MovieChat Forums > Merlin (2009) Discussion > Doesn't black people get offended?

Doesn't black people get offended?

This tv-series is utter crap. It is inaccurate in all ways - not just to the Arthurian Legends - but also to silly things as breastimplants (no they didn't exist during those times), modern values, and bla bla.

However, when the producers decide to rape the story and introduce serveral black people to the line-up; my big wonder is what do black people think? How would they react if Mel Gibson was cast as Martin Luther King and Tom Cruise played Malcolm X?

Is this a matter of political correct affirmative action gone completely wrong?Or am I a damn racist (such a nice word to throw at people) for implying that it is ridiculous to cast Guinevere as a black woman?

Come on flame me ;)


Even in the time this fictional series is set in there would have been trade routes set up, with Africans going from north Africa to Spain and spreading from there. Nothing weird about that at all, although they would certainly be few and far between.

What is weird is they eat TOMATOES so often. Tomatoes are from America and would certainly not have been on the dining table of King Arthur, those tomatoes must be so offended.

The lute is the coolest of all medieval stringed instruments.


along with fake boobs and dentist work.
*beep* crap series

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oh yes - cause they had push ups in 300 ad :D

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I don't think this is set in 300AD, it looks later to me. But also it's set in "a land of Myth and a time of Magic", just think about that for a second.

Also, she wasn't wearing a push-up bra, but a corset.


Valdes' theories are generally seen as examples of contrafactual history.
There is VERY little to suggest she is black and the descendent of slaves. Only thing to support it is really that she was "famously ugly".

In the future when you conduct historical research; please remember to follow the rule of falsification. Since you clearly doesn't know what that is I am almost tempted not to explain it and hear you make a complete arse of yourself. Yes I think I will do that :o)

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lol - what a bunch of crap :D

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I do agree with you on black people in Merlin. I Do wish they had included people from Korea China Japan and Australia. If they had included them I wouldnt be against it. I feel they wanted polotical correctness.

Well sadly people dont care Micheal Clarke Duncan Kingpin Callisto Brazilian Nick Fury black etc etc

Oh and Electro who is white in the comic books will be played by Jamie Fox who is black

I dont know what to say


Black people during these times is completely feasible. The Roman empire covered vast areas, including halfway down Africa. At least three Roman emperors were African, probably the most notable being Severus. There were also Middle Eastern "romans" of varying colors. This is like someone saying there were no blacks in the West because there weren't any in John Wayne movies. A lot of our society gets their notions from what they see in entertainment. Over 30% of western cowboys were black but many Americans have no knowledge of that.



Rachel - this isn't about what is feasible or not. This is about the ridiculousness in casting a black woman for a role that is OBVIOUSLY a white woman.

It is BLATANTLY racist to do that.

As for black cowboys - we have all seen Blazzing Saddles :o)
But actually you are right - blacks do not match well with the American "Go West" dreams of the 19th century. Nor do gay cowboys :o))

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The whole thing is an obvious retelling, but I get your point. For instance, I've always been under the impression that Merlin was older than Arthur. Etc.



Its make believe you idiots, there were no dragons in the dark ages cause they never existed, black people did, not to many the story has been changed and retold countless times lancelot was made up by the french its a french name



Completely agree. That is just as ridiculous.
Only defence is that it was in the "olden days" and at that time people were a bunch of pro-white racists.
On the other hand I wouldn't think that a black person like Danzel Washington would be the appropriate choice for the egyptian farao?

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Dude, just STFU---you're a racist. It was already explained to you how some black people actually did exist in Britain in medieval times. And since you said you're European, you obviously don't know jack about American history, because if you did, you'd already know that the first cowboys were, in fact, black and Mexican.and they were a huge part of the Old West. Those old Western pictures were just racist because the stories of black cowboys were deliberately left out Look it up. Also, white people have ALWAYS played characters in movies that were non-white, no matter how fake they looked doing it (playing Indians with fake tans in westerns) it didn't matter to them whether the story was accurate or not. Funny how you never have a damn thing to say about that. but put ONE black person in a show like Merlin, and you throw a damn fit like a little spoiled kid who just got his toy snatched away from him. Grow up and stop whining about it. Plus the show ended anyway.


Being African doesn't make you black. Severus for once wasn't.



1. Do you know why as general knowledge people don't think there were black people in Europe and England in the dark and middle ages? Because history is written by white people. White racist people who would like to show off their bloodlines. There's been a lot of historical discovery and talk of the black population during those times, and the fact that there were black nobility.

2. Why on earth does it matter? Fairytale or not, it's about giving opportunities to the people in your community. That includes the acting communities, and therefore the film industry. This is why in England they colourblind cast black and Indian actors in stuff like Arthur and Doctor Who. It's about opportunities. This is why in the USA they have colourblind casting opportunities for the latino and black populations. And here in Australia we have indigenous actors in a lot of roles. It is not racist to give people opportunities they would have previously been denied on the grounds of race, because the white people are in everything, they dominate western culture and hollywood and the BBC. They are the sole reason people of colour have experienced such horrors in the past centuries. So when there's plenty of "white" characters and not many written black characters, offering them to actors of colour is not racist or politically correct. It's simply right.
Whereas casting Mel Gibson as Martin Luther King jr would be disgusting and vile; it's white-washing history and black people's achievements yet AGAIN

3. Using the word rape as an adjective is disgusting and a possible trigger for trauma and assault victims. Try to have some self awareness in the future.

4. I will now throw the word racist at you, simply for the sake of accuracy, which you care so much about.

It's never over, all my blood for the sweetness of his laughter


Ad 1) That's completely unfounded and untrue.
Ad 2) I believe accuracy matters. You obviously do not. You believe all is the same and we can make up facts like you did in your point 1.
Ad 3) You clearly need to google what the word "rape" covers. Then you need to realize that most sexual rape victims would prefer people to talk about the thing and not hide it away like a stigme.
Ad 4) I find the word "racist" very imprecise. Do you mean that I see a difference between people and that I react to people based on their appearance? Cause if that is the case - yes I do. Just like you and everybody else. If people didn't you would not see that many fat lonely people with no partners.

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Sorry to bust your bubble, but ALL movies and TV shows have NEVER been 100& accurate. So stop acting like they are, when you know damn well they aren't.

Just like you and everybody else. If people didn't you would not see that many fat lonely people with no partners.

Okay, I can see you're nothing but a silly,immature idiot now. Believe me, even fat people have partners that they live and love with. You don't have to be a pretty, perfect size 2 with skin damn bear hanging off your bones like a skeleton to have a partner in life all the damn time. That's the bull**** Hollywood has had us all brainwashed into. As a black person, I'm more offended by your silly whining about why a black person shouldn't have been on the Merlin show


You my friend is an idiot.

I do not care about your silly American history. But don't *beep* with our European legends! And don't put your political correct crap on our history.

Acting like you just did is a very clear proof that you are a racist. And I assume that that would be the worst thing one can call an American?

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This thread has been bugging me since I first posted in it. I was asking myself "Is it true, what those people accuse me of? Am I a racist for expecting a white Queen Guinevere?". I don't want to be a racist, so I did some soul searching and had a hard look at my motivations.

I would be just as bothered if they cast white actors in a movie about an African myth. It bothers me when they cast white actors to play Native Americans. Does this make me a racist against white people, too?

No, I don't think I am a racist. My boyfriend's skin is as dark as Angel Coulby's. His mother is black. His father is part Native American. As deeply as I can look into my soul, I find that I have nothing at all against non-Caucasian people. In fact, I think it is a ridiculous accusation.

It's just a matter of accuracy. Why can't they cast actors of the ethnicity that is probably the most realistic one?

It's not just about race or the color of the skin. Just yesterday I watched an episode of Person of Interest in which "German" people spoke the worst German I've ever heard. It did bother me too. The US is so huge, can't they find any bilingual actors? If not, there are so many German actors who speak decent English, why can't they cast some of those to play the German characters?

Basically, why can't they cast actors with the proper characteristics, be they racial, linguistic or whatever?

I know Merlin is based on a legend. But this legend is anchored in a specific time/space. For example they use swords and horses and live in a stone castle. It would be weird to see Merlin call Arthur on his cell phone while sitting under a palm tree or cross the Sahara in a spaceship, right? We know this just wouldn't match the story, which has talking dragons and magical spells, yes.. but which is also set in Britain in the 5th or 6th century, where they had no cell phones, palm trees, spaceships or Sahara.

But then ethnicity becomes relevant at least to some extent too.

For example let's take Harry Potter. Harry Potter is based on fantasy elements, just like Merlin. Just like Merlin, Harry Potter is also set in a specific time/space (more-or-less-modern day UK). Wouldn't you find it weird if a vast majority of characters in Harry Potter were played by Asiatic actors? It would be kinda weird, because we know more-or-less-modern day UK is not populated mainly by Asiatic people. Fantasy or not. I feel the same way about a black Queen Guinevere. It doesn't matter whether Merlin is a fairytale or not. It still happens in Britain around the 5th or 6th century.

As for the question about black people living in Britain back then: well, I don't know. I'm no archaeologist. However, I've learned in my biology classes that the genes for darker hair, skin, eyes etc. tend to be more dominant and the genes for lighter hair, skin, eyes etc. tend to be more recessive. Therefore, when I look at today's average British people (those who have lived there for centuries, of course, not the most recent immigrants), it seems very unlikely to me that those people had a lot of black ancestors. Or else they just wouldn't look the way they look.

I understand that many people have suffered from racism, personally or collectively, and that this is a touchy topic. But not everything related to race is a matter of racism. If you think I am a racist, I recommend you gain some emotional distance.

If Merlin was shown using a cell phone, and I complained about it being unrealistic, nobody would be offended about that. Why is it that as soon as race is involved, it becomes a huge taboo that nobody must talk about or else they are immediately labeled as racists?
