Bad, by any standards!

This movie is bad, no matter how you try to see it.

I'm not a popcorn movie lover, but this fart is an insult to movie-making.

Don't try to read anything else about it and don't try to make make sense or see any connecting dots. It's just a sad backgammon by two decrepit old men: Jarmusch and Doyle -- far from their past glory.

The main character is a clown - trying to play cool guy but when he talks he sounds like a duck and with that monkey face, the repeating lines are obnoxious, the anti-establishment note is cartoonish, the sets are cheap, the women are trashy.

No need to elaborate further, it left me with a sour taste - just move over this crap.


The main character is a clown - trying to play cool guy but when he talks he sounds like a duck
You just made me want to see it even more.

I'd also like to point out that you started reading this sentence, thinking it was part of my post.




My God, I'm almost certain you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.



Nothing in this posts remotely makes any sense.






plupart certainment, it seems.



none of those as a matter of fact. merely someone who agrees with a previously made comment.


I could not have said it better


Which isn't saying much.




Either you love Jarmusch's work, or you hate it. There is no gray area. io_il is a Jarmusch hater, that's all. If you go back and watch the rest of his films, starting with Stranger than Paradise, then you'll get it. In fact, you might want more. Jarmusch is an aquired taste, kind of like burgundy wine. io_il, do you like Boones Farm?


ANY Standards? maybe YOUR Standards. It's not Jim's best movie though,


It's the first Jarmusch movie I saw. I'm planning to see the rest of them, but honestly, right now I don't see how he could top this one...


Anamon, you should watch J's Down By Law.


Detecting a troll when you see one: priceless.

Come on people, chill out. "The sets are cheap" for a movie that, I think, doesn't even have a single one; no later than there should you have smelled the fish.
