Several things don't make sense
Obviously, he thinks the world is overpopulated, that is what his friend said and he repeated it later but who he targets makes no sense as far as motive goes. He seems to be going around killing people at random. However he was going to spare the women in the salon initially. Why is that? He doesn't kill the banker and he even admits he doesn't know why and the banker is exactly the type of person he is mad at. He doesn't kill the old people, assuming I think they aren't going to live long anyway Except by his stated philosophy they would be exactly they type of people he would be after since by this point they are not contributing to society anymore (again by his own philosophic, not justifying his actions). The waiter and barista, they got him mad earlier so his motive there makes sense. It also doesn't make sense that his friend's Dad is arrested because he was involved in protests in the '60s. Are they suggesting they think he influenced his son? There doesn't seem to be sufficient evidence for that. Also, when he robs the bank, he tries to make a statement by burning the money, but really switches out the real money for fake, so he is a total hypocrite there.
Same thing we do every night try to take over the world