MovieChat Forums > Venom (2018) Discussion > Venom has a blockbuster opening ouch mcu...

Venom has a blockbuster opening ouch mcu fans

Venom looks like it won't be a flop in the box office and Sony has now full confidence to make their own spiderverse films
High alert: -That means Sony can take spiderman rights from MCU after far from home


Why would that mean they can take back Spider-Man rights?


Sony never wanted Spiderman to be in MCU it all happen due to the hack in 2014
when Sony had to give the right forcefully to MCU because of fans also because of mega failure of tasm 2
but inside sony wanted to take back spidey in their house again as soon as they can so they made venom and planned several other spinoffs now venom is blockbuster and sony might take spiderman rights again putting him into the sony spiderman verse because the most criticized thing in venom was not spiderman's presence


The movie rights to Spider-Man aren’t going to revert back to Sony just because Venom made money. If anything, Venom will end up folded into the MCU, at least tangibly, as Sony wants to connect him to the Tom Holland movies.


I see you capitalized Sony, Spiderman, and MCU.
I scored 0 in a game of "Find the Sentence."


Marvel Spiderman will continue well into Phase 4 if not more, sorry kid , sony aint making a spider man film for many many years


Aw, is the poor butt-hurt Marveltard feeling a little soiled that a movie centered around one of Spider-Man's most savage villians is preforming so horribly at the Box Office, lol! Maybe if the director used some common sense and shot for an R rating it could have preformed better at the Box Office.


Erm no, why on earth would I soil myself over a movie, not sure at what point I made you so emotional, I stand by my statement, Sony will not make a spider man film for many years.


Technically, Sony is making Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and that's out this year.


I think the OP meant live action movies.


Spider-Man will remain in the MCU as long as Tom Holland plays the character. That was the deal they made.

The MCU-connected Spider-Man has brought in the most net revenue for Sony since the first Tobey Maquire Spider-Man film.

Venom was Sony's attempt at expanding this currently-successful franchise to include Spider-Man's most popular adversary.

For Sony to take this, a relatively lackluster film, and say to Marvel Studios "we wanna go it alone," would be like Disney firing Kevin Feige and replacing him with Kathleen Kennedy. And before anyone says Amy Pascal is not as bad as Kathleen Kennedy, all I have to say is Ghostbusters 2016.


Pros: more "Venom" (liked this film)

Cons: more spin-offs (I hate Jared Leto, who has been cast as Morbius)
