MovieChat Forums > Sex Drive (2008) Discussion > Way to Ruin a Great Charecter(Spoiler)

Way to Ruin a Great Charecter(Spoiler)

rex was by far the most interesting thing in the movie,his homophobia was just hilarious,but in the end they just decided hey let's not offend the homos or something like that and turned rex into a gay,they simply ruined most of the funny things about him during the film,where was I?



HaHa!! I love how commentary on movies becomes social commentary so quickly.

OK, so queers, fags, gays, homos., whatever! They are people like all the rest of us. *beep* kikes, wetbacks, honkeys, camel jockeys, yep same thing, PEOPLE LIKE THE REST OF US!!!

So, lets keep on task!!!

Was Rex being "Gay" at the end of the movie a way to ruin a great character? Well, it was a bit predictable, however, I thought it was HILARIOUS!!! Cyclops is a gay hating, uhm homosexual...AWESOME!!!

Now the ultimate test to are you a homophobe or latent "queer".

Two people are making out, in public, passionately, no nudity, but definite PDA going on, does it bother you if?...

Two Men?

Two Women?

One Man, One Woman?

OK. IF you answered yes to all three of the above, you are NOT a homophobe, just a prude. (unless kids are present than that may not apply)

If you answered Yes, to #1 and #2 but no to #3, you are an uptight possible homophobe. Most likely yes, you are a HOMOPHOBE.

If you answered Yes to #1 and 3 but not #2, YOU ARE A HOMOPHOBE!

If you answered Yes to #3, but no to #1 and #2, nope you are GAY! And that is OK!!!

If you answered No to all three then you are either a) Gay b) completely open adn taht is cool but most likely c)Bi-sexual and that is Cool too.

So in closing, REX BEING GAY WAS AWESOME!!!!


Well, Two Women doesnt bother me, One man and One Woman doesnt bother me, but Two Men would creep me out. That doesn't make me a homophobe, I don't have any type of irrational fear it's like staring at that *beep* you just took in the toilet. You see it when you stand up, but it's still gross and depending on what I ate it makes me a bit queezy. I am not going to run away or be uncomfortable around someone who I know is gay though, thats just how their brain is wired. Mine is wired to enjoy ass and titties, doesn't matter if it's me, another dude doin it to her, or another woman doin it to her its still a turn on.

So technically I would answer Yes to number one and No to number 2 and 3 which I just noticed you didn't post a result for.

Anyways I thought Rex was awesome and if you couldn't tell he was gay from the first 10 minutes of the movie your just dense.


freebird87 said it best. Most homophobes are closet homosexuals so Rex being a homosexual was realistic.

"We're all in it together, kid." ~ Harry Tuttle (Brazil)



First off, homosexuality is not how one's brain is wired. It (genetics) is part of it, but the environment they grow up in and constant civizational brainwashing is also a very large part of it.

The best evidence that shows this is true, and how natural homosexuality is, is to just go back 3000 years and look at how people acted pre-bible and pre-christianity (also known as state-backed brainwashing [at the time]). Back in Roman times, homosexuality was not thought of as wrong (and why would it be? It is simply two people physically expressing their love for one another without hurting anyone else). However, I guess it is ok for a man and a woman to express their love physically, but not two people of the same sex. What does that tell you about your theories, ethics and morals. How does two people whom consent to having sex with each other in private harm anyone else?

Furthermore, if during Roman times approximately 30% of the people were heterosexual, 30% of the people were homosexual, and 40% of the people were bisexual, what does that tell you about whether it is natural or not? If 70% of the people were practicing it (and on top of that, animals still practice it because they cannot be brainwashed by your mythical religious tales of damnation), there is no doubt that it is completely natural.

Once the bible came along (which was written by falliblee humans who had never actually met Jesus in person), people just blindly listened and accepted everything in the bible as doctrine despite the aburdity of it. Why would any intelligent person accept the writings of a human being who were answerable to the state. That's all the bible ever was: a book written under the pretense of being what god wanted in order to keep people in line. If you lived back then and understood what life was like, you would understand how tempting and easy it was to rob another person. The government needed something strong and scary enough beyond the law to frighten people away from these crimes.

It's as bad as what Hitler did: using religion to justify hate, exclusion and murder. Religion is the cause of more wars than any other reason and more people are killed in the name of religion than for any other reason except natural causes.

Furthermore, if you consider the fact that our planet is overpopulated with the United States's poverty level as high as its been since the Great Depression, as well as our overuse of our planet's resources because of the number of people who require energy, as well as our destruction of many animal's habitats because of our massive expansion, and the pollution we cause to the land, water and air, it is only obvious that the planet's overpopulation is the main reason.

Lots of moronic religious people one of the most absurd arguements when I heard them say "well, if everyone were gay, it would be the end of our civilization." When I hear people say that, I wonder if they are saying that if homosexuality were acceptable that they would become one. If not, then they aren't alone and we would still have 70% of the population having heterosexual sex (even if the 40% of bisexuals [using Romes' example] only had heterosexual encounters every now and then, the race would continue to survive but more importantly, our planet would not be overpopulated and the harm we are causing through the overpopulation would be nowhere near as bad.

Homosexuality is nature's way of population control. When christianity came along and taught people to be hateful, judgmental and bigoted, it cause more harm to our civilization than people even realize.

Now, psychologically speaking, not every homophobic person is homosexual. However, homophobes typically fall into two separate categories, though there are exceptions. The first type of homophobe is the more uneducated type that has been taught by bigoted parents, family and friends since they were young to hate gay people and believe it was a "sin." With these people, even if they were compassionate and relatively intelligent people, they still had to pretend to hate homosexuals to fit in better with their redneck friends.

The second type of homphobe is the homosexual who dislikes himself so much because of society, again because of what he has been taught by family and friends. This extreme dislike in themselves causes them to attempt to prove, not to their family or friends, but more to themselves that they aren't homosexual. They are extremely ashamed of themselves despite not doing anything wrong.

Finally, the post about heterosexuals getting erections while watching homosexual pornography being because of anger and fear is the most ludicrous think I have ever heard. The only people men who get erections out of anger are dangerous men who link their anger with violence and thus get off on hurting others. As far as gettin an erection out of fear is moronic. The only way a man would get an erection at all with fear involved is if he was physically having relations with another person in a public place and the excitement of getting caught (which is not really fear) turns them on. However, if you are a man and aren't attracted to men, this simply would not work, so that theory was over before it even began.

There have been hundreds of well-documented surveys explaining the heterosexual tendencies of homophobes. It is not complex psychology and has too many well documented examples concerning high profile people (many politicians) to be questioned. There are always exceptions, but if you are a homophobe, you fall into one of two categories: an unintelligent, close-minded, brainwashed, no-life loser who claims to be homophobic yet somehow cannot get the idea of what gay people do in private out of their mind.

The others are repressed homosexuals who are extremely embarassed and angry about their feelings and desired an inability to act on them. Because of this, they are so afraid of being found out that they have to act like they hate homosexuals through talk and physical violence in an attempt to convince others but more importantly themselves that they are not gay.

True heterosexuals who are comfotable with their sexuality have no problem with homosexuality. Did you ever wonder why most women have no problem watching two women? It may not turn them on but they don't pretend that it is "sick" and that it "grosses them out." The same thing with gay people. They may not find heterosexual or lesbian sex a turn on, but they don't have issues where they find it sick and disgusting. Seriously, if you are trying to defend your homophobic stance, you really need to reexamine your thoughts and actions and through self-awareness you can figure out what you real problem is.


If you answered Yes to #1 and 3 but not #2, YOU ARE A HOMOPHOBE!

If you answered Yes to #3, but no to #1 and #2, nope you are GAY! And that is OK!!!
Is it ok for a gay person to have a hatred for straight people, and if they do, are they secretly straight?


I thought it made up for the homophobia, because I don't find homophobia funny.

Let's face it; most homophobes are closet cases, anyway...

Love United. Hate Glazers.


I'm a homophobe and get a hard-on every time i see a homo getting the crap beat outta him....not that there's anything wrong with that.


All that man on man action certainly gets you going :)



I agree. That ending messed the whole character up. I'm not homophobic but up until that part, Rex was one of the best parts of the movie. But just like Lance, appearances can be deceiving and they basically did the same thing with Rex that they did with Lance. They allowed the audience to judge the "cover of the book" then pulled the switcheroo. But I would have preferred an ending where Josh just gets up in Rex's face and freaks out on him and Rex backs down and finally gives him respect which in turn gives Josh more confidence and stops him from acting like such a wimp.


What are you, like 12? Only a child or a total douchebag would find that level of homophobia funny. And it was obvious he was gay. I saw that ending a mile away. Why else would he talk about it so much?

I Am Who I Am.
Your approval isn't required.


Dude the joke is that guys who act like Rex, usually have a gay side to them,and thats why they act like an obnoxious douche.. He was realy funny though haha, a good actor


Let's face it; most homophobes are closet cases, anyway...

This kinda saying always makes me laugh.

No most homophobes couldn't be any straighter, this is just something gays say in the hopes that normal people won't mock them.

Alot of people hate gays (myself included), they're pathetic, comical, carry diseases, act like divas etc, it's just that you arn't "allowed" to say these things due to political correctness.


Is this just an out-holes shouldn't be in-holes kind a hatred? Or political? Mentality? Personality?

I don't think it's politically incorrect to be disgusted by certain sex acts. Nor is it inappropriate to hate someone's personality traits.

On the subject of homophobes being closet homosexuals, that's a pretty ridiculous idea. But it does stem from the idea that people hate in others what they hate about themselves. That phrase is much more ambiguous. It's when people try and interpret this in more ridged terms as others have stated, then they're just being silly.

Human sexuality is a spectrum. Measured by masculine and feminine qualities (don't mistake that for male and female qualities). People on the extreme side of masculinity just can't relate as well to those on a feminine side, which makes perfect sociological sense. If you can't relate to someone, the less likely you'll be motivated to care. It sounds to me like you're in that group.

I don't know you, but if you hate gays, I'm guessing it's due to the fact that you don't care about the particular group on the other end of the scale and it has turned to hatred because everyone seems to be pressuring you to care.

Since my comments would take too long to say in casual conversation it's a lot quicker for you to just state "I hate gays."

Let me know if I have any of this wrong because I'm curious.


You're an idiot dude. You hate the words of a great comedian:

"It don't make no sense to hate nobody. Cause whoever you hate most...will end up in your family. That's right. You don't like gays? You gon' have a gay son. Don't like Puerto Ricans? Your daughters gonna come home with Livin La Vida Loca."

Throughout my entire life, this phrase has been true with every example of hatred and bigotry I've witnessed. So if your son ends up being gay, what, you gonna suddenly hate him and kick him out of the house? If your best friend of years suddenly confides in you one drunken night that he thinks he's attracted to men, you going to instantly sever all ties? You pathetic bitch of a man. Those limp wristed skinny dudes in drag at the Chicago pride parades have more balls than your dumbass.


So if your son ends up being gay, what, you gonna suddenly hate him and kick him out of the house?

I'd make sure that would never happen. Make him realise the joke that are gays from a young age.

If your best friend of years suddenly confides in you one drunken night that he thinks he's attracted to men, you going to instantly sever all ties?

Absolutley, I'd drop him like a rock.

Those limp wristed skinny dudes in drag at the Chicago pride parades have more balls than your dumbass.

I'd be offended but then I remember that these same people are grown adults that like to stick their wang into other grown adults stink hole where they crap from and thus realise that I'm superior for not being mentally handicapped.


Were you paying attention? His orientation was foreshadowed from the start. If that had NOT happened the movie would have been ruined.
