Are you still with him? How have you not dumped him already? He won't change hun, these types can't be changed or helped. LEAVE! He sounds controlling, heartless and downright disgusting. The whole point of being in a relationship is that you raise each other up, not drag each other down. Bet your life was pretty happy or at least content when you were single right, now you are in a relationship and rather than smiling and feeling happier everyday you feel hurt, abused, lost, confused, always questioning everything. Does that sound like a happy relationship to you? Take it from someone who knows someone who stayed in a relationship like this and are still together to this day (my parents) you WILL be left with a lifetime of REGRETS. Thats the one word my mum uses to this day - she regrets it. If she had the chance to go back in time, what would she change? She'd have divorced him right from the moment she began to feel suffocated in her marriage.
If you don't leave now thats how its going to go, you'll stay with him. He'll treat you the same or worse. To keep you sweet he'll probably move in with you or marry you but don't be fooled by the sweet gesture - its called 'keeping you sweet'. Thats how controlling people brainwash you. Hurt, hurt, hurt and then when you are about to leave 'sorry, I love you, I'll change. See I do have this sweet side to me'... then back to the abuse sooner or later.
And one day before you know it 10/15/20/30/50 years have gone past and you look back on your life in sheer disappointment. You don't have any friends, you don't have any family, the only thing you have in your life is your controlling, abusive partner. And you finally want to leave but think whats the point - you're too old now, you're too used to him now and you are too dependant on him
LEAVE NOW whilst you've still got the chance. For the sake of your self-respect and dignity LEAVE... NOW!!! and find yourself that man who WILL treat you the way you deserve to be treated. All the best xx