MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid (2010) Discussion > Why does so many people like this more t...

Why does so many people like this more than the original???

This is by far the worst fu*king remake ever. It fu*king copied off almost everything off the original, and I hated how they chose twelve year old actors for this movie instead of eighteen year old's. This is just a wimpy piece o' sh*t, especially with Justin Bieber singing during the credits.


Nobody likes this movie except stupid people who don't know movies exist before 2010.
There was no reason to remake this other than a cash grab.

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No, culwin, there was a more important reason for making this abortion of a movie. They made it to try to make Will Smith’s gay son a movie star. 😂🤮


This movie is awful but I think the Nightmare on Elm Street remake is the worst.


It's a small percentage of people with poor taste


A nice family film that has action and anti-bullying message. Reconciliation after tragedy and the wonder of Chinese culture.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega



Rachelherod-- you are either in love with nutjobs Smith, black or racist. And what both you and jaden have in common is you're both should be in a mental institution and on medications. My front door has more talent than that piece ofS hit! He cannot act. His sister cannot sing and their mother is a RACIST PIECE OfS hit herself. And every Actor/ actress you named opposite him is white which leads me to believe that you are nothing but a RACIST!!!


Imagine if a white person did the remake. . .they would be called IGNORANT and RACIST because this movie has NOTHING TO DO WITH KARATE!

It wasn't a bad movie in my opinion except for the IGNORANT TITLE. That was a turn off for me.

The plot was copied almost verbatim from the original. While this remake was done very well, there was nothing really that stood out.


Yeah I noticed that when a show, any show, is on and there is a couple of blacks in the cast, or if there isn't any blacks at all, THE WHITES ARE DEEMED RACIST AND A RIOT BRAKES OUT. however when a show has an ALL BLACK CAST... NOTHING HAPPENS! the whites don't riot. The whites don't loot. The whites don't do nothing. I really like Will Smith, but his racistB itch wife is talentless! Both kids are clearly from another planet. I was watching a TV talk show of some kind, and they were interviewing the daughter and as they were asking her questions she just stared off into space and started making beeping noises. Then she started asking the interviewer( Billy Busch I think) if "he ever thought about jumping into a big can of motor oil and then help run an engine"? Billy just SAT there with his mouth wide open and said to her" are you on something"?. Crazy ...


The original wasn't all that original. Catching flies with chopsticks was something that was already done in Jackie's 1978 movie, Snake in the Eagle's Shadow.


I showed both movies to my nephew and he enjoyed both but was more moved by the original and cried at the end when Daniel won. Obviously to me the original felt more authentic to him with more heart and like was said by a previous post, stands the test of time.
