I gave it a 10 and here's why.

The director made a terribly aweful movie, but he did it masterfully. You can't fake something like this. He must be a real student of film and watched a billion movies before being able to get the timing down for this. He held on just long enough to get the laugh, pure genius filmmaking. I hope I'm making myself as clear as I'd like. I'm not being sarcastic, you have to know what you're doing to it this badly.

I Am Not a Werewolf!


People like you are part of the reason you can't trust the IMDB users score.
IMDB user ratings generally are quite good, you just have to know the ratings for yourself. Also, rest assured that all the so-called users freely giving this movie a 10/10 have obviously NOT been counted in the overall score, since it is justifiably rated 2/10 - remember that IMDB uses a formula (secretly), and I would guess that one of the metrics is to see how close to the mean a user follows to make their vote worthy of being counted.

After a certain amount of time, a User will be able to vote and have their vote automatically counted once they fall into the "trusted" IMDB databank.


squigee07» IMDB user ratings generally are quite good, you just have to know the ratings for yourself. Also, rest assured that all the so-called users freely giving this movie a 10/10 have obviously NOT been counted in the overall score, since it is justifiably rated 2/10 - remember that IMDB uses a formula (secretly), and I would guess that one of the metrics is to see how close to the mean a user follows to make their vote worthy of being counted.

After a certain amount of time, a User will be able to vote and have their vote automatically counted once they fall into the "trusted" IMDB databank.

This sounds like a sound idea. Is this information somewhere to be found? Or is it your own meandering thoughts? Sometimes you are ahead, sometimes you are behind.

Life is like Wikipedia: There are no Facts, Just Popular Opinion


No no no no no no no no no no.

I've heard people say that you have to be a fantastic actor to act like a bad one, you don't you just have to be a bad actor.

Looking on the directors page you can see he has directed poor films, he's taken that and cashed in on the aspect (Birdemic 2)

He tried to make a film, laughably compared as true hithcockian intent and failed. Stop calling him a master.



I'm with the OP. This is a truly, truly, truly terrible movie, one of the worst I've ever seen (and I've seen quite a few). But, like The Room (which it is more than a little reminiscent of), it has so many moments of such brilliant unintentional hilarity that, to me, it DESERVES its 10 stars! It's like it's SO bad it hits the bottom of the barrel and somehow loops back around to become amazing! 10/10! Thank you, Mr. Nguyen, and I can't wait for Birdemic 2!


Exactly. This movie is so bad it's good. And yet it's not so bad that it's gone past good and back to bad again.




I'm with the OP on that. Everything is perfectly calculated to be a ... miss, and not a hit. I gave it a 10 as well, before getting on boards and seeing that 90% of people think it was a serious effort for a GOOD movie. The director is my troll icon from now on and the movie is priceless.
Also, it's very relaxing. Wish real life would follow this movie's logic from time to time. It's just a break from logic & hustling. I approve.


Watch an interview with the director. Then come back and tell me he had any idea what he was doing. The guy is mentally handicapped or something. Kinda sad, actually.
