MovieChat Forums > Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead (2009) Discussion > Not as good as 1, far better than 2

Not as good as 1, far better than 2

The original would be too hard to top. The lead actor was fantastic, the supporting roles were good, production was great, effect were top notch (for what it was) and it had an overall strong horror vibe.

Part 2 was a monumental letdown for me. Henry Rollins' grade c acting ultimately did the film in. Not to mention his rambo-esque character that made the film more of a joke than a horror flick. The other performances were ok but nothing to take notice of. I would recommend skipping this one altogether, it's just boring and lacks any real moments of suspense or interest. Grade ...C slasher.

Finally, part 3. Slightly better production than 2, much more original plot and a better array of interesting, well-acted out parts/characters. Not to mention it was nice that it was more of a horror film than its predecessor. It takes itself seriously (for the most part) and is very well acted considering it's straight to video. Sci-Fi Channel director at the helm scared me at first but after giving it a chance it was well worth it and far better than any Sci-Fi Channel cheese that they show from week to week. Just goes to show that maybe a bad director is only bad when he's given Sci-Fi channel budget or script...hmmm..... Anyway, check it out, it's a vast improvement over part 2. The fact that this one gets worse reviews than part 2 is quite mind boggling. And, on a side note.. It's almost like watching a very violent episode of Lost.


"much more original plot and a better array of interesting, well-acted out parts/characters."

"It's almost like watching a very violent episode of Lost."

Are you on crack?! Please... for me... never breed. Your taste is appalling and I don't want my kids to be in a future with your kids sensibility in film making.



You're either joking or retarded. There's no way this was better than 2.

The second part is actually the best of the trilogy and this absolutely sucked.

The first one was okay, but played it too "safe" so to speak.


Agree completely.

Although 2 started out like it was going to be as weak as 3 is, it soon warmed up to be one of my all time favorite fun-horror romps.

THe freak family was really well fleshed out in 2.

The scene where the sister comes charging out of the woods to confront the girl in the river is an awesome horror moment.

I give 2 a regular rewatch.


Completely disagree, i liked the first two but was very disappointed with this one.

First one was great, i watched it a few times already.
I like Henry Rollins in the second part and the mutants where great.

In the third one i didn't like the characters much. The script was mediocre and the acting in general was not very good maybe because of the script. The only parts i liked was when three finger showed up. The movie provided with a couple of jump at best but it was not scary and had no horror atmosphere.

Will watch part four soon and hoping it's better. will not be watching this one again.


agreed, the first one is the legend. The second one is just like crap, not really connected with the first, like a stand-alone because they suddenly have a family. The third one is really good, maybe they got a bad acting but its ok as long as its exciting!


I agree.

WT1 > WT3 > WT2

WT2 was like a parody of WT1.


I prefer Wrong Turn 2 over 3. 3 is boring.


I can't see how any sane individual can place 3 above 2. 3 is one of the worst movies I've ever seen and 2 is actually a clever spin on horror conventions and extremely entertaining. 3 literally has almost no redeeming qualities.

"Some men are coming to kill us. We're gonna kill them first." 
