Why would you be entertained by this?
What do you get out of this? This is just sick filth.
shareDid you consider that some people like sick filth in their entertainment choices? It's not real, it's a movie.
I was originally in for exploring it because of its reputation. For me, it wasn't as disturbing as it was made out to be; even though it does have some messed up themes and was quite brutal. So for a "gore movie", it was just okay.
But, I will say that the movie is strikingly beautiful as an art piece and has some of the best cinematography that I've seen in a long time. It's also a phenomenal movie as a political and social commentary about life in Serbia and its views on censorship; something I haven't seen since Salo.
But that's just me. Maybe I'm being a pretentious asshat, but that's my two cents.
Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing. -- Orson Welles
"Entertained" might be the wrong word but then I also thought Requiem for a dream, Candy and also Hunger (with Fassbender) were great but saying they were entertaining could be wrong.
Movies don't always have to be entertaining.
May be I watched this to be shocked and disturbed among many other reasons, may be to feel just like other horror movies make me feel.
Are the million movies out there about Noah's ark entertaining? Probably not, plus they include wiping out the entire human and animal population of the earth minus a pair of each kind of animals and Noah's family. What does one get out of it? Probably nothing other than wasting 2 hours of their life. I don't see how Srpski Film is any different. Also, films are not necessarily about entertainment (not saying there's anything educational in this particular film), that's disney films you're referring to.
sharePeople are sick and are naturally curious to see extremely morbid/disturbing crap to test their limits that they will regret later.