MovieChat Forums > Parks and Recreation (2009) Discussion > Can one think that Hillary Clinton is a ...

Can one think that Hillary Clinton is a devil and still like this show?

I generally like the show, but from season five, I am starting to dislike some aspects of it. Having a woman like Hilary Clinton for a role-model is really detestable. Whenever I think of her, I remember how Gadaffi was slaughtered and she said in front of the cameras : "We came, we saw, he's dead" and every positive emotion I have is wiped from me and I can't smile no more.

There were two sequels already in season five where she is glorified. Should I stop now or will they stop doing this?


(sorry last post automatically posted when I accidentally hit the italics button, for some reason)

Okay I'm not American and I just have to ask - do people really think they have to like Hillary Clinton just because she's a woman?

From what I've seen of her, she's a moron and a liar. She supports Sharia law for Muslim communities. I mean actual practice of Sharia law. That's death to adulterers and homosexuals and forced subjugation of women and brutal punishments for thieves. That's implementing a different set of laws for a certain group of people. That defeats the purpose of living in the same country. That will irrevocably divide your society. If you want to end discord and prejudice, from both sides, that is not how you do it. And for what? To avoid hurting the feelings of some people? For *beep*'s sake. That's the most idiotic thing I have ever heard of in my life.

I sincerely hope that woman does not become your next president. Please someone tell me people aren't voting for her just because she's a woman.

As a woman myself, let me tell you - women can be idiots too!


I don't love Hillary Clinton but I doubt she said that she supports Sharia Law within the United States. That sounds like something right out of the Fox News 'lies and half-truths about Hillary Clinton' book.


I can't stand the Clintons and this is my favorite comedy of all time.


Ditto to the first and P&R is one of my favorites.

I think Leslie was a mix of liberal and conservative. She loved parks, community projects, women's rights, and getting involved in just about everything while she hated big evil businesses like Sweetums, politicians who try to buy their way into office, and blatantly corrupt politicians. Those last two should put her at odd with most politicians in either major party. What struck me was her sometimes contradictory nature like going along with asinine things like Ted Party Day or being hostile towards Sue's Salads.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


Did you cry when bin laden was killed too? Did Obama saying "we got him" make you vomit? Poor little snowflake you.


I am a guy who hates modern female protagonists, I am an MRA, and recent anti-male strain of feminism is really starting to make me hate women in general. But for some reason, I still like this show.

Just because I like the show doesn't mean I have to like her.
The same show has someone on the very opposite end of the political spectrum as a really good guy. Perhaps even better than Leslie herself, Ron Swanson.
The great thing about the show is, Leslie isn't a Mary Sue. Unlike modern female protagonists, is not portrayed as perfect AND she has female opponents.

This is how you write characters. You don't make them perfect, you don't make all their opponents of an opposing physical trait and you don't make members of certain groups complete idiots.
No one would accept a white male fighting only black opponents, same for black protagonists against white only opponents, why is this acceptable for action-adventure movies/shows/tv for a woman to have only male opponents. Also, it would be great if you don't steal someone else's movie/tv show/game.
This is what Parks and Rec, Kim Possible, Sabrina, even Powerpuff Girls, Aliens and Xena get right and stuff like Maleficent, Ghostbusters and the new Star Wars get very very wrong.


The fact that she reveled in the death of a brutal dictator bothers you more than the 25,000 soldiers who died needlessly in the American invasion of Iraq?


i do


To simply answer the question and avoid some of the politically charged nonsense in the thread, much of which has set off some eye rolling... Yes, you can not like Hillary Clinton and still like this show. It's a pretty good show. While the favoritism obviously leaned toward Democrats, it's refreshing to watch a show that doesn't automatically turn the firehouse on to anybody that happens to have an R next to their name.



It's pretty sick and twisted s*** the devil clearly is Steve Bannon and Donald Trump is his surrogate
