a BIG plot hole
CJ wants to link to him all the evidences of a murder that someone else committed. Then he gets the police report listing all the clues of such murders and goes after each one, filminga tape with the newspaper showing that the date was later the mrder.
couldn't he have bought after the murder ANOTHER knife, just as the one he used to kill the woman?
couldn't he have bought after the murder ANOTHER Reebok jogging pants, just as the one he was wearing when he killed the woman?
couldn't he have bought after the murder ANOTHER pair of shoes, just as the one he was wearing when he killed the woman?
Finally, why the DVD that they used to film all the purchases after the murder would have helped, considering the above?
Maybe I missed something as actually I did not see the end of the movie, since the plane I was in, landed before the movie was over.