MovieChat Forums > Ouija (2014) Discussion > Worst Movie Experience I Ever Had

Worst Movie Experience I Ever Had

I wanted to see Fury, but this girl I was with wanted to see this (figures, guess who won the pick). Pretty much the entire theater was packed with teenagers. We sat next to the only older couple in the theater. Three immature girls sat behind us, and were constantly talking and kicking the back of my seat. Every time a stupid cheap scare happened, all the immature kids in the audience screamed and talked about it for five minutes. Loudest theater I ever went to! AND these girls behind me did not care! Constantly talking and kicking their feet up. At one point me and the guy next to me exchanged a look and wondered how the hell we got ourselves into this situation. It didn't help that the movie was pretty terrible. Oh well 20 hard earned dollars down the toilet.


Diude u just described my theater! Sad thing is dis is happenin everywhere!

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafckka



Packed theater on opening night + not exactly the greatest horror film ever made (even for its own genre) + audience mostly of teens with ADHD = bad experience for older, more mature movie-goers.

Exactly why I never go opening night. Mainly the screaming teen part. Even when I was a teen I never went for that same reason.

But also hate having to be sandwiched in. We always go on a later date when we can get half the theater to ourselves.


I've had that happen to me too. I went to go see Carrie on the opening weekend, the theater was packed with teens and little kids who begged their parents to take them there. As soon as the movie started, the girls were screaming, the guys were laughing, the kids were texting on their phones (no kidding, to their friends a few rows down from them). I went to the manager and told him about the cell phones, he came back and told them to either turn them off or leave. THEY DIDN'T, so they got escorted out and they got mad at the theaters for making them leave! I went to the concessions to get a refill of popcorn and the kids were crying and complaining about not seeing the end of the movie. I walked up to them and told them it was their own fault for thinking it was good to waste they're parents money if they were just going to sit there and text. They called me all sorts of names, and I asked the parents' permissions to slap them. I got one! :D




^That Happened.




I'm still mad at myself for seeing Matrix Revolutions instead of Elf because of a girl. She didn't even give a good handy J.


Well, there's a solution to that:


Girls have this problem TOO ya know!
I saw and HATED Blade and Scary Movie and because in both cases it was with my boyfriends at the time, I couldn't walk out.
Some of you may have LOVED those movies but I HATED them.
Now I usually go to movies alone that way if I hate it I can leave.
I think a movie is NOT a good date experience because you may not both like it.
I have a friend who loves to catch a movie with me so I go with her at times but so far I have been lucky there!

I ALSO had a 2nd date when the movie we planned to see wasn't showing at the theatre we went to so he wanted to see American Psycho. I went to the ladies and some girls were telling me how terrible it was.
I faked a family emergency to the guy (I'd already told him before I DIDN'T want to see that movie but he PLEADED with me!) and he got mad.
Years later I realized he'd thought I wasn't into HIM, but I was I definitely liked him just couldn't stomach seeing yet another movie I would hate just for a guy.


American Psycho was a good flick. I think you need to see a movie instead of listening to people you don't knee about whether something is good or not.

I'd love to hear what you wanted to see at the time? I could also see if it was a sequel to Blade, then no go, but unless you watched the first one, how would you conclude they were crap before you got there?


You missed out, American Psycho is fantastic.

I also dislike blade and scary movie.


Girls have this problem TOO ya know!
I saw and HATED Blade and Scary Movie and because in both cases it was with my boyfriends at the time, I couldn't walk out.
Some of you may have LOVED those movies but I HATED them.
Now I usually go to movies alone that way if I hate it I can leave.
I think a movie is NOT a good date experience because you may not both like it.
I have a friend who loves to catch a movie with me so I go with her at times but so far I have been lucky there!


This just happened a few weeks ago at Annabelle. I finally got up, told them they aren't in their living room, and stfu. Problem was, it was 45 minutes in. Other people, instead of saying anything since they were sitting right there, moved from their seats.

So, you have the talking ruining the feel of the movie, then the anxiety of finally getting up and saying something, then the rest of the film you're waiting for one of the little pricks to bean you in the head with junk food so them you can get into some fight with 15 teenage idiots.


CRAP movie i agree


Dude... yeah, we know what the movie was, lol. The point is, though, did your girlfriend like it?

Maybe she's kind of a teenager at heart when it comes to dumb scary movies?

Cure her with a night on the couch with The Exorcist. Is she Catholic? The Exorcist does amazing things to young Catholics. You'll straight-up traumatize her from watching horror movies from then on out if she's a young Catholic chick who gets spooked by crap like this here.

And it's fun to watch! Behold, the transformation!
