Best of the three

The comedic timing, the story pacing, the special effects...all top notch. Loved it.


Best of the three? Can't disagree more. The storyline is robed from at least two other vampire movies, the giggle factor was way just seems to me like it should be a fun TV show on weekly.

This film was missing all the Indiana Jones factors that the previous two films had. This was more an Indy 4 feel. And we all know what that means.




I really enjoyed it. I saw bits and pieces of the the others, but really enjoyed this one. I, personally, would like to see more adventures.

Noah is adorable, and you can't go wrong with Bob Newhart or Jane Curtain.


I believe the saying goes "First is the worst, second is the best...then the third has a hairy chest and was rejected by her date at the prom."


Well, I didn't see what vampire movies you're talking about so that wasn't a factor for me. Never heard this storyline so it's original to me.

The second one was terrible, the first one was really good, but this one I liked the most.


this one was great.
a lot of fun, which is what these films are.. just family-friendly fun.



I definitely liked the first one the most. I guess I've read too many vampire stories, or seen too many movies about them, because I kept noticing a lot of similarities. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, they took the entire Judas as the first vampire thing from another movie.

"You are exactly my brand of heroin."



the first was the best.


This movie was like a train wreck - you didn't want to watch but you had to. The series seems to have gone down hill. There was so much action in the first and even in the second that this was such a let down. I was really looking forward to it but I was really looking forward to IJ4 also. Sigh.

This first is still the best.




I liked all 3 movies pretty much equally. Being a fan of Jonathan Frakes, I probably liked the 2nd and 3rd more but only because he drected them.

I only have one real problem with the movie. I also have the same issue with Twilight (I haven't seen it yet but the trailer and clips seem bear it out) and the TV show Angel. The problem is I'm a vampire traditionalist like Dracula and Dark Shadows. I like to see the vampires sleep in their coffins during the day rather than just stay out of the sun. Other than that I love vampire movies.


I thought it was the best of the three even though the plotline screamed "TWILIGHT!" it was still fresh to me. I always love the plot twists in each movie in this case the old crippled professor was the vampire himself! I also love the fact that Flynn's sweatheart was undead which made this movie even better for me. I think the only time the Indiana Jones series crossed the lines between fantasy and reality was in the Last Crusade when he met up with the 700 year old knght.


indiana jones 4 is the best in the series in my opinion, a 2 hour thrill-ride that was better than all television and films of 2008 with the exception of Chuck mondays nbc, heroes monday nbc and WALL-E best film of the year !

Dark Chocolate added to every meal is healthier than vegetables !




Actually Bram Stoker made up the sleeping in coffins and dirt of the homeland stuff. Most traditional vampires don't have those restrictions. And the stay out of sunlight thing is actually from the movie Nosferatu. In the book, Dracula could go out in sunlight; it just irritated his eyes.

But other than that, I'm also a fan of good vampire movies. This one was decent, but nothing special. The previous Librarian movies, especially the first, were much better.



yea, the first one was probably the best, it was a pleasant surprise, but this one too had a good pace, noah owns the character, the story fly, and the overall directing/acting is not smashed by the abuse of cgi/special effects (as in many other smaller budget movies happens), it also proves that it doesn't take

$185,000,000 (estimated)

to make a good adventure movie, they could and should give a shot on the bigger screen, it might get better results than any other big production one

looking forward to the 4th of the series :)



I just watched all three last night and I think the 3rd is the best also. I'm not gonna dock it for ripping other vampire movies when the firs two rip off all kinds of flicks too, especially Indy movies.

I think this one had the best pacing and was really helped by being able to go on location in NOLA so that they didnt have to use a lot of blatant green screens.

The FX in the first were laughable even for the time and it really took me out of it, especially on the bridge scene where wood was falling off all over the place in areas where they hadnt even walked on and it was clearly a looped computer graphic rather than one long shot. It looked on the level of stuff from Xena which is like 10 years older. What was annoying was if could have shot around using as much green screen as they did. The part at the temple should have been an establishing shot and then mostly over the shoulder shots, not a wide showing everyone b/c it just made us have to look at the bad backround more than we needed to. The action scenes were shot and edited very poorly in the first as well. The part where he falls off the mountain and she catches him with a rope... Come on. We already know she is a badass. This was pointless. The final battle especially was bad with the way it was shot and edited and was very jarring the way it flipped back and forth.

The second was just too predictable in parts for its own good. It was pretty clear that his dads friend was gonna end up being a bad dude. The bits in Africa were borderline racist and insulting at times. Noah Wyle came off like a moron too many times in it as well. It was too jumpy with the editing much like the first. Characters would suddenly appear without any explanation or reason. The bats were terrible and made it look cheap. The fights were an improvement over the first but still poorly shot.

Of course the third had issues too. Again, there were many moments where if characters would just tell each other what they knew, things would be much easier to accomplish. Hitting a high note to break the glass to escape was lame and I think they could have come up with something better. While I thought Dracula and Simone's fight was interesting and moderately well done, the other vampires looking like zombies was well... not so good. Killing the one with a grenade made little sense. The opening montage using bits from the first two movies felt like they were padding time and couldn't come up with a real opening.

Now I know I've done some bashing here but I di like these flicks and want to see more of them. I think Noah Wyle has a ton of charisma and really carries them well. Bob Newhart and Jane Curtain have improved in each one IMO. Olympia Dukakis makes me laugh with the way she treat him. Its a fun and quirky turn your brain off type show and I like that about them.

I agree with the poster that said it seems like this might work better as a tv series. Perhaps as a serial type thing where each movie is maybe like a 3 to 5 episode mini series? That way they could go more in depth with whats going on and it it wouldn't jump from place to place so fast.

The one thing that I can't figure out really is who is the audience they are going for? At times it seems like its for little kids but at others its as if its for teens and young adults. You certainly would have to know a decent amount of history to get some of the jokes like when he is drying his face on the Shroud of Turin but the goofy bits with Excalibur basically being a pet or the pan pipes playing is very kiddie. Yet he jumps in the sack with the ladies in a way that I cant see it being for kids under, oh I dunno, 12ish.

Anyways, enough of my blathering. I put them in this order w/how much I liked them. 3, 1, 2.



I loved this one (SO much better than the second) but I will always love the first one best.

But this one was great. A nice return to form.

Light the lamp, not the rat. Light the lamp, not the rat!

