two ring questions

I've searched around to see if others also had these 'one ring' questions and came up with everything else under the sun but never found exactly it. Who can help?

Facts are we know from Frodo being stabbed by the Morgul-knife, the 'ring world' and the 'shade world' are one in the same. And we know objects from the 'ring world' can be brought into the 'normal world' because of Radagast fighting off the shade and taking the Witch King's blade to Gandalf as proof because it was buried with him. So now learning this, can we assume logically that objects can be left behind in the 'ring world' as well? (question number 1)

(question number 2) comes from a bystander's viewpoint. So when Bilbo put on the ring and took the Arkenstone, would the stone be appearing to float away by itself to the bystander - or because it was taken when he was 'within the ring world', would it suddenly disappear to the bystander and reappear when Bilbo does?
Maybe the ring acts like Superman's powers that cause him to emit a nano-thin personal force field of sorts encompassing everything that's about one inch away from his body thus 'the ring' encompasses Bilbo only plus something he might be holding or have in his pocket at the time, but not necessarily the chair he might be sitting on.


So, some of this is answered in the greater lore Tolkien left, other parts might be muddy because they were never super-defined and/or might differ in the films.

Question 1: I think the spirit world and the physical world both exist same time/space, but mortals are not privy to the spirit world. Elves, wizards, balrogs, etc., can access the spirit world. Legolas and other elves can practically see in the dark - probably because they have some spirit-sight-sense that we don't have (that's not in the lore, I just used that as a possible "for instance"). Some beings seem to have become partly detatched from the physical world the way that men and hobbits can't tap into the spirit world. The Ringwraiths have poor eyesight because they can't really see the physical world anymore, but when somebody enters the spirit world (puts on the Ring), they can see that sucker plain as day.

So, can things exist in one world, not the other, and be brought back-and-forth? Seems like it. It might be hard to do, though. The object passing you're referencing is, I believe, film stuff, although it could be in the Unfinished Tales or something like that. But I'd guess it would be possible to detach something from its physical form and wraithify it, but that would be REALLY hard. Sauron winds up spirit-only by the end of the Rings, and even then he's sort of adrift and scattered.

Things are kept nebulous there, and so there aren't 100% rules here.

Question 2: Yes. If Bilbo put the Arkenstone into his jacket, I think it would disappear. But if he was just holding it, it would be visible. In the books, Ring-wearing folks aren't visible by undergarments or smoking pipes they have in their pockets. This suggests that objects in clothing or worn on a person fade out, too. But we do see weaponry. For example, the orcs in the tower where Sam rescues Frodo see Sting hovering and slashing at them and they are terrified, thinking themselves under the attack of some demigod invisible elf lord.


but I don't think Sting can be see when sheathed so the invisibility must extend to clothing in direct contact with the body.


True, yes. So, perhaps wrapped in cloth the Arkenstone would be protected by the invisibility.
