April never grew on me

yeah we get it, you're too cool for school, but most of the people like that soften up around people they like/love, especially after 10 years! Even in the finale she's still a dick, and not in the endearing way.

"and as I sip my soda that I'm sure somebody spit in..."


Sorry she wasn't your cup of tea.

Hayao Miyazaki is the most overrated director of all time. Deal with it!


I'm a bit of a snarky dick myself, so I always liked her for the most part, but I can see why people don't like her. One of the few things I liked about the latter seasons was that April grew up and matured. Unfortunately, they backslid on that this last season for some reason. She was incredibly cruel to Jerry/Gary/Terry, though, to the point that it wasn't funny at all.


Her attitude is mostly about self preservation but she showed who she really is again and again. She even told Ann she loves her! I'm glad she was still a weirdo in the finale, I don't want April to become a different person.

Counter offer, you take me nowhere and I talk to no one


Yeah I agree. She was always my least favorite character on the show.


The attitude made the character, plus I liked her because she's hot.


She's awesome. Only the high school popular kids don't get her.


I love her. best character, even better than ron.


I love her--for the same reasons other people do:

It's refreshing to see a character who isn't at all warm and fuzzy, and doesn't care to be.

It's awesome.


Are you serious? Refreshing? I like her but her character is hardly original


You mustn't watch much TV nor Movies to think April's character was "refreshing".
