Worst Episode?

I've seen the favorite episodes thread and was wondering what is widely considered to be the worst episode?

For me, Hong Kong 97' is bad. Like really bad. Yes, I do like "New AVGN" I found his Seaman episode really funny. But my god, Hong Kong 97' was bad. The worst part is his "reaction" to Chin. That one part became a joke between my school friends and I because of it. There was that good Dyll Klynton part but the rest was... cringe inducing.

What are your guys least favorite episodes?


Toxic Crusaders to me was the worst!


Oh yeah, that one was pretty bad too.



Toxic Crusaders by far. There's acting over the top and then there's doing what Lloyd Kaufman did and just acting in the worst way possible. It wasn't entertaining, it was just embarrassing. I don't think even James expected him to be so ridiculous.







I'm a Chinese, so I actually really laughed at HK97. I'm amazed how many things James got right, he must've done some research.


Toxic Crusaders
Hong Kong 97
Bug's Bunny Crazy Castle


Two episodes contend for me. Hydlide is so boring and James is just so unenthusiastic during it, like he really didn't want to do it but he lost a bet and had to review the game anyways. The other would be Toxic Avengers. Although there were some hilarious jokes in it, Lloyd Kaufmann seemed like he just did not want to be there and was trying to mask it by being as over-the-top and stupid as possible.

Although if I had to pick one, it'd be Hydlide.

La religion est fausse, mais vous êtes réel. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bpq26sPbC_4


I agree, Hydlide is one of my least favorite. I actually really enjoyed Toxic Crusaders and Hk97 was pretty good imo.

Some more of my least favorites:
Kid Kool
Dragons Lair
Most of the merry *beep* episodes
Deadly Towers
