Funniest moments in P&R

On the top of my head I always laugh so hard during the scene where Ron lit up the torch for Lil' Sebastian's funeral. Every time I see that eyebrow-less face I crack up every damn time.

I also love the scene where they have to walk on ice during Leslie's comeback campaign. It was sooooo fvcking funny!

Of course the snake juice drunk scene was so hilarious! Seeing them drunk in a montage is the greatest thing ever. Too bad, we didn't get to see Chris Traeger drunk.

I like spoilers 😀😂


"Leslie, I put your symptoms into the browser and you may connectivity problems."
--Andy Dwyer

"The only time you tell someone not to fly is when they hold your wings back."


andy puking Snake Juice all over kyles shoes

If time is not true, what purpose have watchmakers?


I loved the "eggs, bacon, and toast" song at Jerry's house.


That scene had me in bits laughing. I wasn't expecting him to vomit at all so the way he does is hilarious. Mostly because we've all been there with a hangover at some point.


So many things made me laugh, but off the top of my head, these are the moments that nearly had me in tears EVERY time I watch:

1. The introduction of Bert Macklin- "My name is Bert Macklin, and I'm with the *beep* FBI."

2. Leslie threatening Ben in The Treaty- "The only thing I'll be waving is your decapitated head on a stick in front of your weeping mother!"

3. In Jerry's Painting when Andy shoots Ben with the marshmallow shooter. It's so random, but Ben's lack of reaction and Andy's intensity make me laugh to no end.

Some of us prefer illusion to despair.-Nelson Muntz


Some remembered favorites:

Leslie to the gays: Thanks for throwing me a party, especially on a night when the Colts are playing.

April staring at the robotic politician: What the Hell is he doing?

Donna to Ann at the singles mixer: Did you grow up in the woods? Are you Nell from the movie Nell? Here's some advice: Beat it!

Andy and Ann:
Burt Macklin works alone.
I'll buy all the hamburgers you want.
Welcome to the F.B.I.

"I'm doing good in the game, so I'm doing good in life!" - Charlie Kelly


Ron Swanson having a hernia in "The Stakeout" had me cracking up. He could not leave or move in his office chair, and had to have April come in to slide his lunch over a few inches. He sits in that same position until after work hours, where April comes back in because she suspects something was wrong ("Do you live here or something?").

The janitor's interruption of a moment of silence for Lil' Sebastian with his mp3 player blaring "Man! I Feel Like a Woman" is a classic, for sure (and he comes back listening to that same song in season 7).


That hernia scene had me in tears. Pure brilliance.

Another favorite of mine is the Shockwire scene between Andy and Ron.


Ron pulling his tooth out with pliers at a boring and fatuous recycling meeting.

Time machine ni onegai 


The campaign-manager lady was usually hilarious. Great way to bring her back.


Tom: blah blah blah. blah blah blah. Can I get a what-what?

Ron: (confused) What?

Leslie: (confused) What?
