Rape ?

Is ther a rape scene in this movie like there is in most of these types of movies ?



- Paranormal Activity made me shake in my knickers!! -



idk but this movie is an eye raper :( my eyes bled and cried and couldnt stand the pain...



dk but this movie is an eye raper :( my eyes bled and cried and couldnt stand the pain....


Sin City - 10/10...



No, but Hills Have Eyes the remake is ok...honestly though they say the rape scene is one of the worse scenes in a movie to endure...they don't even show anything...just some freakshow flopping up and down like a beached whale on top of a covered, gagged, screaming blond girl.

"Good...Bad...I'm the guy with the Gun" - Army of Darkness - Ash (Bruce Campbell)



....so you may want to double this up with I Spit on your Grave!

Don't touch the watch!


You're obviously a pig of a man. I'd rather watch "the whole cast covered in blood, people dying gruesome deaths and being eaten, and greed and evil winning in the end" x 10 than watch a rape *beep*



ikr, what a bizarre comment.


Nope. Unfortunately because I really enjoy rape scenes.


You're a disgusting waste of human flesh.




I'm a woman and I hate rapes scenes but I do not see how a rape scene is any worse then people being tortured the way they are in this film and killed. So you're saying one woman being raped is worse than 50 people being murdered, tortured and violated in various ways because she's a woman and it's rape? That makes no sense and I'm a Woman's Studies major, haha.

I'm not supporting rape scenes but it's not worse than 10X what is being shown in this movie.


I'm a women too. With that said,Ryo7 I want to know what 'rape' scene in The Hills Have Eyes remake you're referring to? There was an IMPLIED rape, but NONE was actual shown on film. If you want to be 'disgusted' by a rape scene, then watch Irreversible...
lotr_freakpip, I despise poster like you! I bet you listen to Rap and watch the comedies that come out in the theaters today and have NO PROBLEM with their misogynist overtones, don't you...
I must be gone and live, or stay and die...


Oh snap,lol^^

It is ridiculous how anyone can watch people being impaled and tortured for days, but a rape scene is the deal closer. It just shows how we have been programmed by television and the media. We see so much violence it doesn't bother us when someone's guts are on the floor, but a date/forced rape and half the theatre walks out.

The irony...


It's not ridiculous at all and there's no need to judge. People that know people that have been brutally murdered and mutilated probably would have a problem with movies like this. You can't really say what other people are supposed to feel about either type of scene. It's personal.

It doesn't really matter if someone can handle murder scenes better than a rape scene or vice versa. Just like someone who's had a child murdered raped or missing wouldn't like a movie that featured children in danger of a serial killer or pedophile.

It's smart of the OP to want to know if the movie is free of the thing that gets to them so they can enjoy it more. I don't see why people are making a big deal out of people that just don't like rape scenes.

Certain elements take people out of the enjoyment of a movie more than others. Sometimes it changes the tone of the movie or it brings up personal tragedies in their lives or the lives of people they know.

I think a lot of men would have a different take on rape scenes if most horror movies included a lot graphic rape scenes of men.


I'm surprised no one mentioned this, but I was under the impression that the deputy was probably raped (we only see her later on, naked and covered in barb wire). If it did happen, however, is left ambiguous.

my reviews of martial arts and horror films


There is the possibility that Alex was raped, but it's not made very clear. *SPOILER!*After Three Finger takes Alex out of his car, he does lick the side of her face. That could be contrued two ways: 1)he was tasting his prospective dinner, or 2)he was being, for lack of a better word, "playful", possibly insinuating what he was doing to do later on.*SPOILER!*

*Team Jacob or Team Edward? Neither, I'm team Three Finger*


What does it matter? Is raping worse than cutting someones head open with an axe and eating the brains inside?
