MovieChat Forums > A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Discussion > Is JEH still under contract to play Fred...

Is JEH still under contract to play Freddy for future movies?

I know that he was under contract to do some sequels. It's now 2017, it'll be some months to go before it'll be 7 full years since we've seen a new Nightmare movie. Since there is now a writer for a New Nightmare reboot, is he still under contract to play Freddy again or would the role just be re-cast? Back in 2010, while promoting this ANOES, he seemed happy and excited to be in any sequels, I wonder how much as changed since then?


I believe JEH was under contract for a sequel, as was Rooney Mara.

I don't know how it works, but it's been nearly nine years since this movie came out. Surely there must be some kind of expiration on it? For example, I'd doubt they'd be able to just decide to do a sequel in 2035, and insist the same actors came back for it.

It's irrelevant anyway, they're not going to make a sequel. Any new movies would be a reboot, and not a sequel to this. So they wouldn't be using the same actors.


Wow - can you imagine Rooney Mara coming back to do the sequel?


They should make her do it, just to spite her for her snooty comments.


Contracts for sequels would have an end date, it would expire if there's years of inactivity.


I'm honestly dissapointed they didn't make a sequel now in hindsight. It was a box office success so I'm not sure why they didn't push on with it despite poor critical reception.


I actually enjoyed it as well. And I loved JEH in it, he was awesome. But I am kinda glad they didn't jump on the sequels bandwagon. That gets old.


I understand your point but I'm a sucker for these Horror franchises. I love so many of the F13, ANOES, Halloween & TCM films.

It's a bit upsetting that we haven't got a F13 or NOES film in 13 and 12 years respectively. I enjoy even the lesser entries in those franchises, so whatever they could have conjured up would have likely been enjoyable for me to a certain extent.

This ANOES remake had some good things going for it. Good production values with some top acting talent. The crew behind it definitely had the potential to deliver another decent film or two.


They would have to jump off the bandwagon that they road in first.


The remake gimmick only works once unless the remake is really good. A lot of people will go see a remake just because it's a new start or if they are fans they want to see if it's good compared to the original. The title and concept sell the remake but a sequel to a lousy remake will not get the same enthusiasm or interest.


I hope not, he sucks.
