Anime turned into live action film - not a great idea
The comedy bits are dumb, dorky, not well executed. Then you have the drama bits... way too long, not a whole lot of depth, not interconnected - perhaps because there are too many characters. The film gets boring - I started to feel bored in the last 20 minutes, where I felt like I didn't even care enough to see the grand finale with action bits. I think the problem could be remedied by either drastically cutting down the drama bits, or decreasing the number of characters for whom they show the dramatic flashbacks (thereby improving the focus of the film).
By the end of the film, I came to realize that this feels like a live-action remake of a typical action-driven anime. The character reactions, dialogue, the imagery used, action choreography - it has all of the bits that make a typical anime what it is. That may also explain why there are so many characters with their own backstories - something that would work out OK in a 24 episodes-per-season format, but something that definitely leads to all sort of problems when being directly translated into the 2 hour live-action film format.
All in all - I'd give this film 5/10. There are quality bits in this film and good actors to boot - but... meaningless drama bits, and too many characters, typical anime character dialogues/reactions, with boring drama flashbacks cause this film to overstay its welcome.