MovieChat Forums > The Boys (2019) Discussion > the smartest person ever

the smartest person ever

is the black chick. deal with it.



Yeah, structural racism. In this case, a kind of virtue-signalling racism by writers who, in their actual lives, consistently display the soft bigotry of low expectations. These are the same people who buy into the idea that voter ID requirements are inherently racist, as if black and Hispanic people are too stupid and childlike to be capable of going to their nearest DMV and getting an ID like anyone else.

It wasn't always this way. Back in the 1960s, Star Trek had an episode where one of, if not the most brilliant scientists in the Federation was Dr. Richard Daystrom. He was the man who designed the Enterprise's central computer. He designed an even more advanced computer in the episode -- a true artificial intelligence, but both he and it kind of went of the rails. This portrayal was nuanced, and utterly non-racist. Daystrom was shown to have become too emotionally invested in his latest creation, and he kind of broke down when he was confronted with the fact that it had become homicidal. But that's human: a realistic human character with flaws, while at the same time, his superior intelligence is never in doubt -- and intelligence and mental health are not the same thing. Dr. Daystrom is a flawed, relatable, brilliantly intelligent character who just happens to be a black man. It's never mentioned that he is a black man, no one cares that he is a black man, and he's revered for his accomplishments without any regard at all to his race, because 1960's Star Trek embraced MLK's vision of a society made up of people who cared about character, not skin color.

Contrast that with today's obsession with race. So, in a doubtless deliberate act of tokenism, the writers of The Boys make the world's smartest human, not just a black woman, but one who will not shut up about being a black woman, who endlessly reminds us that she is a black woman, and who is also yet another tiresome, flawless girlboss.


Nice analysis. Yes I don't have a problem ever when a role is filled with the right person no matter who it is and we see that again and again in cinema. It's when these things are forced that they reveal the known agenda, which itself has grated on me until I have become raw, no longer having any tolerance for it at all.


You mean, like Wakanda proves African technologic superiority?




When Homelander kills her, it will be a metaphor for the death of DEI.


A smart character can only be as smart as the writers. To these dunces, intelligence means being snarky, bored and owning thousands of books. I'm surprised they didn't give her buckteeth and thick glasses held by tape.
