Exactly.They aren't rebooted for no other reason than to have black people take the roles. You are correct. And it's absolutely lazy. And crazy. You would think they would want to create their own shows. Right?
Like it or not, white people did invent most of these things. That's why a lot of these shows featured, you guessed it, white people. Go figure! That's why Gone with the Wind starred, YES, white people. The Wonder Years. Happy Days. Cheers. Should white people have given all those roles to black people? Of course not.
And BLM is a terrorist organization. They did BILLIONS in damage they should be held accountable for, not including the lives lost and ruined. I didn't see any of you mind when BLM members took a 2x4 to the head of a female store owner just trying to protect her store from their vandalizing.
And MOST of the people killed by black people are by other black people. Get that straight. Not by cops. Not by white people. Not by Michael Myers, either. But black people. By well over 90%.
It's more likely for a cop to be killed by a black person than the reverse.