MovieChat Forums > V (2009) Discussion > Lets outline some terrible writing....

Lets outline some terrible writing....

Already posted some of this on another board, but may asweel start one, so just add on any stupid writing or additions this show has made over the 2 seasons.

-a human and V baby can bliss all of humanity
-Anna can literally be killed at any time by any of the 3 FBI agents or by Joshua as he is the head doctor for the Vs and would be responsible for her
-Marcus was 5th column the whole time until now, even before he knew Diana was alive, and sudenly, Diana's death changes everything
-This "Aries" underground revelution isnt effected by Bliss cause they are so deep, are they gonna invent Magneto helmets next to keep this 8 year old out of their heads?
-Vs are clearly the most intelligent speices ever, as nuLisa can learn english fluently within hours
-The massive V room where Diana did the talk has a huge V painted on it, which from what I can tell isnt even a V symbol
-Hobbs could have killed Anna out front of the warehouse at any point in time from a sniper vantage point wearing FBI stuff, since the FBI V taskforce is fifth column
-The whole sceen where Tylers dad gets killed by cross fire between fifth column and the FBI, neither of which would shoot at civilians
-Ryan's back and forth *beep* over his kid when he could have stolen her like 10 times, like he tried at the end
-This super advanced race hasent invented locks on their own ships? Anyone can walk into anywhere, for example, tourturing live-a-boards and they just leave the door wide open for Decker to check it out
-Aries project develping a machine that tracks the global emotions?
-The *beep* V tail, where does Lisa hide that while getting railed by Tyler?
-This research guy, the one for the fifth column who does the blue energy or whatever, is supposed to be responsible for creating a fatal weapon which attacks the Vs reptilian skin although its never mentioned again
-No ammount of skin can hide the fat ass that the freshly hatched egg had, and the V without human skin has 4 fingers, which are all longer then human figers by a long shot

Ive definatly left some out, feel free to add on.

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LOL through this whole thread. Some points.

"OPEN *beep* WAR" is expensive and the series had trouble paying for peace.

The Concordias are not just landing sites but filling stations for the ships.

Bare lizards have an outer shell that might not have nerve endings like human skin. With skin they can feel and be stimulated more than their antennas or whatever. I wonder if V females can have orgasms. Maybe only V males can. That would make human skin very seductive.

I still think they didn't learn Earth languages, but among the padding on their heads (or elsewhere) was a universal translator and robotics to move their lips realistically. When they were injured in the face, their translator was damaged and they screeched in their own language.

One of the advantages of humans being blissed is that they seem safe to come aboard ships or other facilities without suspicion. Anna thinks Erica has been blissed and won't care about Tyler being done in.



Remember when they were talking about how much energy each Concordia would produce and Syd had his models and they said the only thing the Vs had that would use that much energy was the ships? Maybe the ships will just plug into the Concordias and save their batteries.


Joshua should just sneak in and pull some intense V posion stuff on Amy and nuLisa, problem solved.

Hobbes hearing 3 seconds of his wife/GF? voice and instantly turning on fifth column to do a job that any V could have done, walk within 100 yards of a building and push a button, good call on bringin Hobbes in.

I think Concordia will be a way for the Vs to deploy troops more effectivly or possibly arm the Vs assault, perhaps the ships cant run their primary weapons without a boost from a Concordia charger.

Cant understand why V didnt pull a "House MD" and hire 3 doctors who know what they are doing to confirm that all the cases are possible. In Vs case, youd just need a physicist, a biologist and someone with some *beep* common sense to ask, "Hey, why can Decker just walk in and watch a DNA extraction go down". Wouldnt break the bank and it would make for a much better show.

Based on the current writers, if there is a season 3, Itll go soemthing like, Lisa escapes, impregnates herself from one of Tyler's crusty socks in his room, and they have a Lisa/nuLisa baby show down while Aries tries 2 failed attempts to take out a ship before a 3rd sucessful one and all out war happens. At which point all major characters will be killed off, each death less impressive then the one before, and humanity is saved.

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- Like in the original series, it is too easy to walk around the V ship and do whatever you want, cause every room is unguarded and has no security. Anna simply has no common sense. In the hatchery with thousands of her eggs, Erica got in to throw a grenade, yet there was not even any security or locked door to stop her. Yeah right. And Decker just goes to the human torture chamber like that, with no security guarding the area? Right.

- Why did Ryan betray the 5th Column and the assassination plan? I thought he wanted Anna assassinated so that he would get his daughter back. Why didn't he go through with it? That was never explained. By preventing Anna's assassination, he prolonged not having his daughter. That defied basic logic.

- And after the failed assassination attempt on Anna, why did Hobbes decide to shoot Marcus, her right hand man? What did that accomplish? Nothing. He would just be replaced, and Anna would have her guard up and not appear in public anymore. They should have just waited for another chance.

- Why did Anna have Joshua screen every Visitor, including her daughter, for empathy and emotions, yet left Joshua himself unscreened? That made no sense and was a plot blunder on the part of the writers. If Anna would screen her own daughter, why not Joshua?

- How could Joshua and other 5th Column members talk so secretly on board the ship? Doesn't the ship have cameras and listening devices everywhere, making secret communication impossible and privacy impossible as well?

- Tyler's dad getting killed during the shootout made no sense either. Eli's men were shooting at the FBI, and were supposed to be under Erica's command, so why would they shoot her ex? And the FBI had no reason to shoot him too. So who shot him? That was never explained and made no sense.

- If Lisa could get into Diana's secret dungeon so easily, just by stepping onto a platform that she saw Anna get off of, then why can't Diana get out of the dungeon the same way? How come Anna doesn't have any safeguards against anyone entering a secret room? No common sense at all.

There are probably more of course. So many blunders. It's unbelievable. - The Greatest Hope for Single Men - The Greatest Hope for Single Men


*I loved how the fifth column can talk about their plans on their cell phones so freely and how they could just gather outside for a dinner and chat about their other plans.
*I loved how erica and the 3 guys could zap around the world in a couple of days.
*I loved how every time anna makes a sinister plan, she explains to the camera "the two birds with one stone" trick

and finally, I loved how easy these gaps were to find, after reading through hundreds of others. It's as if they've improvised the whole show..


You could list the writing failures of this show all day long because there was absolutely no logic to any of the plots that were being hatched. Just a couple of examples from me just now:

- The most-wanted terrorist in the world (Hobbes), who has his face plastered all over the news for weeks for alleged terrorist attacks against the V's, can travel from the US all through Asia by plane without being detected or imprisoned by the feds and all that without making any changes to his outer appearance

- FBI agent Erica Evans can accompany said terrorist on the round trip through Asia without being detected or attracting any kind of suspicion from her supervisors.

- A Fifth Column V (Ryan) can secretly fight against Anna's minions and date a human woman for 10 years without suffering a single suspicious cut, bruise or injury that could potentially reveal his true identity.

- Phosphor is not available on Earth.

- Faux!Lisa is fertile upon birth but Real!Lisa needs to go through puberty and age by a good couple of years first.

- A hybrid baby grows like it's on speed when it's inside of the mother's womb, but then proceeds to grow as slowly as a human after it's been born.

- The V's put a tracker inside one of the most-outspoken and public anti-V persona's on Earth (Jack), yet they never check up on it or choose to follow him. Said persona is initially very worried about the R6 he's been injected with, yet he never tries to find anything out about it and then suddenly forgets all about it's existence.

Hobbes hearing 3 seconds of his wife/GF? voice and instantly turning on fifth column to do a job that any V could have done, walk within 100 yards of a building and push a button, good call on bringin Hobbes in.

And after Hobbes did all of that, he immediately forgot her and went on to screw the woman that he had just betrayed so horribly to the V's.
