This movie is a slog fest. I don't see the masterpiece many are calling it.
I tried twice to get through it, but never made it past the 90 minute mark. I always liked the Lynch version, especially the extra long TV version, but this one pales in comparison. No way is the acting better in this new one. All it is are actors reading their lines in a slow, depressing, deadpan manner. Jason Momoa is just playing Jason Momoa again. The sets all look the same, like an ancient Egyptian granite city. Even the ships look like their made of granite. No imagination at all. Lynch's sets were all different for every new planet or location shown.
And that big battle scene. Each opposing side probably had 100 extras each. Couldn't they CGI in some soldiers. One thing about the battle that looked like a kid wrote it was when all the Atreides soldiers are exposed running in the open, instead of continuing their bombardment from the sky, the Harkonnens land and fight hand to hand. Seems like bad military strategy to give up your upper hand to make the fighting more level.