Alex is a sociopath

How can you have a husband and kids and just fĂș?k a guy but feel zero remorse for him or your husband? The last 30 minutes of the movie make me want to commit suicide. Hopefully millennials at least have a higher conscience than the baren moral wasteland that is Gen-X.


Alex is a sociopath.

However, 1 fictional sociopath character in 1 movie is hardly a good reason to stereotype an entire generation or commit suicide over.


Even worse was her line, "I'm an adult, and would like to see you again", as if by being an adult it gives you license to be an *beep*


Grow up!


I think you being a bit extreme. It does show a lack of remorse on her part only, but really only towards her husband and kids. She made it clear to Ryan that their "relationship" was strictly casual. As someone who was cheated on by their millennial wife (who also showed no remorse to me or my son) this emotional disconnect that people who cheat can create for themselves is quite strong and quite real among all generations. It is a sad truth and I found this aspect of the film to be very realistic... and rather depressing. But that is just how some people choose to live their lives.


I know this is a year between, but, what you just described actually IS a sociopath.

This emotional detachment is the foundation of sociopathic behaviour and the base symptom of sociopathy.

Your ex-wife and my ex-wife are both sociopathic and both most certainly interpret this as just being egoistic and "doing what they want", because they want to "live happy" - whilst the whole world asks you what has been wrong and you ask yourself the same thing -- there is nothing wrong, they just am not able to feel attachment. They do not realize that normal people do not do those things without dying inside and feeling guilty to the extent of feeling the obligation to fix it. Sociopaths do not feel this, they even think they are right for doing this "because they wanted to do it". Because they want to do it to find an exit. Because "THEY" want without thinking about the consequences or feeling the need to end it in a mutual beneficial way.

You get it?

Sociopaths are egocentric to an extreme extend to lose any obligation to feel anything for someone else as long as he is not for their benefit "more" than someone else. Most women are raised to become a sociopath due to the princess effect. Princess want it all, because they deserve it for simply being a beautiful woman. They do not care for others emotionally. They do not know what that means, they do not feel bad. They only feel bad if it turns out to be against their favour.

You know, the tragedy is, people like us do not realize or are able to recognize this. Even after years, sociopaths do not let their masks slip, because they do not know that there is a different way. They seek someone else to feel good again and will make themselves believe that they are not the "bad" ones but you. The other one is the bad one for not allowing her to "live the life she feels good about". Which might just be 2 months ago a life with you.

The only thing you can do is expose them - try everything you can for revenge to feel free.

Yea, most people might say that revenge won't lead to anything good. But that is wrong!

Revenge leads to freedom. The freedom of you to let go without feeling the remorse of once asking yourself "*beep*, should I have tried that or that?" -- and this will happen.


DO WHATEVER THE *beep* YOU WANT TO DO AND CAN DO. Because exactly that is what they did with their affair behind your back. And they will never realize how destroyed you are and you will not be able to let go for years, whilst they will.

They scarred you, now leave your mark in their brain.


To everyone out there who comes here. Seriously, do not let yourself mentally abused like him, like dschico or like me - take your revenge if you have anything in hand - use it. Use it, because they will never realize what they did and they will always run from consequences. Force consequences upon them and feel free.

What ever it is.



I completely agree with and understand everything you are saying. My ex has never (and never had) shown any remorse. And the princess aspect is 100% correct as she is an only child and has the mentality of a person who gets everything they want.

But I am sorry to say that I do not agree with your views on revenge. I forgave and forgot a long time ago. I fear that your experience is much more recent than mine and so your wound is much more sensitive.


Indeed it is very recent, but this time this will be my last time experiencing this.

Forgetting does not make you feel accomplished. Regretting things you didn't do is what will never get off your shoulders.

It might be something different in your case, but in mine it has been a horrible experience I am actually writing a book about it because I have been encouraged by every single person that heard my kinda unique story in it's almost entirety.

It will be released end of next year under the name "The UX of my EX" - I will be happy to have you as a reader and reach out to me when it is done.


Absolutely, I would love to read it. Please keep me informed on when/how I can get a copy.


I have no idea how I ended up on this board (I haven't even seen this movie) but I was in this type,of relationship until a couple months ago. Thank goodness I got out while we were "only" engaged. Yes, he was a typical sociopath, everyone loves him that knows him on a superficial level. Those that see through him are always "the bad guys" and therefore have reason to lie about him (including a good friend, and fellow housemate).

My motto is I've forgiven his actions, but will never forget. To do so would only cause me to be swarmed by his charm and place myself back in the situation. On the other hand, I refuse to hold on to revenge as that only hurts me.


Swayed by his charm (can't edit on the iPad bulletin board software here)


andmitsch, I realize your post was five years ago, but I feel like responding anyway. If what you say is correct, every girl or woman I was ever closely involved with prior to meeting my wife was a sociopath, and as much as I resent the way they treated me I think that's unlikely. I think a certain amount of emotional immaturity and irresponsibility is part of many people's nature, some more than others, and from my point of view young women seem to dominate that sort of behavior. They are certainly shallow, but I don't think I'd go so far as to believe they all have a serious psychological disorder. Or, perhaps you're right, and I was just subconsciously attracted to sociopathic women. Fortunately, my wife has proven to be the opposite of that for forty years.


Revenge on an equal level with what was done to you is morally justified, and should always be sought, if you can get away with it. It does accomplish something--it helps you feel better.


Yeah, she was a terrible person.

Very good. But brick not hit back!


Wish I crossed path with such terrible persons.


Hopefully millennials at least have a higher conscience than the baren moral wasteland that is Gen-X.

Milennials are a lot worse so I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.


True. She was really a sad joke. Saw this movie yesterday in the evening and was actually quite happy for Ryan and Alex that they found each other in the rush of their lives. But when Ryan visited her I also was like "... D: WTF?! ..."

It really doesn't matter how you (Alex) live your life, but give people a fkn choice. "Hey Ryan, it is ok for me to have a f*buddy, but you should know I'm married with two kids and this is purely casual" was obviously too much. Instead she pretended to be like Ryan, what she actually suggested him to see her "I'm like you, just with a vagina" ...

Really great movie. Unfortunately such women are common.


We only have the moments a film gives us. Who knows maybe it caused her tons of remorse. Surely you know someone who cheated on a spouse. Sucks but it happens.


Love girls like Alex. (Just as long as I'm not her husband.)
