Funniest moments in P&R

On the top of my head I always laugh so hard during the scene where Ron lit up the torch for Lil' Sebastian's funeral. Every time I see that eyebrow-less face I crack up every damn time.

I also love the scene where they have to walk on ice during Leslie's comeback campaign. It was sooooo fvcking funny!

Of course the snake juice drunk scene was so hilarious! Seeing them drunk in a montage is the greatest thing ever. Too bad, we didn't get to see Chris Traeger drunk.

I like spoilers πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚


Many of the all-time great moments were already listed. God, I love this show. Here are some more:

- "Viva Venezuela, viva Chavez! Say it!"

- Anytime Ben stares directly at the camera, in dumbfounded disbelief.

- Andy listing band names

- Whenever Ron and Tammy II make out

- Craig: "I have a medical condition, it's called caring too much. AND IT'S INCURABLE!!!"

- the park ranger who shouts all the time

- anything about the library is comedy gold

- Ben and Calzones (especially his idea about the "lo-cal calzone-zone")

- Ann to Diane's girls: "Hey dudettes! You stoked about the weekend ... no ..." *runs away*

- Janet Snakehole and Burt Macklin

- April and Tynnyfer

- When April discovers Ben's mix CD ("shoop") on their planned road trip

- Ben (reading Ron's will): β€œUpon my death all of my belongings shall transfer to the man or animal who has killed me. What are these weird symbols?”
Ron: β€œThe man who kills me will know.”

- When Tom hurts his finger and can't stop crying about it - Ann: "Are you a female bird???"

- Whenever Leslie makes up headlines for Shauna Malwae-Tweep.

- Ben: "I didn't really do Model United Nations in high school, so ... Oh wait! I SUPER-DID!"

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?


Ok BBQ cancelled until I get my meat from food n stuff. Let's go Tom. Not you Tom. The pig Tom.


One of my favorite scenes is The Good The Bad and The Ugly moonshine showdown between Tammy, Tammy, and Leslie.
