This movie is NOT racist:

Or “Trumpian MAGA” propaganda which is such a moronic phrase.

It’s just not very good which is a shame. Parts 2 and 3 are also not very good but they were at least awesome, I can’t say the same for Last Blood


why would it be racist?


That’s what many critics are claiming , from their perspective a straight white male is murdering a bunch of innocent Mexicans


but rambo is navajo indian


But Stallone isn't.


FYI I am not the one saying this, I think it's beyond stupid to call this movie racist, I'm just telling you what some journalists and critics are saying (I think they are wrong).


of course.... but journalists and critics have lost all credibility.....

Look at the 2016 movie "passengers", many gave the movie bad reviews because they don't like the plot of the movie !!!

( A man taken a woman hostage / takes advantage of her, in their mind!)

completely ridiculous and outrageous, your job is to review the movie... not bash the story and plot!
that would take all movie directors and screenwriters free will away.
but that is of course also what the censoring left wing journalists and critics want.


which critics? citations please.
Otherwise it looks like you are trying to start the rumour rather than quash it, (even though you categorically state the opposite)


Linguists have been lamenting the degrading of the word "awesome"
having gone from
"The sight of of mt. Everest was awesome"
"yo , those fries were awesome"
Parts 2 and 3 are also not very good but they were at least awesome

wtf does that mean? that awesome ranks somewhere below "not very good"


They are bad movies but at least fun to watch


No regular people are saying this.


I enjoyed it a lot!


Who gives a toss about libtard sjw pseudo journalists! Mexico is indeed a shithole and human trafficking is real. Why is depicting reality racist?


Reality is offensive to them, they prefer to hide in their safe spaces.


As Adam Savage has said: "I reject your reality and substitute my own"


People had problems with this because it upsets their view of Latinos as perfect, angelic beings. Seeing even a small minority of them as the drug dealers, pimps, and thugs that there are doesn't fit the agenda.


Funny thing: Latinos turn out to be more affected by SARS-CoV-2 because unlike blacks, they dont actually show up for testing.
