MovieChat Forums > Children of the Corn (2009) Discussion > The B word and the disrespect shown on t...

The B word and the disrespect shown on this board

What is wrong with some of you males these days referring to women as bitches. Have you know damn respect for women?

Why is Vicki, a beautiful black woman, referred to as a Bitch by several posters? Yes, husband and wives do argue, as seen in this film, yet all these chauvinistic males wish to degrade this female character? He is an ass too, why blame only the woman? Sometimes the way men act set a woman to run her mouth.

Stop that crap. A woman can't have a voice without being called a bitch? Stop that nonsense. Most of you probably use your right hand as a date.


Because she WAS a bitch. It has nothing to do with her being a woman! (Go watch the Mother's Day remake. Plenty of woman in that and none are bitches)

The first time we meet her she's yelling at her boyfriend, and then when he accidentally runs a kid over, which he's PROBABLY in shock over, she starts screaming at him non-stop about how he just murdered a boy and is going to jail (when it turns out he didn't even cause the boy's death) Not to mention she constantly takes shot at him every single time she can. So no, she's called a bitch because that's what she is.


She was a super BITCH... it's not a matter of being "disrespectful" it's just the way it is.


What does being black have to do with not calling her a bitch? Her character was a bitch, plain and simple.

MovieKid100's mom is a prostitute. One Direction sucks. You're Next failed. What else is new?


I am a woman, and after her first little rant my first thought was 'What a bitch!". That opinion did not improve throughout the movie. I don't think it is right to refer to all women as bitches, but in some cases it fits. This is one of them. And what do her looks have to do with anything? Pretty women can be just as bitchy as less attractive ones.

She blames him for everything, yells constantly, deliberately pushes all his buttons, and denigrates his military service. Where I am from, that is considered being a bitch by women as much as by men.


I'm a woman and I thought she was a bitch. Black, White, Asian, Puerto Rican, I don't give a damn. I'd have bitch slapped her too. She was a foul mouthed, disrespectful, harridan. Sure she made some good points at times such as "there's no cars. no people." but that only gets you so far. She's one of those people we clearly refer to as too stupid to live.


She was an awful, over-the-top bitch. It's a shame, too. They do it so often in these cable TV productions--Lori in The Walking Dead, Skyler in Breaking Bad, the crazy detective in The Killing.


Now see, you used a GREAT substitute for the word 'bitch'. Harridan is a fantastically wonderful descriptive word. I love it. She can be called a harpy, a shrew, a HARRIDAN,

HA! Just for giggles I looked up 'bitch' in the Thesaurus on the 'Urban Dictionaries' site. According to what I read, if an expletive is needed 'bitch' seems to be the least offensive, at least to me.

Sadly, HARRIDAN didn't come up as an option. BUT, when you put 'harridan' in the Thesaurus 'bitch' does pop up and the number one replacement word choice.

Kinda funny,

It's entirely possible that I am missing the point of your message.


Black men (and women) call women bitches. It started with black rap music 20 years back. You put that into popular culture and the result is some more decay of society. As usual white people have been responsible for the advancement of civilisation and black people are responsible for the destruction of civilisation. Just look at Detroit.


Aw come one, really? You're going to blame the Black culture for the overuse of the word 'bitch' in our society?

I think you are a TROLL attempting to start an even larger fight.

I found this website, I think you'd benefit from reading it before you continue making such inflammatory remarks.

It's entirely possible that I am missing the point of your message.


She did not "have a voice" she was abusive towards him. (yes I know he hit her but, hell, I would have too!) He is a Vet. He probably had PTSD (and again yes I know at that time, PTSD wasn't widely known about) I understand she was scared but, she also completely disrespected him. He was looking out for her safety at times and she disregarded him. Her whole additude, body langauge and focus was about herself. So yes, I believe, Vicki was being a bitch. (Also, this has NOTHING to do with her race.)

Also I am sorry for my spelling. I am not making an excuse, I just can't spell that well.

