MovieChat Forums > Up in the Air (2009) Discussion > Was Alex cold-hearted or was Clooney nai...

Was Alex cold-hearted or was Clooney naive?

Can someone remember a conversation where their personal lives were brought up?

It was a fling. They gelled in their conversations and hit it off. No strings attached.

If she would have lied about her family, she would be a B.

But basically, it was don't ask, don't tell.

And the reality is that it happens more times than not.

Shame on a desperate detached Clooney.


Yes, but not telling someone something like that is pretty major, and not telling someone something can be the same as lying or deceiving as well. You could tell they were growing to really like each other. At some point, maybe around the time he asked her to the wedding, she probably should have said something. And at the very least, she shouldn't have acted like he was crazy and should have known when he showed up at her house. I mean c'mon. Who would have gotten who in trouble? I'll tell you. SHE would have gotten HERSELF in trouble for not being honest with either man. Yet, she tries to lay the fault on Clooney's character. I lost all respect for her when she did that. I honestly can't believe you are blaming Clooney's character and not the woman who was cheating on her husband, lol. Really?

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."


To me this is the only "plothole" in the movie.
Up to this point (sister's wedding) they had busy schedules and were only meeting to have sex at airport hotels and it makes perfect sense they would have a "rule" not to speak about their personal lives.
However, when spending an entire weekend together with Ryan's family at the sister's wedding one would think it natural that her family situation would become a subject of conversation...



I didn't make any implications from the wedding date. It is very uncomfortable going to a wedding and not having someone to sit next to and talk with as everyone else is flitting around. When I see someone bring a date to a wedding, I do not automatically conclude that this is a precursor to a conversation about the two of them getting married (huh? Do people actually jump to that conclusion?). I don't think that Ryan inviting Alex to the wedding implied anything -- I think what he said to Alex was exactly the reason he wanted her there. He was genuinely uncomfortable about going and seeing relatives he hardly knows anymore. He felt pretty comfortable with Alex.

Yes, it could have opened up a conversation about -- "They are a sweet couple. Do you ever think about getting married someday?" But not necessarily.

That said, I thought that Alex said some things at other points in the film that definitely hinted that she wanted a more serious relationship with Ryan. When she was talking about her ideal man and mentioning wanting kids (settling down, getting married), she kept looking at Ryan. When they were sitting on the boat,she talked about relationships and commitment--I took that to mean she was definitely hinting. She was sending out all the signals of a sexy single frequently traveling woman who is currently living the way Ryan does but has dreams of settling down one day -- and that she was hoping that Ryan, a sexy single frequently traveling guy, could be thinking the same way.



Nah, she deceived by omission. What she was doing, cheating, is considered a social wrong. As he is involved, he may have wanted to back out upon knowing the part he played in an immoral activity. Therefore, the onus is on her to be honest about it. Otherwise it's deceptive, and deceptive on more than one level.


Obviously Alex was cold-hearted and at fault here. She kept her real life a complete secret, leaving no clues whatsoever. How could Ryan have known? He couldn't have.

Only an extremely cynical person would say that Ryan should have questioned her integrity and figured it out. She gave him no reason to question until he was on her doorstep. What happened to Ryan, could happen to anyone.


Why would someone be desperate and detached to fall for a woman he didn't know was married? People really do fall in love you know. Also, there is a big difference between wanting a no strings attached relationship and knowingly having one with a married woman. It is possible to want one and not the other so people need to stop acting like wanting a no strings attached relationship is the same as opting in to an affair with a married woman ..


I think both. Alex has the edge. She was married with children and should have been honest about it, especially when he invited her to the wedding.


As others have mentioned there is a big difference between no string flings and having an affair without both Ryan (the other man) or her husband knowing.

She *never* wears her wedding ring around Ryan and *never* mentions her husband, thus she's lying to Ryan that she is single. She did far more than just casual sex with Ryan during the movie & said far more too. She said she was a female Ryan, yet nothing we see implies Ryan is ok with cheating with married women. Alex tells him they were on the same page yet later she quickly changes that as she minimizes him to just a parenthesis on that page. If they were on the same page as she led him to believe she would have told him about her marriage, which obviously wasn't just a mere parenthesis to her.

Then to top it off she insults him multiple times (lost, child, parenthesis) for discovering her lie. A lie she didn't even try to keep hidden well. The reality is it does happen often and the reality is there is a lot of horrible people (sociopaths, narcissists, etc) out there. She is a B.


She was cold. It was dishonest to not inform him that she was married.
