MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City 2 (2010) Discussion > debate: Carrie's anniversary present fro...

debate: Carrie's anniversary present from Big

What do you think of Big's anniversary present to Carrie? She didn't like it at all.

I feel even though he is a couch potato, Big wanted to recreate the romance they had watching an old movie in a hotel on a regular basis. I think it was a thoughtful gift, and she gets that sourpuss look on her face and says jewelry might have been nicer. Then she continues to nag him about it later in the movie.

I do, though, think Big shouldn't have given Carrie a hard time about going out on the town on a Monday night.

Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right? Right?? ~~ Ned Ryerson


Carrie is such a bitch that I don't see how any man can stand her. Who complains about gifts received from loved ones? Big was trying to be romantic by recreating the mood from the hotel, I don't know why she couldn't just be thankful.



Yep i know the feeling, many of my friends are married & some of them are right cows - they treat their husband s like dirt, whinge, whine etc spoilt - i hear them arguing & the guys always say 'aww im so lucky to be with the love of my life' etc

Im single & treat everybody lovely, well ive just started dating somebody & he was being really mean to me so i said 'can you be a little bit nicer, not quite so nasty' & he replied with 'this is how i am, if you dont like it find somebody else!c :((( What is wrong with me?


Theres nothing wrong with you at all, you are what they call a beautiful flower amongst a pot of dirt/in a concrete jungle. And sadly, in this *beep* up, backwards world that we live in there lies the unfairness - lovely women dating dirtbags and lovely men dating bitches.

Its not fair at all, it doesn't make any sense why it happens but might I STRONGLY suggest that you do one of two things - either leave the a-hole you are with or go down to his level and speak to and treat him in the exact same way that he speaks and treats you. But I strongly suggest the former.
I talk from experience, I too have lived with a man like that and trust me, if they say they aren't going to change then they never will change. And the fact he came right out and said it to you is because he thinks you are the pushover type who will just put up with it. You ARE BETTER than him. You deserve better. Heck even being alone for the rest of your life is better than staying with someone like him. He DOES NOT deserve you. So please do not even hesitate for a second to leave him, just leave. It'll be the best thing you ever did and it will teach him a valuable lesson too!


Thanks Sweetie - that helps - this is my guy:

What would you suggest i do? You sound intelligent :)


Are you still with him? How have you not dumped him already? He won't change hun, these types can't be changed or helped. LEAVE! He sounds controlling, heartless and downright disgusting. The whole point of being in a relationship is that you raise each other up, not drag each other down. Bet your life was pretty happy or at least content when you were single right, now you are in a relationship and rather than smiling and feeling happier everyday you feel hurt, abused, lost, confused, always questioning everything. Does that sound like a happy relationship to you? Take it from someone who knows someone who stayed in a relationship like this and are still together to this day (my parents) you WILL be left with a lifetime of REGRETS. Thats the one word my mum uses to this day - she regrets it. If she had the chance to go back in time, what would she change? She'd have divorced him right from the moment she began to feel suffocated in her marriage.

If you don't leave now thats how its going to go, you'll stay with him. He'll treat you the same or worse. To keep you sweet he'll probably move in with you or marry you but don't be fooled by the sweet gesture - its called 'keeping you sweet'. Thats how controlling people brainwash you. Hurt, hurt, hurt and then when you are about to leave 'sorry, I love you, I'll change. See I do have this sweet side to me'... then back to the abuse sooner or later.

And one day before you know it 10/15/20/30/50 years have gone past and you look back on your life in sheer disappointment. You don't have any friends, you don't have any family, the only thing you have in your life is your controlling, abusive partner. And you finally want to leave but think whats the point - you're too old now, you're too used to him now and you are too dependant on him

LEAVE NOW whilst you've still got the chance. For the sake of your self-respect and dignity LEAVE... NOW!!! and find yourself that man who WILL treat you the way you deserve to be treated. All the best xx


Look, yes, Carrie exhibits some bad behavior...but she and Big had been seeing each other for 10 years before they got married. He knows her inside and out, and knows her obsession with fashion. Therefore, he should have been able to predict that she was not going to be excited about a TV for the bedroom. That is like a man giving his wife tickets to a football game for her birthday. They aren't really for her, its HE who wants it. "I bought you something I want for YOUR gift." its inconsiderate, really.

The night is dark, and full of terrors.


That is a stupid comparison. Big clearly said that the tv was so that they could recreate the special night they had at the hotel. A night they both enjoyed. It was a romantic, thoughtful gift. Carrie is just too selfish and greedy to accept it. I would find it very hard to believe that he has never bought her jewellery or something fashion related during their relationship. So for him to not buy her that should not be a big deal. He actually put a lot of thought into the gift which is sweet. I'd rather that than just another piece of random jewellery.

Seriously, I'm watching the movie as I type. They just got back from the movie premiere and I just want to tell Carrie to GROW THE *beep* UP!!!!! Stop being such a goddamn bitch!


But then it's not really a gift for her. Which a gift like that should be. Yes he thought that that moment was special but then he should have just bought a tv for himself. She never watches tv. She didn't even have one in her old apartment.

Yes they had a nice moment where they were watching movies but that doesn't mean that buying her that tv was a good idea. He should have bought that tv for himself and gotten her something just for her.


But then it's not really a gift for her. Which a gift like that should be. Yes he thought that that moment was special but then he should have just bought a tv for himself. She never watches tv. She didn't even have one in her old apartment.

Yes they had a nice moment where they were watching movies but that doesn't mean that buying her that tv was a good idea. He should have bought that tv for himself and gotten her something just for her.


Sadly, you are one of the FEW who understands this…

He bought the TV for himself… NOT for her… PERIOD….
for people to not understand that is just sad…

I have tons of shoes, in fact the same kind of shoes,
I still want romantic gifts that are for me… just like the gifts I buy for
my husband…
If he wants a gift for the both of us, then he should just buy it at another time,
NOT on their anniversary…. that was pretty selfish of him…


Just a Gurl from Seattle, living in Sweden


I don't think Carrie feels comfortable being happy, and this gets more obvious the older she gets. Unless there is drama and conflict she can't be content.

The cake is a lie.


She was such a bitch to Big & the girls, esp Charlotte, throughout the entire movie.


If you ever want to know what being married to a 13 year old would be like (without being arrested for doing it), marry Carrie.


I really don't think Carrie could have been more selfish. Her whole marriage to Big is based entirely on her wants and needs. On the watch she have him for their anniversary she had engraved "me and you, just us two", but it should have said "me me me, just me"! She bitched about the TV, she bitched about the couch, the takeout food, his wanting to stay in. Could she have been anymore shallow? All she was interested in was going out and expensive clothes. Big was just a means for her to be able to pay for her lifestyle.


On the watch she have him for their anniversary she had engraved "me and you, just us two", but it should have said "me me me, just me"!

I would have loved the TV in the bedroom gift. But Carrie couldn't love it. It took the place of her being the center of attention.

Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything That's how the light gets in


His gift was thoughtful and I would have loved it, especially when he explained why he got her a tv. I think Big should have given Carrie a hard time going out on a Monday, he works all day; he doesn't feel like going out. I would feel the same way. She could go by herself.

I'm a bagel on a plate full of onion rolls!


But Carrie didn't really watch tv. She even mentions in one episode of the series that she stopped watching tv when people starting putting leaches down their pants. So she's not someone that watches tv or would be interested in a tv. So why would she want a tv as a gift?

It seemed to me that Big was buying something that was for him more than her. It's sort of like when on the Simpsons Homer bought Marge a bowling ball for her birthday. The gift wasn't meant for her, he was really buying it for himself.


But the marriage isn't just about her. They shared a special moment at a wedding, watching a TV together, and Mr. Big decided to share that.

I agree- she was selfish towards him in both movies. It was more about her wants and needs rather than his.

But as for the 'bad anniversary present' ... it's actually very normal in marriages for a couple to do that. And in this case Carrie gave him what SHE wanted, a piece of jewelry, and he gave her what HE wanted... a TV.


Well if you are getting someone a gift for an anniversary you find out what the other person wants. Not what you want. You look for the other persons likes and dislikes. Not your own.


The thing is, even if carrie didn't love that anniversary present, she is SPOILED ALL THE TIME, year round , thru out life while being with Big ( HELLO....her lil piece of HEAVEN he built her... CLOSET)... in marriages, you pick and choose your battles carefully. Was it REALLY necessary for her to act the way she acted in that scenario? She acted like a brat about gift giving for crying out loud!!! if anything she had more reason to be that pissed over Big saying they need 2 days off from ea other. ( PICK AND CHOOSE BATTLES ) He had a reason for the tv- the story told about them having a special night at the wedding w black and white movies and so what if he wanted it to? but he also thought of THEM... you know what anniversaries are ALL about. The celebration of another year TOGETHER. so actually the gift makes scene.

I think Carrie could have been disappointed on the inside but just took one for the team and just been grateful that he tried. She should of smiled and said " oh! yes that was special night... thats sweet, thank you" and moved on... IT'S NOT LIKE SHE WASN'T GOING TO GET ANYTHING FOR A ANOTHER WHOLE YEAR.... yeah... right. She acted as if they exchange gifts just once a year. he spoils the sh!t out of her. her attitude was NOT cute and not needed.

they were having a nice night after HE COOKED HER DINNER, then she goes slamming his present, being a sour-puss and then telling him he should of gotten her a piece of jewerly WAS BITCHY. Sometimes you have to let it go.


I don't agree that she should have been grateful that he tried. This is a guy that was supposed to know her, know about her. How in the world did he think that a tv for a woman that doesn't even watch tv would be a good idea?

Carries interests are fashion. If he had picked out a nice Dior dress or whatever she would probably have been over the moon.

As for the story about the black and white movie, he didn't even have one at hand. All he did was watch "normal" tv. Deadliest catch and stuff like that. How on earth is that something that carrie would enjoy?


I don't even think i'd call him a couch potato. From their discussion it sounds like they eat out 4 or 5 times a week. He had a long day and needed a night with the TV.

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


I never understood why Carrie bitched so much about him wanting to chill around the apartment after work. Mon-Thursday, all I want to do after work is throw on my sweat pants & watch TV. I'm tired from my day. I guess she couldn't understand since she doesn't go into an office every day. She probably writes for a day or two during the week & then just shops or has lunch with her girls the rest of the time. Must be nice!

I watch way too much television


Yeah, I thought that was pretty ridiculous. Big is a 50-something man, he's already not going to have a ton of energy, but he just got done working at what must be a pretty stressful banking job (to be honest I was always unclear on exactly what he did), and Carrie gets angry because he wants to relax and stay in? And she drags him to that premiere. The level of entitlement for her to react so negatively to him *bringing home takeout* from what must have been a nice restaurant is mind-boggling.


I agree! Big normally gets on my nerves in the series, but he's just fine in this, and I would have been happy with a TV. It's like the writers couldn't figure out the plot for this movie, so they manufactured drama.



I took it as it was more of a present for him (watching tv in bed) - it didn't seem like he put much thought as she did on her gift for him with the watch and engraving. She was hoping for a romantic gift. Just my interpretation.

Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?


I was thinking he probably would leav/cheat on her.
Just accept the tv, you have loads of crazy ass expensive shoes, Bitc*!!

Everyday I learn something new!


I think having too much money went to Carrie's head. Any poor person like myself would be tickled pink to have the Tv. We can barely afford cards. But what did they do to Carrie in SATC2? She became a different person than in the series. Remember when she was grateful just to have a toothbrush head? This is why men fear marriage. When a woman changes from a kind and loving woman, to a jealous, angry shrew after the wedding.


So, because she had a lot of nice shoes, Big should NEVER be expected to
give her a nice romantic anniversary gift?

Also, most of those shoes she bought for herself…
The TV was NOT for her, it was for him…


Just a Gurl from Seattle, living in Sweden


I'm just surprised they didn't have a tv in their bedroom to start with. who the hell doesn't have a tv in their bedroom nowadays?

Its the most amazing thing ever! nothing better than to watch tv whilst lying in bed, sometimes whilst eating too.

Ashmi any question


At least he didnt get her a thighmaster, I had a Roomate whose BF got her a thighmaster for valentines day needless to say she didnt take it to well, and no she wasnt fat she was very skinny.

Sláinte I refuse to get into a battle of wits with someone so woefully unarmed
