MovieChat Forums > Frozen (2010) Discussion > 'Don't you dare let her look!'

'Don't you dare let her look!'

Now even for the tough critics out there against this movie, can you tell me how cold your heart must be if you didn't even flinch at the cries from Dan to Lynch "Don't you let her look!"

At this point I was frozen in my seat. Pun intended. =)


I didn't feel it was realistic at all. It was just put in there to somehow illustrate that he loved her soooo mcuh.
That line tells us two things about the character: 1.he has realized and accepted that he is about to be ripped to shreds by a pack of wolves. 2. The thing that concerns him the most right now is not his appending gruesome death, but that his gf is going to be witnessing it and going to become traumatized by it.

Call me a cynic, but how long had these two been a couple? A few months? You mean to tell me this college frat boy who is about to suffer the most horrible death imaginable is primarily worried about his gf watching?

It would make sense if they were a married couple who had been together for 10 years... or if it was his daughter sitting up there in the lift. But I found it very hard to believe coming from this particular character.


realistic my @55! it's a "M O V I E" not a "D O C U M E N T A R Y" it's not in the least realistic that wolves would be on, or anywhere near, a tourist trap heavily populated mountain to find broken-legs-boy in the first place. & their innate fear of Man would induce them, except in times of critical famine, to wait til the squealing bleeding crippled human was dead or too dying to scream before they'd approach. it made for good thriller/horror cinema. let it alone.


Oh, you don't care about realism? Then I guess you would have been fine with them sprouting wings and flying off the lift and fighting off the wolves with laser sabers?

i thought the wolves were pretty stupid too.


Wolves are always set up to be the bad guys when in actuality they rarely attack human beings.


never watch another fantasy/horror/sci fi (or just about any other type of...) movie again if you are SO unable to either suspend belief or differentiate between fiction & reality. careful, boy. that kind of subnormal thinking gets you into mass murder shlt


A true horrific yet endearing moment. He knew what was going to happen and his last thought was sparing his GF from this.... Touching....


oh jesus, the gargling noises, those were the most terrible and brutal part of the scene. i love how you actualyly feel bad for dan because they actual give him a cool personality, not many films i really feel sorry for a character thats killed but this one with a cool character and a brutal death just got me. "dont let her1" look were such braves words


I thought that was a horrible line in the script. and the acting in that scene was attrocious


I thought this was an excellent movie and I don't usually go for this type of movie. Dan and Parker were together about a year. She said he was the one she was going to marry so they obviously loved each other.

While not many guys would have said "Don't you dare let her look", it was a romantic, sweet thing to say under the circumstances.


You must not have seen any actual ''attrocious'' acting before. Ever seen a bottom 100 movie?

I'm the grim reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer.


movie was awful basically because of the terrible acting


That part and then after they fought, was very good as far as hitting me emotionally! Very good acting! (I'm still at that part currently) But so far, this is a good movie!


When I saw this scene, I was bit disappointed in how not gory it is, but I do find that it's appropriate considering the nature of this movie. It was also very sad too.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I honestly nearly cried when she was talking about her dog- seriously I don't know what came over me, I just pictured her poor little dog waiting for her :(

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


I hated that scene. Normally deaths in films don't really have an effect on me but I couldn't watch when he died. It was awful


The violence reminded me of the movie "American Werewolf in London", the scene was so realistic. It also brought to mind the violence in the movie "Stag Night". There is nothing you can do to help but try to survive.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world
