'90s Setting?

Why was this set in the '90s? Just so she could have videotapes? Was there something about the story or themes better brought out by the '90s setting? I forgot about it most of the time, and it didn't seem to matter.

Contrast this to other shows or films that are period pieces with purpose. There's no need to question why Almost Famous is set in the early '70s; it makes 100% sense given the narrative of the film.

But what's the point here?


To be reminiscent of lynchian films.


It just felt like they didn't use it enough.


I can only imagine beyond the appeal of 'retro 90s' look and maybe a fondness for the era from the creators, having no access to things like internet and mobile phones etc makes the story more compelling or opens opportunities for plot devices like characters going missing or mystery around things?


Maybe, but we've had plenty of stories - even mystery stories - set during the current age of cell phone-havers. Some plot points get harder to work around (without resorting to the "no bars" cop out), but it's still possible to have those elements in the 21st century.
