MovieChat Forums > Mother/Android (2021) Discussion > How did they get into Boston?

How did they get into Boston?

Makes no sense. Wouldn't Arthur have been scanned?

Important but totally unexplained lazy plot convenience.

The movie was ok apart from the painful dragging out of the dramatic scenes, and then this silliness completely ruined it.


That bothered me too. Once he turned out to be an android it made sense that they weren't caught before they got there. Wouldn't the security have done the blood test with him? Or do you think the fact that he rushed in with two wounded people made security think there was no way he was an android. I was wondering if that was supposed to be inferred from his little speech on emotion being a human weakness.


The human communities in the movie seemed to be extremely cautious about testing etc, as they would be. Seeing that Boston was supposed to be some kind of fortress I don't think there is any possibility they'd be giving anyone - particularly strangers - a pass under any circumstances.

More to the point though, the film makers didn't even bother to address it.

That sort of thing is sloppy and lazy and makes a so-so watchable movie become a disappointing piece of shit.


Yeah I was trying to reach for something but it seemed lazy for them not to explicitly clear that up.


I thought about it also as they really showed how they used those little hand devices to check.

However, the nurse or security officer did say something about how Arthur made a lot of commotion or something as he brought them in. Maybe he refused to be checked and acted too aggressive or crazy or something, as he demonstrates he can display a lot of crazy emotion, and they had to get the others in and he was forgotten about or he killed the person checking him. Just a theory.
