April never grew on me

yeah we get it, you're too cool for school, but most of the people like that soften up around people they like/love, especially after 10 years! Even in the finale she's still a dick, and not in the endearing way.

"and as I sip my soda that I'm sure somebody spit in..."


The characters in this show are all very unrealistic and thinly drawn. They're caricatures. They have one or two aspects of their personalities overblown and all other details and humanistic subtleties are downplayed or non existent.

Because none of these characters are realistic and are in fact more like cartoons than humans, there's really no way for them to grow or evolve in a way that wont seem forced or schmaltzy. I don't think anyone really wanted Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner to evolve as characters and settle their differences; People just wanted them to do what they did and to keep doing it.

yeah we get it, you're too cool for school
"yeah, we get it" could have been said for all of the characters within minutes of them first appearing on screen. Ron is a mans man who likes to eat meat. April is a sullen emo teen. Andy is the personification of a 9 month old Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

I never really liked any of these characters as people, because none of them are realistic or human. They're just props. They're just there to deliver the funny dialogue. As soon as the show lost its way and tried to become a drama with real characters I tuned out.


Brilliant post Vordhosbn.
Exactly how I felt about the characters / caricatures on this show. These types of characters work for comedy
... but not for drama.


I was like April in my younger days - fascinated by dark topics and reveled in deadpan delivery.

In reality, this "coolness" cost me a great deal. I could have made a lot more friends or had better relationships if I just "left it at the door."

It's an armour, self-protection, that once removed, vulnerabilities show up like warts. People run.

April is deep down secure and doesn't care about what other people think. I wasn't like that. I just pretended to be like that. I'm amazed that some friends stuck around.



She grew on me in the sense that I hated her less, but the character irritates me. That snakry/sullenness is too over-played. She's good for a funny line or two but I don't like episodes that feature her.

My film reviews site: www.FilmGateReviews.com


But she's so lively and colorful!

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?


she's funny sometimes but eventually the attitude becomes predictable and lame


I don't hate her, but I don't understand the character or actor anyway.

What is she supposed to be? How are we supposed to relate to someone like that? Is she secretly friendly, but externally, childishly, just 'hates' everyone, but has some kind of REALLY weird 'situationship' with some bisexual and a gay guy? What?

None of this makes any sense. Why make a character like that? Compare this eyerollingly ridiculous 'emo crap' (which is not a natural human trait, by the way, it's just some kind of trauma-generated self-defence mechanism that comes off as ridiculous, selfish, childish and repulsive) to someone with an actually likable and fun, uplifting personality, like 'Erin' in 'The Office'.

Why would anyone bother with someone that seemingly hates everyone and never laughs? That's just garbage egomonster with no redeeming qualities, and they make that into a 'character' in a TV show? What are the TV people trying to teach the viewers with this?

If there was some kind of arc, where she starts off as an unfunny hater and then slowly warms up to people and learns the error of her ways, it would be different, but she's just unrelatable, unlikable, selfish, childish 'agenda character', so she can go F herself and never come back as far as I am concerned.

If you are going to do 'emo', at least do it in a funny way, as they did in 'The IT Crowd'. Had they done her THAT way, I would probably love her character.

As it is now, fk off with your self-importance and self-generated, manufactured 'seriousness', you childish BRAT!
