Rank the DCU films

Where does Justice League 2021 fit in? I haven’t seen it yet. Biding my time for a 1 month subscription to HBOMax (timing it right so I can see Godzilla, New Mutants, and Mortal Kombat, too!).

Best to last, for me:
Man of Steel
Wonder Woman
BvS Director’s cut
Justice League 2017
Suicide Squad (a.w.f.u.l.)

Haven’t seen WW84, Shazam yet.


I've already seen Snyder's version of Justice League twice since it debuted on HBO Max and absolutely loved it. It may very well take over the top spot with multiple viewings, but for now I still have Man of Steel as my favorite DCEU film.

Man of Steel
Zack Snyder's Justice League
Batman v Superman
Justice League 2017
Wonder Woman
Suicide Squad
Birds of Prey


No seen ZS JL, WW84 or even BOP yet but heres me



They have been uniformly bad. I couldn't finish Aquaman. I fell asleep twice during the recent Wonder Woman sequel, and ended up watching in three segments; only watched the third time to see how bad it would get and it outdid my expectations for crappiness with the ending. Man of Steel and BvS were lousy, amateurish efforts with no cleverness or emotion. I saw Justice League in a movie theater, but left near the end because I didn't care at all about what was happening. I watched Suicide Squad and Shazam at home and found both to be completely awful. The first Wonder Woman film was not awful, though heavy-handed, and probably barely average, but it's Citizen Kane when compared to the rest of the films in the franchise.

I don't understand what it is about these DCEU films. It's as if no one is supervising them, or checking for quality, or reviewing the scripts. Nothing happens in any of them that is in any way gripping or inspiring, there are never any surprises or clever moments or poignant lines, I never feel moved by anything, I certainly feel no emotional pull or attachment to any characters. I have nothing against action films, and enjoy good action/sci-fi/superhero films, but none of the DCEU films are remotely close to good.


You seem to have summed up a lot of my feelings toward the DCEU as well.





Wonder Woman
The Joker (even tho i don't count it as a CBM, But its light years of ahead of Snyder shit)

After that, then all of Snyder's moody melodramatic Crap. Im sorry but the DECU has been a mess from the beginning and most of that is Snyder Fault. He fundamentally dosn't understand these characters, especially Superman.

BVS - had a horrible plot that barely made any sense and the whole movie hinges on two random dudes who becoming best buds because there mom have the first name. And no i don't think watching the 4 hour version would make me like it better. Since the 4 hour version of JL wasn't any better either. If you need 4 hours to tell a simple story about good guy punch bad guy. Your probably not a very good filmmaker. Even Michael Bay can make films under 3 hours.

MOS - A Horrible interpretation of the Superman Mythos. Where John Kent tells Clark, Maybe you should let kids drown in buses. Lets his own dad die when he didn't need too. And latter on contributed to the death of millions of people. A Superman movie where everyone would be better off (and alive) if Superman never came to earth in first place. Isn't really that good of a Superman movie.

Suicide Squad - A movie so Forgettable, i forgot what plot was about. All i remember was Zombies like creatures and some stupid witch.

Zack's Justice League - Same movie we got in 2017, Just longer, more boring, less humor, less color. Nothing close to the so called Masterpiece people are trying make it to be. The best thing about was Ray Fisher. But Frankly i wonder if he still has a Career after accuse everyone of something.

WW84 - As much of a mess as it is. I don't consider anywhere as bad as Batman v Superman.

Birds of Pray - Looked so Bad, i didn't even watch it.


MOS - A Horrible interpretation of the Superman Mythos. Where John Kent tells Clark, Maybe you should let kids drown in buses. Lets his own dad die when he didn't need too. And latter on contributed to the death of millions of people. A Superman movie where everyone would be better off (and alive) if Superman never came to earth in first place. Isn't really that good of a Superman movie.

I've written at length about my issues with Man of Steel, but never have I come across such a succinctly poignant summation of Snyder's Man of Steel.

His mischaracterization of Superman makes me seethe to this day, and you summed it up perfectly: Earth would have benefited in every way without Superman ever having lived... heck, the events of Justice League never would have taken place without Superman either!



Wonder Woman
Zack Snyder's Justice League
Man of Steel
Birds of Prey
Suicide Squad
Josstice League
Batman v. Superman
Wonder Woman 1984


Wonder Woman
Man of Steel


1. Man of Steel--8.5/10(I really like this movie despite it having huge problems, Tornadocide is among the biggest fails ever)

2. Zack Snyder's Justice League-8/10(I think I enjoy this film more than WW1 but I need to watch it again, but even though I enjoy it more than WW1, I do consider WW1 a better overall movie)

3. Wonder Woman-9/10(IMO Better than ZSs JL but not as fun)

4. Aquaman-7.5/10(Maybe 8/10)(just fun)

5. Batman v Superman Ultimate Cut-6.5/10(Not good, slightly better version than the Theatrical cut)

6. Shazam-7/10(decent at best, while I recognize most like this film, It just didnt do it for me)

7. Suicide Squad-6.5/10(somewhat fun but not a good movie, Leto's Joker easily one of the biggest fails ever)

8. Birds of Prey-6/10(Just a complete MISSFIRE)

9. Wonder Woman 1984-5/10(Awful, A complete nonsensical story, totally wrong direction to take the character, awful Villains, almost no action, EPIC FAIL on an ending/finale, A can NOT Imagine Patty Jenkins returning to make part 3)

11. Batman V Superman Theatrical cut--4/10(IMO the biggest creative failure in CBM history, featuring the most mocked scene in the history of cinema in Martha, A movie so awful and so butchered in editing that WB had to release a different cut of the movie on BR just so people could finally understand the actually story and characters motivations, An all time awful casting decision in Jesse as Lex, and awful Finale featuring a Teenage Mutant Ninja Doomsday that was the size of KING KONG that made it impossible for the Heroes to actually fight or even punch him, No WORDS can describe the failure here)

12.Justice League 2017-1/10(I'm in no way exaggerating here with a 1/10 rating...This is one of the very worst films ever made, In fact I dont even consider it a movie, Its a Frankenstein monster of scenes edited together to meet a mandatory 2 hour runtime, everything that makes a movie a movie is MISSING here)

PS While Most dont consider Joker(2019) to be part of The DCEU/DCU....Most consider it a one off DC film...

But if I did consider it part of the DCEU...It would easily be ranked #1...

1. Joker-9.5/10-(IMO among the greatest CBM's ever made....An Oscar Winning Performance by Phoenix...Incredibly story telling, amazing Score, awesome cinematography, Just amazing)
