feel to me, probably because I've been watching a good share of Canadian media when I hear it's good and can find it.
shareIf people were offended everytime a movie was filmed in their own country, then I guess movies wouldn't even exist... So many horror movies take place in so many different locations, why should you get offended by that? It IS just a film, so chill out man, nothing to get pissed off about.
"We are not here because we are free, we are here because we are not free." - Smith
"If people were offended everytime a movie was filmed in their own country, then I guess movies wouldn't even exist... "
I disagree. For example, as a Californian I am utterly disgusted by "The Birds". The seagulls in Bodega Bay do NOT attack people, and Californian crows are peaceful. They would never peck someone's eyes out. The whole film is a giant attack against our fine state.
You are saying the movie is an attack against your fine state and city but why do you think that? What about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films? Are they an attack on that state too? And any other film for that matter? Despite those films, people still go to Texas and they don't fear going there because they know it's just a movie.
I prefer to think of it this way: Filmmakers choose locations for movies which are suitable for the script. If the movie involved seagulls and crows then maybe that's why they picked California. Maybe because it is also a beautiful city.
People don't create movies to attack or criticize cities or countries but rather because they like the city/country. If anything, people should be proud when a movie is being filmed in their country.
"We are not here because we are free, we are here because we are not free." - Smith
as a polish person, after seeing that father/butcher scene on youtube all I have to say is 'I want to go to there'.
I don't speak polish. what were they saying most of the time?
"As a Polish person" I know what meggyoh means. I wouldn't say I'm offended, but come on! It's not that "so many horror movies take place in so many different locations". Of course no one would think after watching it that if you go to Poland you get killed by a crazy cult. It's also not the sh!tty dialouges, they at least made "The Shrine" hilarious for me and my friends (as we didn't think it was scary AT ALL). It's the total lack of accuracy and basic research! They didn't even go to Europe, let alone Poland. You can totally see it in the architecture, the cars (you would never find a truck like that in a Polish village), the license plates... Most people in the village (and the village itself) look like something out of the 19th century. On the other hand, the clothes of the woman in the kitchen and the kitchen itself look like they belong in the American suburbs of the 1950s. And the gun? Was it supposed to be a thing out of WWII? Not to mention the fact they were using a crossbow. A CROSSBOW, for *beep* sake!!! In the 21st century! Oh yeah, and let's name the village "Alvania", it doesn't matter if there's no "v" in Polish. And so on.
No wonder foreigners think is a weird underdeveloped country where polar bears walk the streets...