Too much British slang

Maybe that's why they felt the need to make the American version.


I knew a lot of the slang already, but the new word I learned on the show was "clunge". Seriously, who came up with that term?


I think that was invented for the show.


No it wasn't, did you just make that statement up? Clunge was used a lot in the 70s and 80s and is used in an episode of Reginald Perrin from the 70's where a character shouts "up your clunge" at someone. The Inbetweeners may have popularised it for kids of that era but they certainly didn't invent it.


It was a British show about British kids made for British TV, so I think the slang was to be expected, but a lot of it was exaggerated for comic effect.


It's a British show. Would you complain that characters in an American show used too many Americanisms?


I was watching Seppuku. Too much Japanese. They should remake it for all us English speaking thickies to understand it.
