It will never live up to the iconic status of the original Ghostbusters, but I had fun watching it. There were a lot of references, cameos, and homages to the original, and this reboot had its own brand of fresh humor. If you had never seen nor heard about the 1984 version and watched this, you would think it's a pretty good summer popcorn flick with a great cast, good action, and creative special effects.
I think in actual fact you've given a pretty good argument why this film
shouldn't have been made. Btw please don't take what I say too literally as I don't want to come across as some fanatical fanboy. If the original is so good then I fail to see the point in recreating what is essentially a poorer version. Maybe I'm wrong but I sincerely think a lot of the young pre-twelve year old's paying to see this would actually enjoy the 1984 original.
And if we want to see a film where there's female protagonists who are good, strong role models for young girls then make something fresh and original with female protagonists that are so. Don't piggy back of the success and past glories of a pre-existing franchise.And I have watched enough remakes with an open mind to now be of that opinion.