Ms. G made me sick

I'm surprised there's not more hatred for her on this board. I couldn't stand her at all. So manipulative, passive aggressive, slimy, skeazy, selfish, phoney, dishonest...GOD. She reminds me so much of a female version of some pervert teacher in high school I knew who always had a "pet" and all the students fawned all over him all the time because he was sooo unconventional and cool and fun and hip. I saw right through it, the sick perv that he was. He eventually was kicked out for his perviness, although no arrest was made (unfortunately).

Scum like this probably didn't get what they needed in their own teenage years, thus have to infiltrate into teens' lives so they can fill some stupid void, once they are older and thus have the upper hand. I couldn't stand her at all. The way Fiamma acted around her is how I acted around that's just like, complete cold shoulder, GO AWAY I'M NOT FALLING FOR YOUR BS. And other students actually were mad at me for it, despite the fact that he was KICKED OUT FOR BEING A PERVERT.

I guess this movie struck a chord in that way. I enjoyed it, but it made me angry how it ended too. I just hated her. I don't care if she had some major anxiety issue that forced her to stay in the confines of the school, where she could be the "star" in all the children's eyes. Notice she was cool and confident as long as everyone was kissing her ass and thought she was the best thing ever. Until Fiamma came along, and saw right through her BS. Ms. G. couldn't stand it so she tried to regain control in any way she could. When she couldn't, she destroyed her.



What would be the point in expressing hatred for a fictional character? If anything it say a lot about Eva Green being such an excellent actress, being able to provoke such strong reactions.


i agree with OP. and if you were one of her victims, you wouldnt think her story is tragic or sympathize with her. and these kind of people exist. their past or mental status doesnt reduce the damage they cause.


Good for you and the reaction to you, unfortunately, is the norm. After being around for a long time, I learned long ago that most people have no real insight to others and their actions. For those of us who pick up on others very quickly, we can come across as "ice queens" because we aren't falling all over ourselves over someone else's BS. People feel such an overwhelming need to belong. Their pack mentality.

Did you also notice how ugly she gradually became as her inner self was revealed more and more?

It was very upsetting to see that everything was covered,


After reading this entire thread I'd like to point out why I detested Ms G. Besides the fact that she was an abuser- she MURDERED a child. And got away with it.


Funny enough reading this thread reminds me of a teacher I had in middle school (lets call him Mr. K). Unlike Miss G and the other examples here, EVERYONE knew what a perv he was. But the school would never do sh!t about it. From last I heard was finally fired a couple years ago but God knows how many poor girls (and boys, he didn't discriminate apparently) he "accidentally" groped and bumped into before that.

--Am I pissing you off yet?--


I went a single sex British school (not a old-fashioned boarding school, but quite an institution nonetheless), and I recognised the characters/forces at play, although none were so extreme, and no one got molested or murdered, to my knowledge, but some of the dynamics were similar.

It was a stupidly intense, rarified, and unnatural atmosphere... vieing for the 'cool' (or simply male) teachers' attention, the over-competitiveness that is cruel to force on teenaged girls (IMO), the cliques, the prefects, the pets and the dweebs. I even remember the anticipation of having a 'new' student join the class, and how it could disrupt the fragile ecosystem. It was a good education, but bad for socialisation. It made everyone a bit weird.


Well, I've never met anyone like Miss G, so maybe that's why my opinion of her is less negative. As some have already mentioned, she's a troubled and complex character, and a few scenes at the movie hint towards mental illness and trauma (mainly the one at the store, and her in the bedroom towards the end of the movie).
As I see it, she could have redeemed herself if she hadn't let Fiamma die.

Eva Green was amazing, by the way.


She has a very complex personality, and she is herself a victim of the institutionalized setting. The film clearly explores some dramatic impact a single-sex boarding school like this can have on a person. For Miss G, she has lost the ability to deal with the real world. She has problems communicating with people outside, and she is still going by the rules at school(You can see her counting the objects on that nighttable towards the end of the film)("You can have five personal objects on display"). She dreams of going outside like mad but she can't, so she makes up these stories for herself. She is obsessed with Fiamma because she wants to be her.

Yes,its a very unpleasant character but i can see a reason why she is like this. I hate her for what she did to Fiamma but i cant help but feel a bit sorry for her too.


Evil is pathetic.
