Boring as hell

Yes he was the first man on the moon but this is still just a very boring movie about a very boring man. I walked out of the cinema.


You hit the nail right on the head!!!


Five minutes into the movie = First Moan


You hit Neil with an American flag on the head!


Sorry to hear that. I was actually wondering whether I would go see it in theater.


Four pathetic posts. What a boring troll.


Who's being a troll? The movie simply had nothing going for it worth seeing. As far as the American flag thing goes it didn't help matters either.


It's Ryan Gosling, what did you expect?


Calling it boring... funny, that is a surprisingly fresh criticism compared to the faux outrage of the film being unpatriotic (you’ll even see a bunch of flat earthers/moon deniers complaining about the flag... LOL).

At any rate, watching the IMAX-shot sequences of the film in an IMAX screen is worth it. The story didn’t appeal to me either, but it’s well-told and overall I admired the film for its technical aspects.


Boring, eh? I will skip it then, yes.


It was much more fun to watch the actual events while they were happening.


What did you expect? It is

A) An Oscar bait drama based on a true story


B) A movie about a bunch of government engineers. AKA clean cut math geeks

I'm sure 99% of the actual story behind the moon landings was boring bureaucracy among politicians and boring math calculations among engineering nerds. Which is to say, as boring as the movie may be, they probably made it as interesting as they possibly could while still maintaining some level of historical accuracy

I bet NASA goes out of their way to pick boring people to be astronauts for their missions. You don't want some emotionally volatile or larger-than-life personality to carry out something as complex, difficult, expensive, and stressful as leaving the fucking planet in a big, combustible tin can

This movie was really only made to serve two purposes: as a technical showcase for Hollywood's ever-improving ability to realistically depict spaceflight (ala Gravity or The Martian) and as an awards vehicle for critical darlings Damien Chazelle, Josh Singer, Ryan Gosling, and Claire Foy. Expect this movie to pick up several award nominations in a bunch of technical categories and a few for directing, writing, and lead performances


Fully and completely disagree. This was an amazing movie IMO, I was transfixed throughout. The attention to detail in the time period was amazing and it helps draw you into a world where you can effectively understand just how much work was involved, just how much of a miracle this was at the time. Personally, this has always been a "been there, done that" topic that I hadn't thought much about until watching this movie. Whatever else, conceiving of this task's enormity, understanding the bravery that was required, the know-how of all those involved, THAT was worth the ticket price alone.

Then there was the logistics of it all, getting a glimpse of how much was involved in trying to get from a spinning planet to an orbiting moon, I personally felt like I was given the opportunity to experience the wonder of it all...and it IS a movie about human achievement more than anything else, because this was the pinnacle of it. And that's palpable in this movie.

Armstrong was a danged genius, I had no idea...and didn't know how Aldrin fit into get a behind-the-scenes look at the most monumental achievement of mankind thus far...goddang this movie was great IMO. Very well shot, very well acted...the intensity in some scenes was incredible...not only was it not boring, I could have stuck around in that world a bit longer.
Amazing movie!
