Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid with his fist...???
i was like "WTF ??? am i supposed to laugh at that ??" i know the kid was a jerk but come on...he's like 70 Lbs....
sharei was like "WTF ??? am i supposed to laugh at that ??" i know the kid was a jerk but come on...he's like 70 Lbs....
shareI wouldn't say I was offended, per se, but it did bother me quite a bit. Offended would mean it was something aimed towards myself or something about my culture. I thought it was really horrible and unfunny though.
shareNope. I found it pretty funny. I could tell its not for everyone to laugh at tho.
One day i'll have something cool posted here....
This movie was a lot like Planes Trains and Automobiles :)
shareChild abuse isn't funny.
As such, neither was this scene.
In fact, I thought it was quite sickening how they made light of such a poisonous criminal act.
'What you talking 'bout man? That kid had it coming!'
If it makes your angry that I felt this way, it was my immediate reaction. What you hating on? Hating on the fact that the image of a child being punched physically repulses me?
If me being physically repulsed at child abuse makes you angry then I seriously think you need to examine yourself because chances are you'll end up doing this to your own kid.
No, it's not funny and yes I am *beep* serious.
It's called discipline, which seems to be totally illegal and shunned by parents today. Kids are put on such high pedestals. When it comes down to saying no 50 times and the kid still doesn't listen and is an arrogant little brat, this guy took a little initiative to give him what he had coming anyway. If not by him, then it would have been by some bully at school or something.
Seriously, it's not like he beat the kid. He just knocked the wind out of him. Not that bad. I've had the wind knocked out of me a few times.
Really..it's time for incompetent parents to ease off the kid mania today. Kids are not all perfect little angels that should be raised in a nice little bubble until they're 18, walking all over their parents or other grown ups cause they have no discipline.
It physically makes you sick? That? C'mon.
Once you figure out what a joke everything is, being the Comedian's the only thing makes sense
Corporal punishment is a sign of a weak mind.
He was with the kid for two minutes and the first thing he tried was punching the kid. That's not discipline, that's assault. Can someone tell me why doing something that would get you arrested if you did it to an adult is defended as doing the proper thing if done to a child?
"He just knocked the wind out of him"? So if you're doing something that makes me annoyed it'd be prefectly fine for me to punch you?
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
To be fair, the kid assaulted him first.
I guess I'm just old school, but I didn't see this scene as offensive. I was surprised by it because you never see that in movies today unless the point is to show abuse. In this case, the kid was being an little *beep* Perhaps I'm jaded because I see way too many of these little spoiled brats these days or read stories about how kids are getting away with murder. Back in the day, if I was acting like this kid was, first I would've gotten it from the nuns at my school, then I would have gotten it again when I got home.
The kid assaulted him first??? So he should lower himself to the level of a 10year-old?? Yes, the kid was a brat, but adults shouldn't hit kids unless there's a chance for bodily injury, and the kid just being annoying doesn't quite cut it.
Isn't it funny that the people raising these brats are the ones who were beat as children?
Again, if ANYONE touches my kids, they answer to me. And corporal punishment is the sign of a weak mind.
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Isn't it funny that the people raising these brats are the ones who were beat as children?
I've raised three kids, 21,20 and 16, and was a daycare provider for almost 18 years. You don't have to beat a child to instill discipline. You have to start early and you have to be firm and consistent. It takes work and commitment. As opposed to smacking them. Weak minded and lazy adults use corporal punishment. It's a lot easier to whack the kid than to teach them. Most parents wait too long to start teaching right from wrong. If there's a problem, you waited too long.
As for a healthy fear of parents, I can't imagine why you'd want your kids to be afraid of you. You expect them to come to you with concerns and problems when your reaction to them doing wrong is physical violence? A fear of consequences, you bet. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Always.
Why is it ok to do to your child something that would get you arrested if you did it to anybody else?
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
You keep making this issue too black and white. No where did I say that my "reaction to them doing wrong is physical violence." You're twisting my words as if I'm advocating abusing children when all I'm saying is that spanking a child is not abuse and it's not going to scar a child for life. And I'm certainly not saying that it's the first thing a parent or teacher should consider when a child is misbehaving. You're right in that you need to instill discipline early on. As a child, I knew that doing something wrong had consequences and I feared those consequences. Were those consequences a vicious beating from my parents? No. But I would expect some type of punishment. Perhaps "healthy fear" was not the right term, but I certainly respected my parents authority and definitely knew I wasn't going to get away with the crap I see kids getting away with these days.
shareIf your kids were touching other people, then no. You lose your rights as a parent if you don't control your own kids.
And as for it being a sign of a weak mind, that is your opinion. Others may prefer a blend of physical and non-physical disciplinary methods.
Not to mention that it is not even his damn kid. He doesn't *have" to treat him nicely. It isn't even his!!!
Umm, no you don't. Regardless, it doesn't give you the right to touch my kid.
If you have to resort to doing something that would get you arrested if you did it to ANYONE else, there's something wrong with you.
He doesn't have to treat him nicely, but he still doesn't have the right to assault him, either.
Why are you arguing to justify being able to assault children?
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Of course it does. If your kid touches me first, I am damn well going to touch him back. If you want to assert rights over your kid, you better stop him from touching me to begin with.
It is not a matter of resort, I am not being forced into it. I want to mess him up for messing me up.
Because I think it is right to assault children in certain situations. It is called discipline.
So, you're a psycho or a troll; which?
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Just a somewhat typical person. Don't play dumb and act stupid. In this very thread, you yourself can see that the vast majority of people are on my side, not yours. You yourself have been arguing against many of them. For you to pretend that my position is far out is childish and pathetic.
We shouldn't hit children who are well behaved. Basically, everyone is on-board with that. Most people (at least on this thread) do however think that if a child is extremely ill-behaved, physical discipline may be called for.
Your views as the parent of the child is immaterial. My views on your child is more important than your views as a mere parent if I am the victim of your neglectful parenting. You don't get a say. Too bad.
LOL!! A couple of people on an IMDB board favor beating children and you take that as a mandate of the people??? Delusions of grandeur much? If you, as an ALLEGED adult, can't figure out how to stop a child from "assaulting" you without resorting to physical violence, you're more childish than the child. And talk about pathetic.....
You don't hit a child. The only exception is if they're armed with a weapon. Pulling on your tie or tweaking your nose doesn't qualify. Take matters into your own hands, macho man, and see how well that works out for ya. I see an a$$ kicking in your future if you tried.
I don't get a say as a "mere" parent....tooo funny. Again, try assaulting a child and see how fast you end up looking at the sky.
So, are you truly the sociopath your making yourself out to be, or a mere troll?
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Unless you have some valid reason that these posters are extremely unrepresentative, we can reasonably assume that they are at least within shouting distance of it. In any case, my point isn't that the majority makes right. That is wrong. My point is that you are playing stupid by trying to pretend that my opinion is basically unheard of, when right within this very thread it is a very popular view.
Once again, stop playing stupid. I can resolve things otherwise. I don't want to. This is the second time I am telling you the exact same thing. How stupid do you want to play? I want to mess your kid up!
I do assault (lightly, such as shoving...) people on a infrequent basis for infringing on my rights. I do as a I preach and I will have no hesitation about messing up a kid if it was a kid who was infringing on my rights. Funnily enough, people tend to back down when you call them out on their *beep*
I look forward to our mutual encounter, if it should happen. Let's see who is tougher (may not be me).
You sound absolutely *beep* insane.
shareHere is a tip, dumbass. Not everyone plays nice.
Some people get offended if you mess with them, and they strike back rather than talk nicely.
The child is *beep* defenceless against an adult. Pick on someone your own size, bully.
shareThat is the advice the kid should follow, you idiot.
I attack grown adults too (no weapons or anything serious). If you break the rules of civilised society, do not expect mercy. A punch is entirely reasonable to educate people. I am not proposing the death penalty here, just a little tuning up.
Technically if an adult is bad mouthing you and you take off your belt and go in on him/her then thats labeled as assault as well...
Did you ever think theres a reason that kids these days are so out of control, obnoxious and rude? Its because the kids who got bullied and/or had "progressive" parents who ONLY put them in time out are now pushing laws to ban whooping and giving children legal powers they have no right having which means theres virtually NO PUNISHMENT for being bad. I as a child personally was whooped with a belt with my name on it and I turned out great. I thank my mom for being strong willed enough to spank me AND give my school authority to spank me as well instead of being a lazy hippy and telling me to "chill out in the corner brah" because legends are forged through fire, not through cotton candy and lifes most valuable lessons are learned through pain.
Note, I'm not saying you should pimp slap a 4 year old, I'm just saying that if mommy wasnt a pot smoking hippy in the movie perhaps her son would be more scared that the visitor would tell on him and mom would whip out the leather.
Yeah, you turned out "ok"; you advocate the beating of children. AND you're a LEGEND!! You think there is only beating a child and letting them do whatever they want? One of those life affirming, legend making beatings you got must have knocked something loose, causing your damaged little mind to rattle around in your skull.
Again, why is it all right to do to a child something that would get you arrested if you did it to ANYONE else?
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Perhaps you need to re-read that? I said I turned out GREAT, not just "ok".. Owning a few companies kinda qualifies that title dont you think? Also, I never said I was a legend.. though I actually have been called that in certain communities its still not what I said. Now, that we're off of your attempt to downplay me lets get back to the discussion shall we?
I NEVER said that after you tear that end up its ok to let them go outside and light up a bong. Whats wrong with you? I know that you must instill morals and a sense of whats wrong and right, but its ancient knowledge that when a certain action begets pain then the subject is less likely to continue doing that action. An example of this is when I was younger and shorter I leaned into a skillet to smell the food inside.. Bad choice.. I burnt my chin and after that day I no longer lean over the stove for, well, anything because of that fear of getting burnt again even though the possibility is less than 10%.
The laws wont justify hitting someone else because they arent your "property". Now I hate to use that term, "property" since its no longer the 1850s, but to break it down in legal terms its necessary right now. Now, legally until youre 18 you are your parents "property" so they can dress you up like a chicken if you dont resist and make you dance in the yard for amusement. However, you'd have to pay someone else for this same behavior, why? Because parents have control over you until a certain age. This is why its illegal to hit someone else.. same as shooting someone elses house other than your own.
One question: Were you hit as a child?
Golly gee, it's another captain of industry that has nothing better to do than get in message board discussions. lol You guys are soooo funny. And quite pathetic.
Positive reinforcement works much better than negative. All you teach a child when you beat them is that it's ok to use violence or the threat of violence to get your way and to fear your parents. Beating your child is the sign of a weak mind. I raised three, 23, 21, 17, and never hit them.
Morally and ethically, how can you hit a child? Parents that use corporal punishment are unfit to raise children.
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Yes, I'm sure youve run into many children who pose as presidents of the United States online, but did it ever occur to you that *gasp* CEOs watch and discuss movies as well? I JUST got home 30 minutes ago from a trip to Alabama and tomorrow I'll be reviewing scripts and business plans with my council and director so yes, I'm VERY pathetic hardy-har.. Now, let stick to the subject because frankly you seem like the kind of fellow whos so high on envy they think that anyone and everyone who says theyre alittle further in life is a liar, cheater, poser, or fraud so theres no point in discussing this further.
I see you just skipped ALL OVER my final question of whether you were hit as a child or not; thats refreshing to see. And how would you even know how good "negative" reinforcement works if you dont practice it? Damian Marley said, "The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of". I know from personal experience from not only at work, but as a child that a "stern talking to" only works on the weak, but those with spirit must be dominated in order to grasp the concept of some things. Think of if how some people learn through doing (being hit) instead of hearing (being talked to).
Also, if I may jar your thoughts abit; A study shows that the % of parents who see spanking as a necessity went down from 90% to 70% in the last generation. This is also the generation that caters to the hippy mindset. We now have men dressing in womens clothes, the repeal of Dont Ask, Dont Tell, and manners/signs of respect are all but out the window now (dont know the last time I heard "Yes Mrs. -", now its "Yes Rhonda").
This argument is pretty pointless though, I can see that right now. The reason I say this is because youre hell bent on criminalizing everyone who so much as throws a paper ball at a child, while Iv seen the positive aspects of physical punishment 1st hand. As the softies say in chess, Stalemate, eh?
I'm suuuure you're big time exECutive.
Yes, I was, and that's why I vowed never to do it to mine. It's amazingly cowardly and weak minded to hit a child. Too bad they can't hit back. There are ways of teaching and punishing your children that don't include beating them.
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
I dont really care what you believe honestly; if you dont sign checks to me then phew with you and yours. The only reason I keep coming here and talking to you is because Iv had off time while we assemble this years plan and I happen to love debating. Bill Gates actually uses the internet on those computers he helped build, Obama probably watches Rugrats, and Elvis died on the toilet.. Let me know when you awaken to this reality and maybe you'll make some worthwhile connections for your childrens future instead of dissing everyone you run into because hey, no important folk get on the "interwebz". NOW BACK TO THE DISCUSSION.
Leave the 1st paragraph behind..
Thats exactly the answer I suspected. You're clearly traumatized from the events that took place behind those mobile home walls and its been quiet clear from the beginning; I just wanted you to admit it. Its because most likely you were ABUSED and not just beaten by the parents you now harbor resentment towards and possibly deny contact with your children. Perhaps you were even touched inappropriately, if this is the case then I'm truly sorry.. You now have bad memories of your childhood and being chased around the house with a flyswatter so you resist all urges to hit your children fearing that they will wake up in cold sweats as well after being jolted from a nightmare where their mothers head is that of a honey bee. I believe this to be a rough diagnosis based on your reactions and insults over the conversation we've had. I do seriously offer my condolences in peace and respect your opinions on the matter, though I still stick by my own since you suffered ABUSE and not just discipline.
LOL. The 'zecutive takes some time from his buuuusy schedule and tries to throw a zinger. Trailer park....lol. No, typical middle class, in the suburbs. 1/2 acre lot in a brand new subdivision. No, it wasn't abuse, just spankings.
Just because you don't hit your kids doesn't mean you don't TEACH your kids right and wrong. You have to start very young, before you think they can understand you. Corporal punishment is the sign of a weak and lazy mind, so it's not surprising you're an advocate for it. Your job as a parent isn't to "dominate" your child, it isn't freaking boot camp, but to guide and teach them. Your lack of self esteem is evident seeing that you have to "dominate" a child to do your bidding by hitting them.
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
I had written up this 2 paragraph reply to your ignorance.. But then I decided, screw it. With your way of mind you'll never be able to even get within 10 feet of me anyway so think what you want; it wont change anything. I base my beliefs off the fact that as a man I have enough jewelry to buy someones new car.. and firmly believe that my mothers actions made me into the "'zecutive" (such a primitive attempt at a joke..) I am today. My family will continue to climb and yours will do.. Whatever they've been doing after all those "stern talking tos". Good day civi, and goodluck with your path.
shareYeah, you're a high powered 'zecutive, with the writing skills of a 10 grader. My apologies to 10 graders everywhere. lol
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Yep. Goodluck with your life.
And I hope that one day your reality matches the fantasy world you've concocted.
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Actually, since I know you trolls types just keep coming back to invoke another response from someone I'm going to block you and save us all some time. I'm having a great week, about to go on vacation and just got some great news this morning regarding a contract.. I think conquering this beast will tie the knot nicely. I did mean it sincerely when I wished you luck on wherever your family is going with their (your) beliefs and hope you well in life. Keep your head up!
How magnanimous of you, Cap'n. Ta.
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Actually, even though I strongly agree with you that he is wrong (see my post above), you really are indeed kind of pathetic.
Even if you really are a successful businessman, you should know that the internet isn't going to believe that. And even if it is true, it is immaterial to the discussion, so even bringing it up weakens your credibility.
And as for running away while trying so hard to retain your dignity, that is just pathetic. Stop it, dude.
Really. I support your stand. It is you as a person that disgusts me.
Huh? You talkin' ta me?
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Nope. Just calling out Riddles_At_U for being full of *beep*
shareAh, then you will want to hit reply on one of his posts. :-)
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
I did. Think you may have your display mode set on one that makes it difficult for you to see. It is very clear from my display mode.
Edit: Might be the website itself. Just saw this very post displayed in an unusual alignment.
Just wondering why I received an email notification of your reply to someone else. Oh well.
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
I did reply to you, but elsewhere in this thread where I disagreed with your position. Not sure what is going on. Just chalk it up to some issue with the site.
shareMe as a person? Whats my favorite color? What time do I wake up in the morning? Am I good to women? Do I donate to charities? What about when I enter a room? Do I always try to be as loud as possible for attention? Do I flash my money, or am I more conservative and humble? How many parties do I attend on average? How many hours a day do I work? How many fights have I been in? What music do I even listen to?
Get my point?
You dont konw me enough for me to disgust you. In person I'm probably the most easy going person you'll ever know. I donate to charities and stay faithful to my women. Alot of people also like my sense of humor because all I do is make everyone laugh as often as possible. I have not a doubt in my mind that if you knew me you'd delete this comment so fast the IMDB servers would overload.. And for that reason I'll remind you as you felt necessary to remind me.. This IS the internet. I only flex when someones getting nippy, and behind the animosity of the internet I can do so without harming my actual reputation.
Also, you seem to be a troll as well.. You intentionally start a fight with the most unstable person on this forum and then while still in an argument with him/her/it you rope me back into this ancient thread. Whats your problem? I'm too old to be "burned" by you saying I "ran away" (Ooooooooo! He told you!) when infact I'm maturely choosing to leave a conversation thats no longer bringing me enjoyment and wasting time. I wont be responding anymore to you either as you can both now adequately feed your trollish urges off of one another. I hope you 2 have a wonderful time, good day.
But those points are immaterial. Your behaviour here in this forum thread is what is accessible to me, and by the standards that I have seen, I am disgusted by you. No, I would not change my mind for the simple reason that while those other aspects of you may be positive, you have displayed a deeply negative aspect here.
No. He replied wrongly to me. It isn’t my fault. If you look at the thread in a nested view, you will see that he is the one who mistakenly replied to this, not me trying to draw him into it.
Yes, I get it. This is the internet. But truly! Running away while demanding the last word is just so pathetic. I mean, it is so sad. Come on. That you lack the integrity to admit this shows all the more how pathetic you are.
You are a pathetic sad piece of *beep* and that is the way it is. I know that you can't change, but it is as it is.
I honestly dont care who started it, all I know is I got roped in when my last post was months ago. There was no reason whatsoever to bring me into this other than the fact youre actively seeking a fight.
And while I'm on it.. I honestly dont care what you think of me. You dont know me. Those closest to me love me, my family loves me and people I dont even know look up to me. A random on the internet isnt going to make me lose sleep at night because he cant stomach what he thinks is a true representation of my full character. And thank you for calling me a "piece of beep".. That just confirms my original diagnosis of not only you, but the situation itself to everyone reading this. You're an immature child who has nothing to do in life but troll forums. If thats what it takes then I'll gladly be "pathetic" (heh..) to you and leave it be so I can devote my very precious time to making real life things happen while you continue lurking under bridges on a movie site.
Youre a real champ mate, peace.
EDIT: And just so I can truly ensure I wont receive anymore time wasting emails from you I'm just going to block you as well. I have no interest whatsoever in wasting minutes I wont get back on this minute argument.
You didn’t get roped into our fight. I am simply calling you out for being a sad sack of *beep* which I suppose can be described as seeking a fight.
Yes, you do care. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t keep replying. That is the thing is. Not only are you pathetic, but you are a liar of top of it.
Just calling you out, as I see it. Yea right. When you behave horribly, it is just the “internet” and you shouldn’t be judged for it. When others call you out for it, they are the troll. Look, face it. You are a two-faced lying coward. You run away, you lie about running away, and you apply different standards between yourself and people who call you out for the above two.
Yes, I am. But no peace, there is only surrender from a sad sack like you. Haha.
You need to calm down just because you are "spank free". My parents used belts and spoons etc and we all turned out fine. Out of the 3 of us we have gotten one parking ticket. No other trouble whatsoever. My sister has a Masters degree from an Ivy League school we all own homes. (My Dad is a retired NYC police officer so I think he knew the law, hopefully)
My sister chose not to spank and her son had no fear and did whatever he wanted and got in some trouble; which eventually he grew out of but not without difficulty. Things like over 20 unpaid traffic tickets...cutting class..coming home drunk etc. None of the things we would ever dare to do out of a healthy fear of our parents.
Of course punching the kid in the movie was wrong duh. But it's a movie, it's not real.
Would a Cupcake kill you?
The kid is old enough to know that throwing a snake at a persons face will hurt. I would have thrown the snake back at his face, butat about 50% power. Kids need to realize when it hurts someone else it'll hurt them. And a good life lesson, best taught from a loved one, is that if you go out and punch someone in the face, it's going to come back at you. Just like learning that fire is hot and it burns your skin.
Anyways, it's a *beep* movie. I thought it was a hilarious scene. And I thought RDJ was hilarious as he struggled to not lose his mind every 10 second awhile travelling with Ethan.
Because children are less capable of understanding and obeying verbal instructions.
And anyway, what are you talking about? We throw full grown adults into prison all the time. Way worse than just a punch.
Kid deserved it & it didn't hurt him. I'm much more offended at how lightly they take pot smoking.
shareI wasnt offended because im not a sensitive little wuss like the idiot a couple posts up. People take movies way to seriously.
shareRight on. It's not like he beat the kid black and blue or hit him repeatedly. He just gave him a jab in the stomach to startle him and stop him from being a pest. To me, it was one of the funniest parts of the movie because I've been in similar situations dozens of times.
sharePhysically assulting a child is no big thing, but smoking grass is? Wow, talk about your screwed up priorities.
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
Not at all, that as of the few funny parts in the movie because it was legitimately edgy and controversial humor.
shareThis moment in the film had the entire theatre laughing for a solid 5 minutes afterward, so I'm gonna say no, I wasn't even remotely offended. the kid deserved it.
Cut him down, I might know him.....I do not know this man.
no, I cheered...I hate kids
shareNaaa, to be honest we've all felt but hopefully repressed the urge to hit an obnoxious kid. This was a movie, it was just for entertainment.
Offended no.
Though I was offended when Billy Bob Thornton ruined the kids advent calandar in Bad Santa. :(