Is Ethan gay?

He dresses like he's gay, talks like he's gay, and the way he walks - I mean oh my god. He masturbated while Peter was in the car (what straight guy would be able to jack off with another man right there?). I bet he was thinking about Peter while doing it! And he seemed excited when Peter gave him a "smooch".

He never mentioned having a girlfriend or being interested in a woman, he only said he had slept with a girl when he was 9, but that seemed made-up to me.


but the way he walked, kind of sissy.



get some education



It never even crossed my mind that he might be gay and I'm a sharp sonofagun. If gay even comes to mind, it would be Peter. He talks down to everyone and thinks highly of himself. I thought he was more obnoxious than Ethan who is basically nice but too much so. Peter reminded me of a gay coworker I once had. Oh and it was Peter that the hillbilly called a *beep*


Yes, it seems that he is, but he may just as likely only be an effeminate heterosexual man. Regardless, the question is - why do you think it's important? The story isn't effected or driven by anyone's sexuality. The characters are both meant to be flawed and eccentric. In other words, just normal people.

"Good times, noodle salad"
