MovieChat Forums > This Is the End (2013) Discussion > intense religious themes at end ruin thi...

intense religious themes at end ruin this decent comedy

i was misled thinking this was going to be a campy "make fun of armageddon movie" but instead it actually IS an armageddon movie after mostly as a comedian buddy movie. the last 1/3 of the movie turns into a fanatical christian tale of who gets to heaven. there is no joke about it, it's treated real and it doesn't fit the movie at all. the sacrifice instant access to heaven *beep* it just makes a turn into blatant propaganda for the church after a halfway decent flick that i got some chuckles from. its good to see other threads also mentioning how this is despicable. hollywood is special needs shortbus challenged.


first of all this movie is not funny, the jokes are stupid. maybe funny to others but not to me.

If this movie really meant to uphold the church, what is it with you? Being an atheist is not believing in any religion. Not believing, not going against. You are not an atheist your an anti-church. Leave them whatever they want to do and don't believe in their propaganda. Atheist is not a religion, so you should not preach it. Go on with your life and continue with your belief.


"I was misled..."

No you weren't. You had a certain expectation which was not met by the reality of this movie. There is a difference, and not a very subtle one either.

Amazing!! A movie about the end of days myth has content that relates to that.
I can't say that that should have been really surprising.

I also think you misunderstood the whole intent behind the last part. Because all in all it makes fun of the whole "going to heaven" thing much more than it actually promotes the belief.

Perhaps you should stop taking the 'faith vs non-faith' thing a little less seriously. That way you will look at things with a bit less confirmation bias.
I see both sides of the argument making that mistake too much.
You WANT to see too many things too much like religious propaganda and religious nutters WANT to see atheist rejection of faith too much in everything which does not directly confirm their beliefs.

Given the fact that reality is a subjective experience, it is better to not become too absolutist in your ideas about it and take things a lot less seriously. That way you won't get your jimmies ruffled so often and can avoid unnecessary conflict about things that do not really matter.

Consciousness turns moments into tangible components of the Unity that is (in) everything



I'm pretty sure Christians wouldn't have attached a giant dong on the devil like this movie has


Strange how I'm one of the few who thought your troll post was hilarious. I guess they didn't even watch the movie to not realize there is no religious theme in it at all, instead just feeling compelled to argue.

L O L !!


"to not realize there is no religious theme in it at all" Uh, no, there are religious themes in the movie.


The fact that they present a completely UN biblical view of the whole salvation thing is a sign that you missed the piss-take.

Considered lightening up?

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.


Wow... already seven pages of bible-thumping loons. tldr.


In the first place, how can a movie about the End not have "religious" themes?

In the second, a genuine piece of what you would regard as "propaganda" wouldn't have all the obvious anti-Christian elements in it that this movie does-- in fact, it's amusingly ironic that you affix the adjective "decent" to the film when indecency runs amok through the whole thing.

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes" is an absolute statement.


Cabin in the Woods didit w/o any kind of religious atrocity.

And no, there was no "anti-xian propaganda". The movie got determined by the ending: the only thing that matters is get raptured to the xian heaven. You know MY wish'd be there? BRING THE FOKIN DEMON AND MAKE IT RAPE THE CROWED TO PIECES! Then find gawd, eat it with a spoon, take its throne, and reset Earth w/o any of this armageddon BS.


I'll come back once you proofread your comment and re-post it in a legible form.

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes" is an absolute statement.
